Sorry, I am/was on a little spree. Have not posted/looked here for a while. Kinda heavy days for me, so please do forgive me.
The bug bit me again. I was watching some really random stupid show where this guy takes a tiny knife and makes brief slashes at the incoming, and turns out that the bad guys are in agony (not dying). But you see very little of what!
With a little research, I found out it was a little Karambit-like knife, but not quite. It was a folder. Not a real big fan of Karambits because well, even if folded, they sort of stick out and there were not many likable sorts. Well, they ARE beautiful shape-wise and all that, but not exactly an EDC sort. (Definitely wouldn't carry a neck knife in a city, they are easy to spot-like)
So I looked a little and stumbled upon this little knife because of its #1 'smallness' #2 -- easily fits in the pocket!
#Not VERY sharp but that can be taken care of, and it opens plastic and cardboard easily.
So presenting the Kershaw Shuffle:

Kept against me glasses so you get a general idea of the 'smallness'. The blacks are really blacks and somewhat jarring, thanks to the shoddy lighting and 3 am photography, please do forgive me for that.

Half opened

The little claw-like thing at the left is actually a bottle opener -- not that some of us need it -- cans and pop-tops are more popular these days

How small is this!

The blade too, is small, but can be made razor sharp. Though, not the best -- 3cr13, soft metal. So I think a roller sharpener would turn it into a glorified butter knife


Sorry for the poor lighting, but then this was a rant. Many apologies, just wanted to share

And today (otherwise I live under a rock so to say). I find out they have an upgrade. Bigger too, with a BETTER blade.