I joined this forum recently, but I've been quite active in reading the posts and topics now and then.
I share the same ideology as most of you people do. Liberal, forward, and responsible. It's good to see people like you here, and the general intellect of the people who know what they're talking about!
So, yes, I have begun my journey, albeit a mental one right now. In a few months, I'll apply for an Arms License, and try to figure out what I want as my carry (Limited choices, still! ). I know it's not an easy road down there, but I'm prepared.

Looking forward for more interactions, and fruitful discussions. Believe me, I feel good about this already!

So, wish me godspeed, and Jai Hind! May we all progress, both as individuals, and as a society, together.
“An armed society is a polite society.” -Robert A. Heinlein