Punjab state - this is how they treat shooters

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Punjab state - this is how they treat shooters

Post by shutzen » Sat Jun 16, 2007 9:10 am

HI! came across an interesting news item published in the TRIBUNE regarding a shooting camp organised by punjab rifle assn:
I am pasting the news below for quicker and easier viewing:

Shot down by poor hospitality
Rajay Deep

Mohali, June 14
Unhygienic food, sleepless nights and shortage of ammunition have marred the enthusiasm of the national and international-level shooters participating in an ongoing shooting camp at Mohali Shooting Range, Phase 6, here.

Around 50 shooters are participating in the 24-day camp, being organised by the Punjab Rifle Shooting Association (PRSA).

Narrating their plight, shooters claim that tasteless food is being served to them at the camp. “Many a time, we find it hard to identify the vegetable even after eating it. Prisoners get better food than us,” says a national-level shooter, on the condition of anonymity

Spending sleepless nights in the hot and sultry conditions is another problem they have to face every day. They are putting up at Shivalik School, Phase 6, here.

“In the absence of beds and coolers, we are forced to spend nights on thin mattresses in hot conditions. It is impossible to sleep on these mattresses. With around 20 players in one room, it is just impossible to sleep,” rues the shooter. Even basic equipment for the game, like ammunition that is being provided to them is insufficient, rue the shooters.

“Except coaching, nothing is good here,” says an international shooter. PRSA secretary general K.S. Sidhu admitted that the association did not have sufficient funds to meet even the basic requirement of the shooters.

“I have been spending money from my own pocket to provide facilities but it has not been reimbursed”, he rued.

The camp will conclude tomorrow.

chk it out and njoy how the babus and office bearers get foreign trips , comfy hotel stays but the shooters sleep 20 to a room just goes to show the attitude of the ppl in control of the Assn. Funny thing is that most of them have a stranglehold on the voting process and only enroll "non-voting" members so as to assure control over the assn! the same jokers occupy the postions for over 20 years and do nothing for the sport (

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Post by mundaire » Sun Jun 17, 2007 5:22 pm

Good post Shutzen - unfortunately it seems that such incidents are more the norm than the exception! :evil: A telling fact is how the shooters who spoke to the press, spoke only on the condition of anonymity - as they would almost certainly be "penalised" by the office bearers of these associations for speaking out against the pathetic state of affairs.... wonder what would happen if all shooters got together and refused to participate in international competitions? Would heads roll and office bearers held responsible? Or would the shooting squad simply be replaced by another (less deserving but more willing/ pliable) one...

Also, this sort of story seems not just confined to shooting but also repeats itself amongst all sports associations/ bodies in India... :evil:

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Re: Punjab state - this is how they treat shooters

Post by penpusher » Sun Jun 17, 2007 5:50 pm

Spoke to a person in the Punjab State Rifle Association about membership. Was told that they had stopped accepting new members some years back as the new members they had admitted some time back had proved to be troublesome.How convenient.No new member,no new person taking up shooting except for the old members and their wards.


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Re: Punjab state - this is how they treat shooters

Post by shutzen » Sun Jun 17, 2007 6:07 pm

penpusher";p="21618 wrote:Spoke to a person in the Punjab State Rifle Association about membership. Was told that they had stopped accepting new members some years back as the new members they had admitted some time back had proved to be troublesome.How convenient.No new member,no new person taking up shooting except for the old members and their wards.

Well penpusher what all the state assns. r doing is that they r not making life members - only annual shooting members who are not allowed voting rights. I think the way the cash rich BCCI with Dalmia and now Sharad pawar has the rats gnawing away at the sport without a thought abt the country we have smaller mice at work in the other assns. which though may not b that cash rich are however considered prestigious. We have sevral assns. springing up for even games which we have never heard of like : korfball, ball badminton, etc all we need now is a state assn. for computer gaming - till now the realm of reliance web world ;)

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Post by eljefe » Mon Jun 18, 2007 11:01 am

Fertile enrolling ground for the anti gun auntys (ref: Mehul's post ;) )
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Post by shooter » Mon Jun 18, 2007 5:47 pm

i am soooo mad, sad, upset, distressed, angry to read that.
but then again what do you expect.
this again stresses and reminds each and everyone of our responsibilities.
we can help change the image of the sport.
we are the next gen of indians who CAN make a difference.
we have to set an example of honest, good responsible gun users.
we have to recruit more and more people to ifg.
if all of us could just talk to and convince 2 people and asked them to do the same......
im sure the public pinion will change and then the system.
i know it will take time and efforts. but it can happen.
we can, nay, must make it happen.
for our own good and the good for the future generations.
thanks for reading
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Re: Punjab state - this is how they treat shooters

Post by steyrshot » Sat Jun 30, 2007 5:20 am

Reminds me of an expose done by a news channel sometime back during the Hockey National championships when players were forced to sleep in railway carriages / bogeys and served bread pakoras and chai as part of their diet.

If i may put the state of affairs as "Never has so much been taken from so many, by such an undeserving few" to misquote Winston Churchill
With regards,
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Post by eljefe » Sat Jun 30, 2007 9:20 am

Bravo Steyrshot,
I'm sure you have had first hand experience of the apathy shown by the bandicoots-my term for the babudom- to discourage sportspersons.Yup, did read about that expose.
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Re: Punjab state - this is how they treat shooters

Post by AgentDoubleS » Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:44 am

Hi All, just read through this post and thought I'll add my personal experiences at the National Level in Hockey (MP) and GVM...

Straight from the horses mouth!!

Hockey Nationals - under 18 and under 16 -

Slept in Gvt School classrooms - needless to say on the floor - for 10 days
The fan did not work!
No toilets- had to relieve behind bushes and take bath in river..
Walked 5 kms with hocket kit to play a match only to find it is supposed to take place in another ground - another 2 km walk..
Hockey matches conducted on a football ground converted into a hockey ground!!
Threats from local teams' supporters.. with knives in their hands !! - personal experience..

GVM - Twice in Ahemdabad and once in PhillaurWas much better organised.
Had arranged accomodations (in ahemdabad) of our own so was not to tough to handle.Got decent accomodation in Philaur too.
The Phillaur police academy even showed us a movie in their private movie hall!
Sold Coke and Pepsi for RS. 2 a bottle!

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Re: Punjab state - this is how they treat shooters

Post by AgentDoubleS » Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:56 am

The Railways Bogeys ofcourse !! Forgot to add the most important part ---

In one particular year we had to sleep on the railway platform I Bhopal for one night.Because the authorities had "forgetten" to get the reservations of the team done from Bhopal (which was a junction on our trip from Indore to Hoshangabad) to Hoshangabad.. The bogeys would have still been more comfortable..

Again first hand experience....

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