Hello Pran☺.
Well,here in Coorg even though we have that previlage some people are so lazy to get that because of the hassels.People who own land categorised as Jamma land are given exemption certificate.
I know some people ,who deposited the gun to police that had been passed over from generations and never made an attempt to get an exemption certificate done .Very less people are into shooting sport ,here in Coorg.
Even my uncle a EX army man who had two dbbl and one muzzle loader left it for rotting.
Four years back i used one of his dbbl's ,fired couple of shots ,it was fine gun ,unlike most made in India dbbl guns whose ejector pin won't work.Last sunday when i visited him i couldn't even recognise it.It was all rusted and damm thing wouldn't even open.Such is a pathetic condition of gunners in Coorg.
Sorry if I am boring