the Precihole NX100 Nitro Piston Rifle (photo comparison)
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the Precihole NX100 Nitro Piston Rifle Long barrel & short barrel
hay friends,
i am planning to but Nx100 soon, i need a advice whats the difference betw'n long barrel & short barrel. does that affect shooting experience like power, accuracy etc.
i am planning to but Nx100 soon, i need a advice whats the difference betw'n long barrel & short barrel. does that affect shooting experience like power, accuracy etc.
- Basu
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Re: the Precihole NX100 Nitro Piston Rifle (photo comparison)
Researchers say that 10 " barrel is sufficient to give max velocity and accuracy.
As the pellet travel more , it gets deformed more and thus reduces accuracy & power.
As the pellet travel more , it gets deformed more and thus reduces accuracy & power.
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Re: the Precihole NX100 Nitro Piston Rifle (photo comparison)
If u wanna move arround with ur gun, choose short barrel. On the contary, the longer barrel takes relatively less cocking effort. There is no difference in terms of accuracy & power betwn these guns. I have both of them.
- Bullo oka
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Re: the Precihole NX100 Nitro Piston Rifle (photo comparison)
Stock has poor finish like some edgy areas, but pad not glued properly, and the brown colour peeling in some area. And you have to careful were you resting your gun.
For the sight its pin point accurate for me, dunno about the rf plating I got black one.
May be you got the defective one.
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For the sight its pin point accurate for me, dunno about the rf plating I got black one.
May be you got the defective one.
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Re: the Precihole NX100 Nitro Piston Rifle (photo comparison
Hi Shooter.177cal,shooter.177cal wrote:Little tip from what I learnt : When firing a spring-piston gun the hit will be below the actual point of aim, as when piston hit the barrel opening, it dips the gun. ADJUSTING sights won't work because whatever new point of aim will be, it will be dipped down. So, only solution is that aim little higher. Correct me if I am wrong, although I strongly believe I'm not.
Since your post mentions, "correct me if I am wrong", here's something you may want to consider please!
First thing first, if you are consistently shooting low, and provided that every other factor in your shooting is at par, ....then your GRIP for SURE is tighter than it should be with springers. SO, first try to wring out of this: The simple rule - Lay (and not grip) the rifle!
And now, coming to your bit about "springers hitting below the POA"....Springers require you to aim as you would with any air rifle. The rifle's (and by implication, the barrel's) movement in any shot goes like this: The muzzle rises in the primary recoil cycle, and then in the surge cycle of recoil displacement (post piston bounce), it trudges forward and moves down vertically. The pellet exit point is almost always the early phase of the surge cycle.
If you are not tensing up your muscles to add to the recoil, and letting the gun move freely, the POI (of a zeroed gun) ought to be where the POA is!
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Re: the Precihole NX100 Nitro Piston Rifle (photo comparison)
I sold my nx100 scorpius to my friend
Becoz,,,now a days imported .22 pellets r very expensive in india & more over its so difficult to find it

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Becoz,,,now a days imported .22 pellets r very expensive in india & more over its so difficult to find it

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- Bullo oka
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Re: the Precihole NX100 Nitro Piston Rifle (photo comparison
Hi, brihacharan ji.brihacharan wrote:Hi supershaji,supershaji wrote:Janaab Briha,
Shukriya once again for your input and motivation!
I shall try to get my hands on some better quality pellets (I do feel that the MasterShot wad cutter pellets are consistent though) and shoot again.
Two questions for you:
I know you have a Muzzle Brake on one of your ARs; how does it effect accuracy and general performance practically?
Does a Nitro-Piston / Gas Ram AR demand an 'Air Rifle Scope' only?
Q: Muzzle Brake- how does it effect accuracy and general performance practically?
Ans: Muzzle Break indirectly contributes to better shooting (maintain accuracy) by providing a 'ballast' ( a counter weight) that gives balance while aiming. It helps the pellet to maintain a straight flight path by dispersing the compressed air prior to the exit of the pellet from the barrel - in fact the pellet exits into an ambient atmosphere rather than a disturbed one.
Ans:It's preferable to go for a AR rated scope - Compared to the Springer the Nitro Piston minimizes vibration to a great extent - but still an AR rated scope is a better bet - don't take a chance by fitting a non-AR rated scope.
Also while the cocking of a Nitro Piston is far smoother than a Springer - The added length of the Muzzle Brake makes cocking even more smoother.
In your post, you mentioned the muzzle break.
What kind of muzzle break is it? Is it detachable? Where did you get it from? Is it the one precihole selling as cocking lever.
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Re: the Precihole NX100 Nitro Piston Rifle (photo comparison)
i am having nx100 club elite it is deadly accurate giving nice elite is their best model for target shooting .
- supershaji
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Re: the Precihole NX100 Nitro Piston Rifle (photo comparison)
Wow. Time sure does fly!
It has been over seven years since I have these two Air Rifles and countless shots through those barrels. They have been accurate all through, and over thousand shots or so later, they're both better than ever still. I do not over maintain them as such, and they've been hardy that way.
I decided to finally change the scope mount from the double ring mount set to a single piece mount yesterday since the hind piece of the precious mount was almost onnthe edge of the rails due to the two way recoil on the Nitro.
However, it was a good exercise (re)zeroing the rifles after long and thought i would be a good time to update this old post of mine.
It has been over seven years since I have these two Air Rifles and countless shots through those barrels. They have been accurate all through, and over thousand shots or so later, they're both better than ever still. I do not over maintain them as such, and they've been hardy that way.
I decided to finally change the scope mount from the double ring mount set to a single piece mount yesterday since the hind piece of the precious mount was almost onnthe edge of the rails due to the two way recoil on the Nitro.
However, it was a good exercise (re)zeroing the rifles after long and thought i would be a good time to update this old post of mine.
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