How could I miss this thread !!
Thank you Skeetshot for a wonderful story.
Kolkata, thanks to its vast sewers, water supply lines, electricity supply network and piped cooking gas in some parts, all made during the British era and later followed by enormous amount of digging (unplanned on many occasions) for the country's first Metro Railway project that started in the 70s and continues to this day for widening the railway network and have been followed by further digging by telecom companies, have made rats build, rebuild and migrate from one corner of the city to the other. And, over the years they have increased in size and numbers posing threat to only only people but also buildings and structures.
Dhakuria bridge, a 50 year old railway flyover (a five minute walk from my home )that serves as the principal road link between two parts of South Kolkata, is facing threat from rats that have dug burrows, critically weakening the concrete foundation. The government is running from pillar to post for a solution to the rat menace. If the bridge is not repaired immediately it could lead to one of the most horrible disasters we have seen. Not only does the bridge carry heavy traffic round the clock, it also stands above hundreds of shanties where poor people have been living for ages.
Rats in Kolkata get into houses, highrises, government buildings, old offices and of course markets in search of food and shelter. While they spread disease and pose threat to children they also regularly nibble at dead bodies in police morgues and mortuaries in government hospitals. The more desperate ones have even attacked patients in government hospitals. Here is an example of what they did at SSKM Hospital, the premier super specialty government hospital and medical college in West Bengal.
Man dies after his p*n*s is bitten off by rats while in hospital
By Anna Edwards
UPDATED: 18:56 GMT, 31 December 2011
Daily Mail, UK
A patient died in hospital after his p*n*s was allegedly nibbled by rats.
Arun Sandhukha, 53, from Sreerampore in Hooghly, was admitted to the new emergency ward of the at the SSKM Hospital in Kolkata, West Bengal on December 11 with pneumonia. But on December 23, when his family came to visit him, he was lying on the bed in agony, surrounded by pool of his own blood, the Asian Age newspaper reported. The relatives of the man claim rats bit his p*n*s while he was in hospital. 'No nurse was found at the scene and he was writhing in pain. His p*n*s had been nibbled by rats,' one of his relatives Bishwanath alleged to the newspaper. Later that day, at around 4.15pm, Mr Sadhukha died of his horrific injuries. The hospital authorities have admitted the presence of rats at the ward, Bishwanath claimed.
There are millions of stories and, with me the Kolkata rats have tried all their tricks. I tried poison, traps and air rifles. But success rate was minimal. On one occasion I trapped a rat in a room on the third floor of my house (

the room where I keep most of my STUFF while I live on the first floor) and tried shooting it. I missed and it ran from one corner to the next. Finally I had no option but to spike it with a goopti (a 50 buck sword cane I bought from a village fair while in school) through a tiny gap from where I could see a part of its body. I stabbed it seven or eight times but the monster wouldn't die. It kept crying at the top of its voice even as I kept it pinned to the ground. Made of soft steel, the tip of the spike got twisted into a question mark. Finally, after 15 minutes of spiking, or jabbing you could say by now, it was all quiet on the home front. I tossed it in an alley where I knew his mates were waiting. They ran towards the copse to perform the last rites. But by then I had loaded two springers. One got shot and fell. But I missed the other as usual.
The war continues. These days I am practicing hard with a pistol crossbow Santa Claus gave me on Christmas and also planning to buy some real hardware
You wanna fight you little rascals ?... you wanna fight me eh ? ... c'mon I gonna give you a war
Sincerely yours