national arms database and unique arms license id by 2015

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national arms database and unique arms license id by 2015

Post by warthog » Tue Dec 17, 2013 8:24 pm ... 35647.html

This is totally illegal and unconstitutional. There is no subordinate legislative power but the govt is going ahead

The advertisement issued on instruction from MHA states that arms licenses will not be valid without the unique number after this date. The arms license holders have to fill up the attached form in this regard. This advertisement has been published by Government of Bihar. A specific order from District Magistrate (DM) of Patna is significant because similar orders are likely to be issued by all the 600 DMs in compliance with the order of MHA. The order dated 4 December 2013 is attached. It was reported as recently as August 2013 that the state governments of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar were opposed to such a move. This advertisement reveals that government of Bihar has chosen to fall in line and change its position. It is not clear as to what made it alter its previously held position

It may be recalled that ahead of the launch of MHA’s first National Population Register (NPR) (along with 15th Census 2011) on 1 April 2010 by Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India, on 23 February 2010, Mullappally Ramachandran, Minister of State in the MHA had informed that that the government is planning a national database of arms license holders in a written reply in the Lok Sabha. He had informed that the government will review various provisions of the Arms Act, 1959 and Arms Rules, 1962 with regard to grant of arms licenses for possession of arms and ammunition by individuals and manufacture of fire-arms in the country. The amendments will include a provision under the arms rules, under which the licensing authorities will be required to maintain a database and to share the data with the central government which shall maintain a national database. This came after the announcement about the setting up a National Intelligence Grid (NATGRID), the Crime and Criminal Tracking Network System (CCTNS), the CIDR of UID/Aadhaar number and NPR. There was a proposal to bring amendments in the Arms Act to oblige the licensing authority to maintain a database with the help of NIC. It is not clear whether the proposed amendments were made. Meanwhile, as of August 2013, data from 97 districts from southern states of Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu have already been compiled in the database for NDAL.

As per the Arms and Ammunition Policy for Individuals of Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) includes a provision that obliges “the licensing authority to maintain a database as may be specified and to share the data with the Central government which shall maintain a national database. Accordingly, a provision for database will be made by amending the Arms Rules. National database including data on PB weapons may be maintained centrally by MHA. State Governments are being requested to instruct all DMs to maintain a comprehensive and complete data base of all licenses issued by them, which may be shared with the Central Government.” It is not clear whether the Arms Rules created as an act of subordinate legislation have been amended through yet another act of subordinate legislation. Notably, Arms and Ammunition Policy for Individuals available on the website of MHA does not mention any date or year.

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Re: national arms database and unique arms license id by 201

Post by Peacefulguns » Tue Dec 17, 2013 10:32 pm

Yes , I learnt of it by accident and I should have it filed by tomorrow. I was wondering how they can cancel it if somebody fails to do it by perchance.

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Re: national arms database and unique arms license id by 201

Post by andy_65_in » Wed Dec 18, 2013 7:18 am

what does all that actually mean finally

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Re: national arms database and unique arms license id by 201

Post by veeveeaar » Wed Dec 18, 2013 9:23 am

Compiling a database is nothing unconstitutional or illegal.However it may be said that MHA is making laws by itself, by setting deadlines without due awareness making and public announcement. If a national database is made, i think it will be actually beneficial for all arms licencees. In any checking place , when you just mention that UNIQUE ID, it will bring you out of all hassles and harassment.

Puneet Sharma
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Re: national arms database and unique arms license id by 2015

Post by Puneet Sharma » Mon Jul 25, 2016 9:32 am

Friends I get my new arms license few day ago in punjab...and I want to know that I need to get UNIQUE ID for new license???

N. K. Mohapatra
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Re: How to find online status using UIN of firearms

Post by N. K. Mohapatra » Fri Dec 29, 2017 9:34 am

Plz intimate how I can find online status using UIN of firearms

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