The crazy things pacifists tell me

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The crazy things pacifists tell me

Post by mundaire » Sat Jun 10, 2017 5:08 pm

Please feel free to share similar (crazy) things that people have told you! :)

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The Crazy Things Pacifists Tell Me
May 17, 2017

I don’t bring up the subject with strangers. That said, sometimes people find out I’m a gun owner. The way they respond is remarkable. I assume that they are sincere in what they say but that assumption is strained. Their comments are more a confession about themselves than as an honest question directed to me. I usually bite my tongue because of the social situation. Then it occurred to me that other gun owners must be hearing similar comments. I’ve kept my answers to myself. Now I’ll share them with you.

I live on the safe side of town so I don’t need a gun for protection. I usually hear this from a well-to-do woman and it makes me smile. Does she think criminals don’t have maps that show them where the rich people live? Maybe she thinks criminals can’t drive. The woman is obviously intelligent, yet she has a profound blind-spot when it comes to personal safety. We didn’t meet inside her gated community. Why does she think she is safe everywhere?

Guns aren’t the answer. Maybe guns are not the answer, but then we are certainly talking about different questions. I assume the speaker knows that the police have firearms for personal protection. The first person who told me to go armed was a police officer. I listen to professionals.

People don’t protect themselves with guns any longer. That is just a fantasy from the old-west. This one perplexes me. I assume they read too many cowboy novels. I think they stopped reading too soon. They never learned the real history of our western frontier. Also, the speaker never bothered to learn the facts about armed citizens who carry in public now. Armed towns on the western frontier were safer than our large democrat-controlled cities are today. Ain’t that right, Marshal Dillon?

Only the police should have guns. True, the police should have guns, but have you thought about what it is like to be a policeman? Almost every policeman I’ve met told me to carry because of what they see every day. Time after time, day after day, the police arrive too late. They take reports from innocent injured victims. That is a core part of their job and it has to hurt. The police would much rather take your report that says you protected yourself and the criminal ran away.

Only criminals have guns. This is really a statement about how narrow a group of friends the speaker has. I’m probably the first gun owner they know.. and there are a hundred million gun owners in the US. To be fair, they probably don’t know anyone who owns a pickup truck either.

You don’t need a gun. That is true. I don’t. I don’t need toothpaste and deodorant either. I don’t need a fire extinguisher at home or a first aid kit in my car, but I have them..just like I have a firearm.

My husband or wife has a gun, so I don’t need one. This comment makes me bite my tongue. I’m thinking they volunteered to be the designated victim..or maybe the designated hostage. They must have an interesting personal relationship they have with their spouse, but I don’t ask.

Gun’s don’t belong in schools. Lots of things don’t belong in schools, but I’ve seen them there. Cuts and broken bones don’t belong in schools, yet we have first-aid kits on scene for a reason. I won’t pretend that bad things don’t happen. I won’t lie to make you feel better. What exactly is their plan when they see more things they don’t want in schools?

You just want to kill someone. This person obviously has no idea about the huge personal and financial costs of threatening to use lethal force, let alone pulling the trigger. Ignorance must be bliss.

I couldn’t kill someone. That is hard to believe. Maybe the people who say this think they are gentle. Would they really stand by and watch while their family is threatened or injured? If I take them seriously, then either they don’t care about other people or they look forward to seeing someone hurt. Maybe some village lost its sociopath?

People like you shouldn’t have machine guns. I’ve fired a machine gun. Not having automatic weapons hasn’t compromised my self-defense plans since I don’t feel the need to fight off a zombie horde tonight.

Why do you want another tool that kills? I love this question. I look around the room and see how many things I could use for self-defense. I’m an engineer so everything is a tool.

You’re more likely to be hurt if you have a gun because the criminal will take your gun away from you. So they are saying we would all be safer if we disarmed the police and gave guns to criminals? That way the police would always have a gun when they needed it by taking the criminal’s gun! It’s an interesting idea, but they can go first and I’ll record the results from here.

