What to do sir, a mans gotta get as much of the stuff he lusts after as possible. Since I cant collect hot and crazy women, i have settled for knivesMack The Knife wrote:LOL.
The rate at which he has been buying (and the rate at which I have been selling, over the past few years), he probably has more than what I have left.
Greedy bu99er!

SD,essdee1972 wrote:Yeah, Kshitij is prepared for both scenarios - he'll fight ideas with the pen and the ideator with the knives!!
Bro you just spilled the beans on my secret

Ideas and Ideators taken care off, idiots will be sniped from long ranges.
Added in 9 minutes 8 seconds:
P.s. came back home to find my prize waiting for me. Needless to say there will be one more hand written submission by me.
As always, happy to be here!