Licence application rejected seek help and Guidance :)

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Licence application rejected seek help and Guidance :)

Post by NickSingh » Sat Feb 15, 2014 3:18 am

Dear fellow IFGians , a heartily Hello and Satsriakaal to all.

My name is Nick and i belong to a small town in Punjab.

As the heading says, I am one of the many whose arms license applications have been rejected at the very first step, which is Police verification. Before everything, I would like to share my whole story to give you guys a head start, as well as clear picture of chain of events happened in last couple of months.

Where I live, a few months ago, an alleged daylight robbery and assault occurred. We overpowered the robbers with the help of people present. After that police been called Fir launched .So on that account i felt a urge to apply My arms license.

The license was applied for and after some weeks passing, I went to check on the progress on my application. Babu said to go check with the police station of the area. I satisfied the Reporting/investigation officer with the paperwork and everything else, and he said come after one week and see another official, who checked for my criminal background. Apparently, I have not had any. He said, all done you can go now. I'll send it further to be marked by an approving official.

Today I came to understand some bad news, that the approving official marked my file not recommended.

So i immediately ran to the station to have a word with the him and after the conversation,
I felt humiliated and harassed by the way they spoke to me. I was very confident with that robbery incident in my hand, but that approving official just blew it away by saying it was minor crime and I need at least intimidation/threats from a terrorist group to be valid under the Life in danger category.

O my god i was shocked and shattered :(

Some told me that i should have pulled the strings and called in favors.

Dear seniors, I am in no need of any of these. All i need is the right path and guidance to fight and get which is actually a right of mine. Below I am drawing some points where i need your attention the most.

1) I know that according to our constitution i have a Right to Keep and Bear an arm which cannot be denied by imaginary and bogus reasons by LA and Babus. Thx to many threads/posts here at IFG. Also read the Arms Act

2) What i don't know is how and where to file and RTI and the right format/Questions so that they could not give evasive answers.

3) Should I wait for the file to get back to LA and then File RTI?

4) Did I make a mistake not to attach the FIR copy of that robbery incident, as I was under the impression that my words would count there? The officials would be aware of this because it happened in their area and they were the ones who took the thieves to the same police station.


P.S. Downloaded the NaGRi form.First thing first tomorrow going to be a member of the movement and support the cause. :)

Dear IFGns: I have edited this post heavily, because our new member truly included the "whole story." It is possible that, had the whole story been left in this post, vindictive officials would have recognized him and his case and taken steps to ensure that he would never succeed in getting his license. Those of us who have been here awhile know very well that such things occur: Officials do read IFG and they do apply their own whims and ideas to individual cases, based on what they read here.

You should all make sure that your posts are so phrased that you cannot be identified by the details of your stories, when posting about these kinds of issues. What we are about here is no game and no society of old geezers gossiping and swapping lies around a warm stove somewhere. This site is concerned with serious business: The Right to Keep and Bear Arms in India. Have fun, but please be careful and use caution in your posts.

Please help our member Nick out here, if you have constructive and valid ideas that may help him.

Thank you,
the moderator

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Re: Licence application rejected seek help and Guidance :)

Post by timmy » Sat Feb 15, 2014 11:14 pm

“Fanaticism consists of redoubling your efforts when you have forgotten your aim.”

saying in the British Royal Navy

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Re: Licence application rejected seek help and Guidance :)

Post by NickSingh » Sat Feb 15, 2014 11:26 pm

A heartily thanx to dear moderator and Tim...


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Re: Licence application rejected seek help and Guidance :)

Post by farook » Sun Feb 16, 2014 12:12 am

Nick Singh ji Sasrikal

We do understand your disappointment many of us have to face it, if nothing else its embarrassing to hear that your application has been declined. Singh saab an arms license is issued to a civilian under three parameters. Firstly and the most common is for crop protection basically against wild animals attacking your agricultural land. Do you have an agricultural land. This may however be limited to a shotgun and on special request be extended to a rifle. Secondly to sport shooters for the category of weapon they compete in after they have won for their state in a ISSF certified event. Thirdly for Self Defense. Under this category you are entitled for any weapon of your choice and the arms act clearly says that every citizen of sound mind and body and without a criminal record is entitled to obtain a arms license for his security and specifically says that a person economic status not be a deciding factory. Unfortunately as you might have read in news papers there have been a series of unfortunate events of domestic violence, which forced the MHA to set new guide lines for granting of arms license particularly under self defense.

