Meanwhile in Russia!

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Meanwhile in Russia!

Post by Vikram » Thu Apr 17, 2014 3:45 pm

School kids compete in assembling and disassembling an AK-74!

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Re: Meanwhile in Russia!

Post by nagarifle » Thu Apr 17, 2014 4:07 pm

noting like an all round education.

if you say it can not be done, then you are right, for you, it can not be done.

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Re: Meanwhile in Russia!

Post by mundaire » Thu Apr 17, 2014 4:36 pm

Impressive! Wish they made gun handling/ gun safety along with shooting classes compulsory in all Indian schools too.

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Re: Meanwhile in Russia!

Post by shadow » Thu Apr 17, 2014 4:54 pm

mundaire wrote:Impressive! Wish they made gun handling/ gun safety along with shooting classes compulsory in all Indian schools too.


:agree: Hope it happens during this lifetime of mine!! AMEN!

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Re: Meanwhile in Russia!

Post by TC » Fri Apr 18, 2014 1:49 pm

shadow wrote:
mundaire wrote:Impressive! Wish they made gun handling/ gun safety along with shooting classes compulsory in all Indian schools too.


:agree: Hope it happens during this lifetime of mine!! AMEN!

:agree: I am sure we would have had a more responsible population if that happened after Independence. And of course one or two years of compulsory military service.


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Re: Meanwhile in Russia!

Post by sa_ali » Fri Apr 18, 2014 6:29 pm

fantastic, this is truly all round development.
This reminded me of the movie salt, child getting trained as spies as kids.

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Re: Meanwhile in Russia!

Post by Oxotnik » Wed Jul 23, 2014 3:54 pm

I think we can start this in India also. The more citizens know about Rifles and shooting the better it is.
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Re: Meanwhile in Russia!

Post by brihacharan » Wed Jul 23, 2014 5:29 pm

TC wrote:
shadow wrote:
mundaire wrote:Impressive! Wish they made gun handling/ gun safety along with shooting classes compulsory in all Indian schools too.
:agree: Hope it happens during this lifetime of mine!! AMEN!
:agree: I am sure we would have had a more responsible population if that happened after Independence. And of course one or two years of compulsory military service.
> Most colleges in India have the "National Cadet Corps", Naval & Air Wings where students can enroll (this is optional) & the cadets get an opportunity to handle & shoot Enfield 0.303 rifles & LMGs.
:agree: Compulsory Military Training for a period of 1 or 2 years for all above 18 years of age must be made mandatory...
> BTW - Is 'Drafting' still on in the US?

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Re: Meanwhile in Russia!

Post by timmy » Wed Jul 23, 2014 5:45 pm

This sort of thing would teach more respect for firearms than the current crop of "action" and cop/crime movies do.

Briha: the draft ended in the Vietnam era. Now, the military is all volunteer.
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Re: Meanwhile in Russia!

Post by dr.jayakumar » Wed Jul 23, 2014 6:08 pm

Meanwhile in india..Sorry,i couldn't avoid this.. ... 7212,d.c2E

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Re: Meanwhile in Russia!

Post by akshat » Thu Aug 28, 2014 8:00 am

we actually did this to an indian version of the SLR1 but much slower though... :-P in the SCC(similar to the NCC started by the Indian Navy)...

Also the only person in this video who actually did it right was the guy in the red tshirt, You're ALWAYS supposed to clear the barrel and remove the magazine first before you start to actually disassemble it...

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Re: Meanwhile in Russia!

Post by essdee1972 » Thu Aug 28, 2014 11:42 am

> Most colleges in India have the "National Cadet Corps", Naval & Air Wings where students can enroll (this is optional) & the cadets get an opportunity to handle & shoot Enfield 0.303 rifles & LMGs.
Brihaji, that is also a thing of the past. Even in those days long ago when I was in College, only some general colleges (i.e. not engineering / medical colleges) had NCC. You could of course join voluntarily, but how many kids in the late teens / early twenties have the inclination to do something which makes you wake up at unearthly hours and left-right over a few miles? This is something which has to be mandatory!

Moreover, nowadays the kids' time is taken up in a relentless competition to score marks as close to 100% as possible, plus be a general genius whiz-kid in sports, music, art, etc., etc.. "Mera naam karega roshan" taken to impossible heights!

Also, 90-odd years of brainwashing by the Colonial rulers and 70-odd years by their brown-skinned descendants have made us a country of antis. Try hanging up an airgun or two in your drawing room and see the reactions of your guests.

You start a school which gives this kind of training, and see how fast the parents of the kids gather outside your gates accusing you of turning their kids into "vicious killers"!

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Re: Meanwhile in Russia!

Post by akshat » Thu Aug 28, 2014 6:39 pm

essdee1972 wrote:
> Most colleges in India have the "National Cadet Corps", Naval & Air Wings where students can enroll (this is optional) & the cadets get an opportunity to handle & shoot Enfield 0.303 rifles & LMGs.
Brihaji, that is also a thing of the past. Even in those days long ago when I was in College, only some general colleges (i.e. not engineering / medical colleges) had NCC. You could of course join voluntarily, but how many kids in the late teens / early twenties have the inclination to do something which makes you wake up at unearthly hours and left-right over a few miles? This is something which has to be mandatory!..............

very true sir, this is somthing we miss out on, when all we want is for the next generation to be Doctors and Engineers, Why Not Soldiers? Why Not an Engineer/Doctor AND a soldier?
The basic training provided by them gives you a sense of discipline, opens your mind to many more possibilities and when You see a gun in someones hands You know what type it is, what caliber, how to use it, how to handle it and at the end of the day you wont be afraid of it at all...
Although being afraid or vary of the MAN with that gun is a different thing entirely... ;-P

after all its just a tool, How you use it Determines who YOU are.... not what tool you used to do the deed with...

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Re: Meanwhile in Russia!

Post by Sakobav » Fri Aug 29, 2014 7:28 am

hmm Putin cannon fodder and nursery I guess whats next on his convoluted agenda...

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Re: Meanwhile in Russia!

Post by xl_target » Fri Aug 29, 2014 10:27 am

Its surprising and disheartening to hear that the NCC is disappearing from most institutions of higher learning.
These kids are missing out on a great experience.
I joined the NCC in the 7th standard and we had quite a few guys in our little squad.
We had a lot of fun; range visits, riding around in bren gun carriers, drill, etc.
Of course this was quite a while ago.
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