Which one are the Haviest

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Which one are the Haviest

Post by James_Bond » Sat Oct 10, 2015 9:38 pm

1)which one is the bigger and haviest load in IOf cartiges(12guage) in Astram and Magna in ounce and grams

2)Shaktiman manafactured 1 1/4 oz cartiges.Its a universal and haviest load than IOf 12 guage cartiges in India as I think

3) Here dealers says that the iof made a Astram and Magna(two different types of caritges ) in 70mm. Astram is the lowest(shoter) than Magna in ounce and grams.
4) Dealers says presently IOf stop the manafacturing of Astram and the Magna price are 100 per as well as shaktiman. kindly guide us.
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Re: Which one are the Haviest

Post by aadhaulya » Sat Oct 10, 2015 11:29 pm

James_Bond wrote:1)which one is the bigger and haviest load in IOf cartiges(12guage) in Astram and Magna in ounce and grams

2)Shaktiman manufactured 1 1/4 oz cartridges. Its a universal and haviest load than IOf 12 guage cartiges in India as I think

3) Here dealers says that the iof made a Astram and Magna(two different types of cartridges ) in 70mm. Astram is the lowest(shoter) than Magna in ounce and grams.
4) Dealers says presently IOf stop the manufacturing of Astram and the Magna price are 100 per as well as shaktiman. kindly guide us.
I do not think that Astram and Magna are available any more. I spent time looking for them but was unsuccessful. The new golden coloured cartridges have both the names 'Astram and Magna' printed on them.
I use only 3 types of Shaktiam cartridges that are very powerful, as follows.

1. Shaktiman 4.8 that has 45 pellets of the size 4.8 mm, total weight 32 grams.
2. Shaktiman rifle slug with rifling marks weighing 32 grams.
3. Shaktiman hollow point slugs.

But as per instructions these should be used only in new or well maintained guns. Old or rusted barrels have a tendency of getting damaged.


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Re: Which one are the Haviest

Post by dsingh » Sun Oct 11, 2015 7:25 pm

Astram is available in no 6 and no1 .Magma r rare to find best ever cartiridge any manufacture is BB of Shaktiman go for it.4.8 is good real beauty is
BB which is best ever.Deluxe amno of IOF is known for acccuracy and is available in no6 and no1.

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Re: Which one are the Haviest

Post by aadhaulya » Sun Oct 11, 2015 10:05 pm

dsingh wrote:Astram is available in no 6 and no1 .Magma r rare to find best ever cartiridge any manufacture is BB of Shaktiman go for it.4.8 is good real beauty is
BB which is best ever.Deluxe amno of IOF is known for acccuracy and is available in no6 and no1.

James bond wants the heaviest load available in the Indian Brands, I think. The cartridges that you have mentioned are one of the good ones available but they are not the heaviest. Allow me to share my experience.

1. I could not find the original "Astram' and 'Magnsa' cartridges. The ones available in the market (or what I could find had both Astram and Magna printed on them making them 'Astram Magna' cartridges. The load is also not the heaviest, the No. 1 and No. 6, have pellets of the size of 4.06 mm and 2.79 mm respectively. The IOF Deluxe ammo in no 1 and 6 also have the same dimensions, hence not the heaviest.

2. Shaktiman BB is a heavy ammo, each pellet is 4.57 mm. But the Shaktiman 4.8 is almost similar to the BBB size at 4.8 mm and has a weight of 50 pellets per Oz or 28 gms. That is the heaviest load, as multiple pellets beyond the size of 5 mm are banned in India.

The above is the data for multiple pellet load. Most powerful are the rifled slug and the deadliest is the hollow point manufactured by Shaktiman.


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