The safety of women in Delhi

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Re: The safety of women in Delhi

Post by dsingh » Thu Dec 27, 2012 11:08 pm

Safarigent wrote:She wasnt just raped repeatedly.
She was beaten up and finally the rod used to beat her friend and her was inserted in her v*g*na deep enough to rupture and harm her innards all the way upto the small and large intestines.
She was then thrown off the bus naked, with the rod still inserted inside her and no one came to her rescue on a busy thoroughfare.
When the police came, no one helped lift and carry the two poor souls into the police vans.
Politicians say, the laws are alright
Police says the law and order situation is under control
The injured public feels sorry and excuses itself of all responsibility
The media is already talking about gujarat when last night arnab goswamy was frothing at the mouth like a rabid dog that we wont forget etc etc.
After a lot of tippy tapping away on facebook and indiansforguns, we all too, shall move on to the next thing.
So, dear friends the problem isnt in knowing what punishment should be given. We all pretty much agree on that point.
The problem is how do we root out such malaise which has stained our moral fabric?
This has made my heart cry so brutalty was used guilty deserved to be killed this will bring justice sorry if Iamm wrong or going againist the law

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Re: The safety of women in Delhi

Post by FelixRodriquez » Fri Mar 08, 2013 5:44 am

Well being in varying backgrounds is paramount. If you are at home, at the work environment or at whatever possible place like a park or the street, you need to accompany the designated well being decides with the intention that unseen mishaps might be evaded.


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Re: The safety of women in Delhi

Post by harshit89 » Wed Apr 22, 2015 4:49 pm

The safety of women in Delhi is a matter of great concern. I believe that some everyday carry tools should be used by the women to their outdoors like the expandable batons or truncheon which finds it place in the purse as well and revealed in no time.
Keep knives in your pocket and pray that you will never need it

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Re: The safety of women in Delhi

Post by dsingh » Thu Apr 23, 2015 11:38 am

I came accross a snake shaped spear blade during hola in Anandpur sahib which can be carried by young women in their purses or bags and is very lethal if any example of penetration of this snake shaped blade called Nagani by woman in the flesh is set then molester will think twice.

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