Bansons - Mumbai

Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu, Goa, Gujarat,

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Bansons - Mumbai

Post by mundaire » Fri Sep 08, 2006 7:07 pm

327, Abdul Rehman Street,
Mumbai 400003

Tel (Shop) - +91-22-23440592
Contact: Hanif Bandukwala
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My Experience with Bansons (Mumbai)!

Post by kenhypno » Fri Mar 23, 2012 1:45 am

My experience with Bansons(AR street mumbai) phone 23440592 fax 23443017!The reason i am posting here is i was very much impressed ,by my experiences in Bansons Mumbai! First of all the customer service is Excellent No.! compared to the other shops in the locality( their lackadaisical attitude pains me I may be a poor customer but i have come to buy something!).
Comming to the point i wanted to buy Air rifle .22 cal pellets just a 500 pack but because of their extremly polite and helpful nature ,ended up buying 1100 (thats right one thousand and a hundred more)!He even said "please open up the packet and have a look for yourself just to satisfy me if not yours "
Especially the young man across the counter offered me tea, and even had a long talk with me about knives gun pellets and maglite torches, Swiss Army knifes and my collection of them .
Furthermore he even offered me brochures of Maglite torches Swiss Army Knives (the Indian version of the brochure with INR instead of $) ! i even had a look at the Spanish hunting knives perfectly balanced and sharp just the right thing for me and promised myself one for my birthday !
I was just wondering "do these kinds of people really exist" ? now who would go out of the way to please a poor customer who came from Nallasopara area (one more stop and western locals end) to buy 500 pellets.
Keep it up Bansons ! this is what Customer service is all about!
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Re: My Experience with Bansons (Mumbai)!

Post by dr.jayakumar » Fri Mar 23, 2012 9:00 am

kenhypno wrote:My experience with Bansons(AR street mumbai) phone 23440592 fax 23443017!The reason i am posting here is i was very much impressed ,by my experiences in Bansons Mumbai! First of all the customer service is Excellent No.! compared to the other shops in the locality( their lackadaisical attitude pains me I may be a poor customer but i have come to buy something!).
Comming to the point i wanted to buy Air rifle .22 cal pellets just a 500 pack but because of their extremly polite and helpful nature ,ended up buying 1100 (thats right one thousand and a hundred more)!He even said "please open up the packet and have a look for yourself just to satisfy me if not yours "
Especially the young man across the counter offered me tea, and even had a long talk with me about knives gun pellets and maglite torches, Swiss Army knifes and my collection of them .
Furthermore he even offered me brochures of Maglite torches Swiss Army Knives (the Indian version of the brochure with INR instead of $) ! i even had a look at the Spanish hunting knives perfectly balanced and sharp just the right thing for me and promised myself one for my birthday !
I was just wondering "do these kinds of people really exist" ? now who would go out of the way to please a poor customer who came from Nallasopara area (one more stop and western locals end) to buy 500 pellets.
Keep it up Bansons ! this is what Customer service is all about!
he is a good business time you visit you will have a big hole in your pocket!

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Re: My Experience with Bansons (Mumbai)!

Post by dev » Fri Mar 23, 2012 10:36 am

And we only have to put up with Kashmiri Kahwa, fries from Macdonalds or a coke...even when we waste several hours, just pestering the poor guy to let us hold the pb handguns in his safe custody. Delhi shops really need to step it up. :roll:
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Re: My Experience with Bansons (Mumbai)!

Post by marksman » Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:40 am

True to what kenhypno wrote on how well he was received and treated by Banson Arms guys in Mumbai. I am reminded of this particular incidence when he indeed went all out to please his customer. He had an ancient telescope meant for air rifle(3/4" dia) mounted with wood screws on an Indian made DOUBLE BARREL shotgun and delivered it to a rich politician's innocent (read IDIOT)son. He (Banson Guy) wore a beaming smile all the time reflecting how hard he had to work in order to conceptualize this creation of his. Actually he was in the process of teaching him how to aim and shoot with it when I happened to enter the shop. Needless to say that my lower jaw hit the floor hard and I stayed mum only because of a well directed wink from the proprietor of Banson Arms......... Jai Ho !!!!
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Re: My Experience with Bansons (Mumbai)!

Post by renjith747 » Mon Mar 26, 2012 12:06 pm

In the sellers market(arms & ammunition) happy to hear that some of them believes "Customer is King" :cheers:

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Re: Bansons - Mumbai

Post by amitkj » Tue Apr 03, 2012 11:47 pm

Really nice to see such kind of business attitude that also after knowing that a customer has not come with any big biz deal.

In Pune, when I had visited the arms shops their treatment was horrible. It seems that for these sellers the CHEAPEST thing in their shop is............ THEIR CUSTOMER. And to top this up is their knowledge about the thing they have been selling since past many years. There was only one exception to this global experience.

Did u see/know about replica pistols l, whether those are available at this shop..... PLZ REPLY SOON


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Re: Bansons - Mumbai

Post by SMJ » Wed Jun 08, 2016 4:04 pm

Mr Javed Bandukwala and his brother Hanif Bandukwala excel at customer service. I have bought numerous products from them and they are a real pleasure to deal with - they go out of their way for customers. I do not know about the other shops in Mumbai as I rarely go to anyone else. I would highly recommend Banson's for your outdoor equipment needs.

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Re: Bansons - Mumbai

Post by kshitij » Wed Jun 08, 2016 6:18 pm

What else do they keep other than fire arms?
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Re: Bansons - Mumbai

Post by SMJ » Thu Jun 09, 2016 12:24 pm

Blades (Muela and Victorinox and possibly Buck, not too sure), flash lights, etc.

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