Well...what's the OFB upto again?

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cottage cheese
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Well...what's the OFB upto again?

Post by cottage cheese » Wed Jun 20, 2007 7:15 pm

Hey guys,
Take a look at the pic I came across while browsing...it seems to be the IOFB display stand at some expo.
What's interesting other than the usual banal stuff from OFB is the Negev 5.56mm LMG and the peculiar bolt action rifle on the extreme left.

Is Bolt action the much touted 30-06 rifle being under development by the OFB? I vaguely remember someone mentioning it was a Steyr Mannlicher(Schoenhauer?) clone...well is it?

Also whats the arrangement with Israeli hardware? Is IOFB manufacturing and selling under license or or we simply simply an additional marketing front for Israeli hardware...with the glorious IOFB gobbing off a fat commission on sales? It's pathetic if thats the case.

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Re: Well...what's the OFB upto again?

Post by Risala » Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:19 pm

That looks like the 30 06.My guess is as good as yours.
If it is,then it should be available for Sale in the market pretty soon.
But when.
Does anyone have an answer.
Thanks in advance.

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Post by shutzen » Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:05 pm

HI! yeah thats the 30-06 all right I have some pics of it I had clicked at the 49th NSCC (BB) gimme a day or so had some close ups of the action etc will post as soon as I locate them. Had gone to the 50th NSCC after the AIGVM so dont know if they had got it this time around
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Re: Well...what's the OFB upto again?

Post by penpusher » Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:19 pm

This photo itself is about 3-4 years old.The IOF had sought feedback from Arms dealers some 6 years back about the market for a 30-06 rifle.I have been hearing rumours abot a IOF 30-06 rifle for the last 3 years.The rifle is with the MOH for approval prior to sale to the civilian market.Lets see what the IOF has come up with now.Another piece of junk that will sell only because its the cheapest thing in the market thanks to the ban on the import of firearms.


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Re: Well...what's the OFB upto again?

Post by cottage cheese » Wed Jun 20, 2007 11:16 pm

Well penpusher probably has a point there... ;)

It already looks pretty lame to me- same horribly overdone stock and the timeless Indian love affair with the schnabel...and clumsy blocky sights....etc... Thats telling from a distance...

God knows what else will pop up on close examination. Shutzen- lets have those pictures.

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Post by spacetraveller » Wed Jun 20, 2007 11:34 pm


It looks more like the IOF .22 cal
one of the crudest contraptions mankind has known. You can zero it at max 35 yards !

Maybe I was just too impatient and gave up zeroing it further.


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Post by shutzen » Wed Jun 20, 2007 11:39 pm

spacetraveller";p="21765 wrote:Hey

It looks more like the IOF .22 cal
one of the crudest contraptions mankind has known. You can zero it at max 35 yards !

Maybe I was just too impatient and gave up zeroing it further.

HI! I actually shot my first .22 state open sight match with it and it was zeroing ok at 50 M. Now I have a scope on it and it shoots pretty ok. a bit heavy tho... now that the trigger has got pretty ok that I have run over a 1000 rds thru it.

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Post by spacetraveller » Wed Jun 20, 2007 11:48 pm

Yes I would add it has probably matured with use like other things in life !
The IOF trigger was just too hard for my liking. I have a very ordinary winchester pump action and a Sears (WG Higgens) .22 but both have light hair triggers and zeroed in very well at 50 yards.
All the best for the forthcoming nationals !

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Re: Well...what's the OFB upto again?

Post by shutzen » Wed Jun 20, 2007 11:50 pm

cottage chese";p="21762 wrote:Well penpusher probably has a point there... ;)

It already looks pretty lame to me- same horribly overdone stock and the timeless Indian love affair with the schnabel...and clumsy blocky sights....etc... Thats telling from a distance...

