need assistance regarding 12 bore double barrel gun

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need assistance regarding 12 bore double barrel gun

Post by concerned indian » Sun Mar 23, 2014 10:48 pm

i am new to this forum and to a gun as well.. i now own a 12 bore double barrel gun (licensed) which has been passed on to me by my grand father, i have no idea about its make and model, but i can say, the gun is not in best of its condition.. i need to know about its cleaning kit, cleaning oil, their cost and from where to get them.. (since i am from a very small city of India, there are no gunsmiths in my locality).. so i need to know some basics about gun care and gunsmithing... any assistance would be helpful..
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Re: need assistance regarding 12 bore double barrel gun

Post by Mark » Sun Mar 23, 2014 11:14 pm


First, welcome to the forums! If you can post some pictures of your new (to you) gun, I am certain you can get some good information about it. In regards to gun care, you will find there can be many different opinions but that is all they are, different, and not necessarily have one be better than another.

To start learning about gun care, you can probably find a youtube video on "basic shotgun cleaning" which may help you. If you have a spotty internet connection, here is an old book that still has quite a lot of valuable learning in it: ... ithing.pdf

You can download that and read it at your leisure.
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Re: need assistance regarding 12 bore double barrel gun

Post by concerned indian » Mon Mar 24, 2014 3:46 pm

thanks for the info Mark.. will update with the picture soon..

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Re: need assistance regarding 12 bore double barrel gun

Post by Katana » Mon Mar 24, 2014 8:15 pm

First, a hearty welcome. I hope you can learn from us, exchange ideas and we in turn could learn from your experiences.

Now, don't get me wrong, but a few points that don't match in your initial post.
i now own a 12 bore double barrel gun (licensed) which has been passed on to me by my grand father, i have no idea about its make and model,
If your grandfather and then your father owned it, it's difficult to believe you don't know anything about it's manufacture. Secondly, I presume you have transferred it on to yourself under the 'family heirloom' clause. In that case, if you don't know the manufacture, how did you go about doing that? What does your license say in the 'description of arms' section?
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Re: need assistance regarding 12 bore double barrel gun

Post by indiaone » Mon Mar 24, 2014 9:37 pm

Perhaps he felt like discussing about firearms, so has asked about servicing of DBBL gun. The description of the arm is indicated in the licence if one has one.

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Re: need assistance regarding 12 bore double barrel gun

Post by concerned indian » Tue Mar 25, 2014 4:41 am

katana.. you are right my points aren't as clear as it was ought to be.. yes it has been passed on to me under the family heirloom, but i spent majority of my age outside the home (boarding school) i used to come only for special occasions and had hardly discussed about the fire arm...we hardly used it.. i am not even sure, if a shot has been fired from it in last few years, atleast not in my presence.. so have really no idea about the gun and its detail.. and i haven't seen the license (of my grandfather) to know things in detail...

indiaone.. i do need to discuss about the DBBL i own now.. not any firearm.. and since both of above replies suggest.. i will check the license for details.. (i don't have a license till now, as i said i own a gun (which is licensed) i didn't said i have gun license, technically it still belongs to my grand father)

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Re: need assistance regarding 12 bore double barrel gun

Post by Katana » Tue Mar 25, 2014 7:52 am

Why don't you post some pictures of your gun? I'm sure someone or the other will be all to identify it. Do take pictures of any markings on the barrels and the flats (the portion under the breech). Also tell us the exact description of the arm in the license(avoid pictures here).
Justice alone is the mainstay of government and the source of prosperity to the governed, injustice is the most pernicious of things; it saps the foundations of the government and brings ruin upon the realm - Sher Shah Sur, Sultan-ul-Adil.

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Re: need assistance regarding 12 bore double barrel gun

Post by indiaone » Tue Mar 25, 2014 3:21 pm

Thanks for the clarification.The licence is a pre requisite to the ownership of the gun.Go ahead and apply.Chk first if it will be granted before the election or not.Otherwise, apply after the elections.

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Re: need assistance regarding 12 bore double barrel gun

Post by Vikram » Tue Mar 25, 2014 5:04 pm

Mark wrote:CC,

First, welcome to the forums! If you can post some pictures of your new (to you) gun, I am certain you can get some good information about it. In regards to gun care, you will find there can be many different opinions but that is all they are, different, and not necessarily have one be better than another.

To start learning about gun care, you can probably find a youtube video on "basic shotgun cleaning" which may help you. If you have a spotty internet connection, here is an old book that still has quite a lot of valuable learning in it: ... ithing.pdf

You can download that and read it at your leisure.

Thank you for the very useful link.
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