The licencing authority for a city and district is either a Commissioner of Police or Sp. Based on the new set of rules apart from belonging to the city where we apply from, we need to give them a good reason why we want a license. Some examples are a business man who travels intercity late nights carrying huge amounts of cash, a person who has inherited a large property and thinks his life in danger, a person in big dept and thinks he could be attacked for recovery of dues. We need to submit the relevant documents so as to support the reason. For example a business man needs to submit his business registration papers along with last two years of income tax returns. Do you wish to share with us what documents you have submitted.

It was very brave of you to catch the robber but that alone cannot be taken a reason. If you wish to take the matter to court you can and you will get it there. Hope this helps
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Re: Licence application rejected seek help and Guidance :)

Post by deep27 » Sun Feb 16, 2014 5:49 pm

Dear Nick Singh, i think there are two ways for getting arms license, as Farook bhai said through court (fighting for our rights) and second option is that you have to got SIFARISH of ruling party leader as it is frequently adopted method by each district Licensing Authority. In my area the people who got Sifarish of ruling party leaders had got their arms licenses very easily and rest got their files rejected.
I had also struggled for two years to got my license.

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Re: Licence application rejected seek help and Guidance :)

Post by NickSingh » Sun Feb 16, 2014 7:08 pm

"" If you wish to take the
matter to court you can and you will get it there. Hope
this helps""

Which court ?

District magistrate or right away to the Chandigarh high court
Is there a appeal authority for district level.
in simple words Can i appeal to the D.C as he is the head of District
@ deep27
With all due respects.I don't think that IFGians encourage that "sifarish"

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Re: Licence application rejected seek help and Guidance :)

Post by Kittu » Sun Feb 16, 2014 8:43 pm

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Re: Licence application rejected seek help and Guidance :)

Post by farook » Sun Feb 16, 2014 9:13 pm

Do get your self a good lawyer and file an appeal at the chandigarh high court. The judiciary is not bound by the MHA order...
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Re: Licence application rejected seek help and Guidance :)

Post by Kittu » Sun Feb 16, 2014 9:26 pm

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Re: Licence application rejected seek help and Guidance :)

Post by farook » Sun Feb 16, 2014 9:55 pm

Today I came to understand some bad news, that the approving official marked my file not recommended.

The application is as good as declined Ashok Bhai. It has to be recommended and forwarded. Further you can take my word for it appealing out of the judiciary is a good waste of time. They again base their decision on the recommendations
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Re: Licence application rejected seek help and Guidance :)

Post by NickSingh » Sun Feb 16, 2014 10:05 pm

@ashokgodara .Yes friend you are right to some extant. Yes its was with local police station for
verification. sho of police station had marked it not recommended and now i don't know the exact status of it.

The process is some what different in Punjab.

SP forwards it to Addition Deputy Commissioner/Collector who is licensing authority of my city not to the DM or SDM = Sub-Divisional Magistrate. See, Applicant needs to submit two files which proceeds simultaneously. one with the Sub-Divisional Magistrate and second At the ADC office.

Sub-Divisional Magistrate sends the file to Patwari and Girdawer for Recommendations and then to Municipal councillor of the ward which applicant resides for Character Certificate...Adc sends file to the Police and so on.

And eventually they both ends up at ADc desk ..he is the last person who marks and issues the licence.

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Re: Licence application rejected seek help and Guidance :)

Post by Kittu » Sun Feb 16, 2014 10:39 pm

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Re: Licence application rejected seek help and Guidance :)

Post by romeo24 » Sun Feb 16, 2014 10:42 pm

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Re: Licence application rejected seek help and Guidance :)

Post by farook » Sun Feb 16, 2014 11:03 pm

Ok in my city if its not recommended by the lower department you get a call from the local police station to take back all your documents with a Declined stamp on it. Maybe its different in other states

Just to clarify this is how it works in my city. We submit the documents at the Office of the Commissioner of Police. Two weeks later we get a call from the local police station to come over to meet the police inspector. If he is convinced the documents are verified and forwarded to the ACP of the area. We have to meet him for certain. If he is convinced the file is forwarded to the office of the DCP an IPS level officer. If he is convinced the file is forwarded back to the commissioners office. Here it has to be approved by the DCP ( admn ) Additional commissioner ( admin ) and the commissioner of police. Needless to say it has to be recommended at each level.

If we are applying for a prohibited bore, a 9mm it has to recommended by the Commissioner of police and forwarded to the MHA.
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Re: Licence application rejected seek help and Guidance :)

Post by Kittu » Mon Feb 17, 2014 12:03 am

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