An honest confession has far reaching consequences

A few days ago fellow IFGian Kshitij dropped in - after hours of discussions on Guns & Blades he left back a 'Blank' of one the most popular Bushcraft Knives with me....
The urge to give the blank an as close finish as possible bugged me to no end...
So with the aid of a 4" angle grinder fitted with 80 & 120 grade sanding discs I went to work...
The edge turned out to be quite satisfying - shiny & sharp...
The next step - I gave 2 deep coats of Ballistol to the blade's belly....
Now what remained was fixing the handle - Fortunately I had a piece of a Sambhar antler (a relic of my erstwhile hunting days) which I plan to use...
As this requires some artistry I've put off this task till next week-end....Till then!!!
Here's what the semi finished Bushcraft Blade looks like
