first of all, when i said i agree, i wes referring to:
"Dont bother about any names or makes,if you have a budget keep it in mind and the type you want trap/skeet or game. "
Mack The Knife i did read the post (very informative.)
In fact i have been following it to the word when seeing guns.
also i must say (in my experience) the gun dealers here , on the whole are helpful and dont try to fleece a stranger/ newcomer. (compared to India).
I also realise it might be a controversial statement but im just stating my personal experience.
also want to state for the record that if a dealer knows you well in india, the kind of services one gets in india cant be expected in uk.
i still maintain that a good foundation is essential to not just shooting but all sports/activities.
if you recall, i told grumpy that my budget has gone up and would tell the reason when everything was confirmed. Well it is now.
I have been offered a new job. which will eventually reasult in me becoming a consultant.
thought i'd treat myself.
grumpy, do you think its time we talked about ammo now(

sanjay plz tell us about what you bought. look forward to ur pics. i would hav liked to hav taken grumpy along but we dont stay close to each other.
grumpy by the grace of god (and i say god because of divine intervention- i learnt today that my new job is at a hospital 300 metres away from my shooting ground.) i will not abandon shooting. no matter what the experiences.(cant be worse than what i have experienced)