5 Crazy guns that you didn't know existed

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5 Crazy guns that you didn't know existed

Post by chicky » Sat Feb 18, 2017 7:38 pm

Hello fellow IFGians,

Wanted to share an interesting video with all of you, hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

All the best,

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Re: 5 Crazy guns that you didn't know existed

Post by Vikram » Sat Feb 18, 2017 11:48 pm


Thank you for sharing the video. Very interesting indeed. I think I have seen a couple of these at the Imperial War Museum, London.

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Re: 5 Crazy guns that you didn't know existed

Post by marksman » Sun Feb 19, 2017 12:55 pm

I had the pleasure of using Model 8 Remington several times as an ex ruler friend had 18 of them initially ordered by his grand father for his personal guards sometime in 1920s. Plenty of ammo around and we youngsters literally misuses them as they were quite ruggedly made. Never disassembled them ever. The barrels I assume were cleaned by servants which ever way they pleased. I wasn't and am sure even the owner wasn't aware of them being"take down" models. They were eventually bought over by some Gujarat gun dealer for Rs.600/ each once the previ purses were withdrawn in 1971.
Just felt like sharing after this clip jogged my old memories.


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Re: 5 Crazy guns that you didn't know existed

Post by Vikram » Sun Feb 19, 2017 3:58 pm

marksman wrote:I had the pleasure of using Model 8 Remington several times as an ex ruler friend had 18 of them initially ordered by his grand father for his personal guards sometime in 1920s. Plenty of ammo around and we youngsters literally misuses them as they were quite ruggedly made. Never disassembled them ever. The barrels I assume were cleaned by servants which ever way they pleased. I wasn't and am sure even the owner wasn't aware of them being"take down" models. They were eventually bought over by some Gujarat gun dealer for Rs.600/ each once the previ purses were withdrawn in 1971.
Just felt like sharing after this clip jogged my old memories.

Sounds fun! Marksman, you should really share your memories with us more often. You do have a many an audience here! :cheers:

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Re: 5 Crazy guns that you didn't know existed

Post by marksman » Sun Feb 19, 2017 7:27 pm

Vikram, I remember they were all .35 Remington which was not much heard of in India, I remember we went careful with ammo like 3006, 30 super, 220 swift, 366(9.3x57) Mauser, 375 h&h,404s etc for special outings like planned beats and hunting camps and dumped these 35s in our vehicles for rough short shoots for Blue bulls and boars. In fact one could pick up any fire arm one wanted out of some 380 odd rifles ranging from .22 short to 600 Nitro, in single,bolt or double configuration from his SHIKAR KHANA. The condition was to find the right ammo for the selected fire arm which indeed was an ordeal as there were several huge wooden boxes full of assorted ammo. I am not including shotguns here.That was the period when I got acquainted with quite a few metric calibers of German and Austrian origin and wondered why they were called so. Probably we went for 35 Rems more often as an easy way out when time ran short on us as its ammo was collected and piled up separately by us for plinking and fun shooting.. the boys had got quite used to the parabolic trajectory of 35 Rem and made some fantastic long range shots wit 35 Rems..... Those were the days.


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