Should shooters not drink coffee?

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Should shooters not drink coffee?

Post by satyam » Mon Jan 16, 2017 12:20 pm

I read in an article that drinking coffee increase your heart beat rate and makes you anxious.
So,should shooters avoid drinking coffee to prevent shivering of their hand and other body parts while shooting?

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Re: Should shooters not drink coffee?

Post by sam 47 » Mon Jan 16, 2017 1:32 pm

Most shooters I have read about drink lots of caffeinated drinks. If you are wondering whether you should drink or not, well that is the work of a different level. Before that, you will have to learn calling shots so that you can guess your scores before walking up to a target, upgrade to a way better rifle so that the recoil of the Scorpius feels like a violent earthquake and acclimatize to a 550 gram trigger , so much that a 5 gram creep seems like dragging your finger through a rough wall. It is also when you do cardiovascular exercises, lower your resting BP and learn how to lower heart rate or preferably take a shot in the natural heart pause. It is when shooting becomes the challenging sport for which people are awarded a Olympic gold. And you will have your own coach and nutritionist there, so no worries.
There is a long way to go for that, and you won't notice a nickel's difference in your shooting if you have a cup of coffee for breakfast. So have as much nescafe or bru gold as you like. :cheers:
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Re: Should shooters not drink coffee?

Post by ganeshn » Mon Jan 16, 2017 2:21 pm

drink to your hearts content, for now is the time to beat the hell out of β2-receptors.

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Re: Should shooters not drink coffee?

Post by Vikram » Mon Jan 16, 2017 2:36 pm

That is a serious question.

This is strictly my opinion. Try not to drink a strong coffee just before a competition. Caffeine is known to increase heartbeat and make some people anxious. The rest of the times, I do not see why one should not enjoy a nice coffee.

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Re: Should shooters not drink coffee?

Post by satyam » Mon Jan 16, 2017 4:04 pm

Vikram wrote:That is a serious question.

This is strictly my opinion. Try not to drink a strong coffee just before a competition. Caffeine is known to increase heartbeat and make some people anxious. The rest of the times, I do not see why one should not enjoy a nice coffee.

Thanks Vikram

Added in 1 minute 58 seconds:
sam 47 wrote:ROTFL ROTFL
Most shooters I have read about drink lots of caffeinated drinks. If you are wondering whether you should drink or not, well that is the work of a different level. Before that, you will have to learn calling shots so that you can guess your scores before walking up to a target, upgrade to a way better rifle so that the recoil of the Scorpius feels like a violent earthquake and acclimatize to a 550 gram trigger , so much that a 5 gram creep seems like dragging your finger through a rough wall. It is also when you do cardiovascular exercises, lower your resting BP and learn how to lower heart rate or preferably take a shot in the natural heart pause. It is when shooting becomes the challenging sport for which people are awarded a Olympic gold. And you will have your own coach and nutritionist there, so no worries.
There is a long way to go for that, and you won't notice a nickel's difference in your shooting if you have a cup of coffee for breakfast. So have as much nescafe or bru gold as you like. :cheers:
Maybe I was overthinking

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Re: Should shooters not drink coffee?

Post by Eldroidism » Tue Jan 17, 2017 3:19 pm

Depends on person to person. Coffee makes me jittery as hell. It's been known to have that effect on people. But what really makes my hands shiver is smoking. I didn't notice this at first, but realised it while sketching one day. If you're a smoker, try to quit or at least not smoke before the competition and practice days.

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Re: Should shooters not drink coffee?

Post by satyam » Tue Jan 17, 2017 9:00 pm

Eldroidism wrote:Depends on person to person. Coffee makes me jittery as hell. It's been known to have that effect on people. But what really makes my hands shiver is smoking. I didn't notice this at first, but realised it while sketching one day. If you're a smoker, try to quit or at least not smoke before the competition and practice days.

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I'm still 17 man.No chance of smoking.

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Re: Should shooters not drink coffee?

Post by xl_target » Wed Jan 18, 2017 1:44 am

I agree with Vikram.
I love Coffee but coffee make me jittery and definitely affects me when shooting for any kind of precision.
I usually shoot on Sunday afternoon and Monday evenings (pistols only) and on Sunday's I try to avoid coffee if I am planning rifle shooting.
On Mondays, I limit myself to one coffee in the morning.

I can usually feel the effects. It limits my concentration and steadiness. Not such a big deal when shooting steel at our club's pistol shoots.
When load developing or shooting a rifle for accuracy, it takes a significantly greater amount of concentration to keeps the groups small.

However, coffee affects different people differently and you might have a different experience from me.
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