Adopt family planning BEFORE applying for arms licenece

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Adopt family planning BEFORE applying for arms licenece

Post by snIPer » Wed Jul 18, 2007 3:20 pm

Mayawati suspends magistrate for "coerced" family planning

Special Correspondent

LUCKNOW: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati on Tuesday suspended the District Magistrate of Gorakhpur Rakesh Kumar Goel for allegedly forcing members of the minority community to adopt family planning measures before applying for arms licences.

Ms. Mayawati has ordered an inquiry into the matter.

The action followed the insistence by Mr. Goel on family planning measures for two members of the minority community when they applied for licences.

Taking a strong view of Mr. Goel's arbitrary action, Ms. Mayawati said in a statement that the family welfare programme was voluntary. People had a right to apply for gun licences for security purposes. Adoption of family planning programme for getting arms licence did not figure in the policies of the Bahujan Samaj Party Government, she said.

She charged Mr. Goel with dereliction of duty saying that his action amounted to misleading and pressuring the minority community, and contravened Government directives.
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Post by shutzen » Thu Jul 19, 2007 9:12 am

HI! Sniper up is famous for this - earlier there was a case when ppl were taking their employees or labourers to be put under the knife before their licence was processed. Then there is this problem of ppl not being issued a licence for more than one firearm.

Seem this SDM read the USMC ditti: "this is my rifle this is my "GUN" this is for business and this is for fun"

The DM thought that the dudes r having too much fun with their guns and skewing the population ratio due to the spread of their shot! so he decided to curtail their fun before he let them have some serious long range rifles in place of their guns ;)
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Post by mundaire » Thu Jul 19, 2007 1:36 pm

Post moved to the RKBA section and also edited to display as "news" on the site home page.

The questions that immediately spring to mind are - What was the State and Central Human Rights Commission doing when all of this was happening?!! Are these guys not supposed to be charged with weeding out any and all human rights abuses? Is this not a clear violation of human rights? Or does a person loose all claims to any rights the minute he/ she applies for an arms license? Why the bloody hell is this not receiving more coverage in the National media?

I never thought I'd say this, but in spite of all her faults kudos to the lady for putting a stop to this practice and for making an example of this mentally sick bureaucrat!! :evil:

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Post by eljefe » Fri Jul 20, 2007 2:17 pm

Forget the minority angle, a rich farmer took 5 of his labourers for a vasectomy, to be eligible for a handgun licence.Turkman gate revisited?? ;)
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Post by HSharief » Fri Jul 20, 2007 6:26 pm

What is that saying that refers to the Kauvva (Crow) being given the administration and he did the poo-poo all over the place ;)

And getting a jaali certificate for the V ceremony shd'nt be difficult too right ;) You wanna dance or you wanna dance ?

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Post by mundaire » Fri Jul 20, 2007 11:22 pm

Sharief... having ways to work around unfair and unjust policies does not make them right!! Wrong is wrong and unfair is unfair... We live in what we hope is a a free country, such news items constantly underscore the need for vigilance on the part of citizens to keep the government in check and to ensure that these freedoms are maintained and not undermined by petty officials looking to beef up their family planning quotas etc.!!!
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