I bet I’m not alone. You’ve heard similar things and you’ve thought similar things. Thank you for sharing them.. here, and not saying them in public. :wink:
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Re: The crazy things pacifists tell me

Post by goodboy_mentor » Sat Jun 10, 2017 8:43 pm

As per my personal observation, if you dig a little deep into the mind, psychology and their relationship dynamics with other people, "pacifists" are control freaks. When these control freaks enter politics and finally get political power, they start destroying all the human rights including right to keep and bear arms.
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Re: The crazy things pacifists tell me

Post by Vikram » Sat Jun 10, 2017 10:04 pm

There is a lot in that post that I agree with. I would like to be in a position to protect myself. People can argue on finer details, but, in principle, I would like to be armed with at least a handgun should I ever be caught up in a situation like the one happened on London Bridge. The police did respond fast but it took them eight minutes to reach the place that is in the heart of the city; very close to the Parliament. Which meant eight people being killed and scores seriously injured before the terrorists were shot down. Terrorist attacks can be very unusual occurrences. A knife-wielding crazy or criminal isn't.
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Re: The crazy things pacifists tell me

Post by K1eaner » Sun Jun 11, 2017 1:04 pm

I'm, let your imagination run wild about what people say when I talk about owning one.

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Re: The crazy things pacifists tell me

Post by Vikram » Sun Jun 11, 2017 3:14 pm

K1eaner wrote:I'm, let your imagination run wild about what people say when I talk about owning one.
Rights are universal to all citizens. There are no partially applied or selectively given rights under a democratic constitution. Doesn't matter what you are or who you are as long as you fulfil the legal requirements. (y)
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Re: The crazy things pacifists tell me

Post by Woods » Sun Jun 11, 2017 3:46 pm

Vikram wrote:There is a lot in that post that I agree with. I would like to be in a position to protect myself. People can argue on finer details, but, in principle, I would like to be armed with at least a handgun should I ever be caught up in a situation like the one happened on London Bridge. The police did respond fast but it took them eight minutes to reach the place that is in the heart of the city; very close to the Parliament. Which meant eight people being killed and scores seriously injured before the terrorists were shot down. Terrorist attacks can be very unusual occurrences. A knife-wielding crazy or criminal isn't.
People were thrashing bottles etc on attackers , were trying to hide under benches and most importantly they were howling like sissies (no offence meant) every now and then . Womenization of european men is complete .

Added in 4 minutes 21 seconds:
Pacifists /libtards/leftist goons/ media also say -
# It's not befitting to carry a gun .
# Pen is the most powerful weapon .
# We are not person like that ( those who carry a gun ie degraded people)
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Re: The crazy things pacifists tell me

Post by Vikram » Mon Jun 12, 2017 9:56 pm

Woods wrote:Pacifists /libtards/leftist goons/ media also say -
# It's not befitting to carry a gun .
# Pen is the most powerful weapon .
# We are not person like that ( those who carry a gun ie degraded people)
I really dislike labelling people with pejorative terms. If someone disapproves of ownership of firearms, one is free to do so. I take objections to that view but I do not view them as enemies or worthy of abuse. There are perfectly decent people who do not subscribe to owning guns. That does not make them libtards or leftist goons.
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Re: The crazy things pacifists tell me

Post by Woods » Mon Jun 12, 2017 10:17 pm

Vikram wrote:
Woods wrote:Pacifists /libtards/leftist goons/ media also say -
# It's not befitting to carry a gun .
# Pen is the most powerful weapon .
# We are not person like that ( those who carry a gun ie degraded people)
I really dislike labelling people with pejorative terms. If someone disapproves of ownership of firearms, one is free to do so. I take objections to that view but I do not view them as enemies or worthy of abuse. There are perfectly decent people who do not subscribe to owning guns. That does not make them libtards or leftist goons.
Agreed. :agree:
However , libtards/leftist goons constitute a class apart from others opposed to RKBA .
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