Dear all. Wanted to buy a combination DBBL gun

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Dear all. Wanted to buy a combination DBBL gun

Post by sathvik » Mon Nov 20, 2017 1:13 pm

Recently seen a DBBL side by side 12 bore and a 500 N.E bore gun . It's a decent weapon with exposed hammers .

The main concern is at what price I could quote the seller .

Since it's of a third party the dealer asked me the quote . Please do advice me

The pics of gun is not available the gun is in rush .
Firing pins are broken
Wood is still in good shape.

Please do educate me


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Re: Dear all. Wanted to buy a combination DBBL gun

Post by mundaire » Mon Nov 20, 2017 2:02 pm

Since you won't be getting any .500 NE ammo in India, it's essentially a very heavy hammered single barrel 12 bore shotgun... and one which you say will require repairs! I'm betting that when it goes for repairs to a competent gunsmith, he'll find a lot more wrong with it than just broken pins.

Why even bother buying it?

Anyhow, if you are so inclined, you probably shouldn't pay anything more than ₹10-15,000 for it and don't forget to budget an equal amount for repairs.

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Re: Dear all. Wanted to buy a combination DBBL gun

Post by sathvik » Mon Nov 20, 2017 2:13 pm

Well you are absolutely right sir .
When the gun is disassembled the number of complaint may increase .

I didn't know 500ne is not available in India. Thank you sir for enlightening me . I'll stick to the price range which you set . If I score the gun surely update you.


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