God knows what else will pop up on close examination. Shutzen- lets have those pictures.
Well to tell u frankly the stock has that sicko yellow polish which seems to have a typical chalk mitti base- thats the kind of look it gives. the prototype model I saw has some pieces in the loading ramp made of aluminium ! has started to streak and show. The bolt handle looks like a IHP hamerli co2 AR charging handle on steroids. These stoopid sarkari money waster are so enamoured by old/absolete weapons of thier grandads era that they blindly and faithfully copy those long forgotten and discontinued designs and calibers. I has a dovetail premachined on the receiver so u can mount a scope and the '06 has better ballistics and kick than the 315 anyway. I dont complain abt the effectivness of the 315 tho... till about 200M shots on numerous occasions the party at the other end has had no reason to complain when the 240gr capsule of lead clobbers em ;)

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Post by eljefe » Fri Jun 22, 2007 10:27 am

The chief designer of IOFB small arms division is a Fitter, official designation.And thats serious. All experience is hands on, nothing formal.Since this is turning into a IOFB rant session, why dont they bring out a decent 315 bullet, with a better ballistic coefficient? and use some legal teak/walnut for the stock instead of the diarrhoea yellow? :evil:
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Re: Well...what's the OFB upto again?

Post by penpusher » Sat Jun 23, 2007 2:56 pm

According to this the RFI takes 25 days to make a barrel and 3 days to assemble it :shock:

http://www.indiatodaygroup.com/itoday/1 ... track.html


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Re: Well...what's the OFB upto again?

Post by cottage cheese » Sat Jun 23, 2007 4:25 pm

penpusher";p="21901 wrote:According to this the RFI takes 25 days to make a barrel and 3 days to assemble it :shock:

http://www.indiatodaygroup.com/itoday/1 ... track.html

WHAAT?? Don't tell me the RFI digs and processes the iron ore as well...

25 days....!!

No exaggeration, but even a small workshop equipped with a single deep hole drill and a button rifling rig can turn out several in a day. Even at pretty low feed rates, and an RPM of about 4000, a 26" barrel can be drilled through in less than 40 minutes! Add Reaming and button rifling and heat treatment this could run to about 2-3 hours maybe a little more. Lapping is the only time consuming part if done by hand. A set up like RFI certainly would have machinery to handle these... no to menton machinery customized for mass production...
God alone knows what the OFB,RFI are upto... maybe they work in half hour shifts! :)

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Post by eljefe » Sat Jun 23, 2007 6:10 pm

From the same thread
..."he factory is in the process of developing a fully automatic version of the insas 5.56 mm rifle. The rifle's use in Kargil showed that a three-bullet burst does not suffice during confrontations. In the new gun, therefore, a single squeeze of the trigger can empty a 20-round cartridge. RFI authorities say that it will be a reliable gun with a deadly edge. The jawans are sure to be happy with it...."

something about History repeating itself? Remember lack of fire control in Vietnam and the M-16? Is 'Spray and pray' winning?
20 round cartridge? are we using a mini 'flechette' ?Geneva conventions and FMJ?

''It dont mean a thing, if it aint got that zing!''

"...Oh but if I went 'round sayin' I was Emperor, just because some moistened bint lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away..."

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Post by cottage cheese » Sat Jun 23, 2007 8:06 pm

eljefe";p="21907 wrote:From the same thread
..."he factory is in the process of developing a fully automatic version of the insas 5.56 mm rifle. The rifle's use in Kargil showed that a three-bullet burst does not suffice during confrontations. In the new gun, therefore, a single squeeze of the trigger can empty a 20-round cartridge. RFI authorities say that it will be a reliable gun with a deadly edge. The jawans are sure to be happy with it...."

something about History repeating itself? Remember lack of fire control in Vietnam and the M-16? Is 'Spray and pray' winning?
20 round cartridge? are we using a mini 'flechette' ?Geneva conventions and FMJ?

Hahaha! Man eljefe, you're killing me.... Hard to believe such moronic blather emanates from those we trust the design and production of weapons for our Nation... deadly edge! lo behold! they came up with the Chauchat MkII!

Seeing that the INSAS is a shameless repackaging of the FNC design, and also as I recall the FNC has four modes, Safe/Semi/Tri-Burst/Auto, one wonders why they couldn't pirate this feature as well..so then they wouldn't have to waste time and effort making separate versions.

What on earth were the bleeding decision makers thinking when they decided on a 20 round magazine? Stingy tight fists... thought they could economize on ammo? For the same number or rounds (against an AK armed foe) the INSAS user would be spending many additional crucial moments changing magazines and not engaging the target.

Hell... the way they talk about the indigenous 5.56 round... its supposed to be a super round or something.


Re: Well...what's the OFB upto again?

Post by penpusher » Sun Jun 24, 2007 12:36 am

This is what I would like every Indian soldier to carry http://www.steyr-arms.at/index.php?id=76


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