A Favorite Spaniard (Pics)

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A Favorite Spaniard (Pics)

Post by herb » Sat Jun 03, 2017 6:51 pm

A few pics for the SxS fans here, 7 Pin side lock with intercepting sears, ejectors & 28" barrels.

Arrieta Shotguns











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Re: A Favorite Spaniard (Pics)

Post by mundaire » Sat Jun 03, 2017 11:11 pm

Lovely! Do share more details :)
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Re: A Favorite Spaniard (Pics)

Post by Vikram » Sat Jun 03, 2017 11:48 pm

Another beauty from the ever expanding harem of Herb. :wink:

I have liked Spanish guns for a long time.IMO, they offer exceptional value, especially when bought used, for the money.

Thanks for sharing the photos.

I see that you got hold of the definitive book on Spanish guns by Terry Weiland.

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Re: A Favorite Spaniard (Pics)

Post by marksman » Mon Jun 05, 2017 11:27 am

Congrats Herb,
Surprising similarity with H& H Royal Ejector 12 Bore except a few extra visible pins (7)as you mentioned on the Sidelock Plate, H&H generally has five including the Loaded Chamber Indicator which is filled with gold Strip across instead of a raised Rib (latter indeed more practical in semi dark)and the Engraving is generally typical English Rose & Scroll. Even the Inner Mechanism seems almost similar. Indeed a good value for money shotgun as against the English Makers i.e. if not as expensive as theirs.
Cheers !!

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Re: A Favorite Spaniard (Pics)

Post by herb » Tue Jun 06, 2017 3:07 am

mundaire wrote:Lovely! Do share more details :)
Thanks. It is a 12 ga, full and modified. Arrieta was one of the few remaining artisan Basque gun makers (along with Aya, Pedro Arrizabalaga and Grulla) who made very nice guns. They mostly made sidelocks modeled after the H&H and Purdey design and even made guns for British gun makers(Rigby, William Powell ,,William Evans etc.) who sold them under their own names.

Added in 6 minutes 42 seconds:
Vikram wrote:Another beauty from the ever expanding harem of Herb. :wink:

I have liked Spanish guns for a long time.IMO, they offer exceptional value, especially when bought used, for the money.

Thanks for sharing the photos.

I see that you got hold of the definitive book on Spanish guns by Terry Weiland.

Thanks Vikram. I too have liked Spanish guns for a long time as they are exceptional value like you mentioned. I have owned several over the years and currently also have a AYA and an Armas Ego sidelock.

I bought Terry's book when I got first interested in Spanish guns many years ago. I also have a few of his other books like Vintage British Shotguns and Dangerous Game Rifles and find them very interesting read and a useful reference.

Added in 7 minutes 20 seconds:
marksman wrote:Congrats Herb,
Surprising similarity with H& H Royal Ejector 12 Bore except a few extra visible pins (7)as you mentioned on the Sidelock Plate, H&H generally has five including the Loaded Chamber Indicator which is filled with gold Strip across instead of a raised Rib (latter indeed more practical in semi dark)and the Engraving is generally typical English Rose & Scroll. Even the Inner Mechanism seems almost similar. Indeed a good value for money shotgun as against the English Makers i.e. if not as expensive as theirs.
Cheers !!
You are correct about the similarity to the H&H Royal as most of the currently made Spanish best guns are modeled after the H&H sidelock system. If I am not mistaken the Royal is also a 7 pin action with intercepting sears.

There were some models that used the Purdey system like the AYA senior but are too expensive to produce now and are not made anymore.

Here is pic of my Armas Ego sidelock ejector, it is a 5 pin sidelock action...

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