Man Eater of Thunag Killed?

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Re: Man Eater of Thunag Killed?

Post by Amit357 » Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:45 pm


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Re: Man Eater of Thunag Killed?

Post by AgentDoubleS » Fri Aug 30, 2013 8:52 am


Here's the video I found on the documentary.


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Re: Man Eater of Thunag Killed?

Post by dr.jayakumar » Fri Aug 30, 2013 1:10 pm

friends did you ever notice that most of the man eaters are found in UP,MP,sunderbans and not so often in western ghats.??

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Re: Man Eater of Thunag Killed?

Post by brihacharan » Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:42 pm

dr.jayakumar wrote: Friends did you ever notice that most of the man eaters are found in UP,MP & Sunderbans and not so often in western ghats.??
> May be it's because how much of these are reported & others not...
> If you recollect in the past one year several cases were reported of Leopards attacking & mauling both children & adults around the Sanjay Gandhi National Park in Mumbai - The reason being of people who encroach into the forests & build shanties...
> Also the natural prey of Leopards such as Wild Pigs, Deer & Hares are hunted (poached) indiscriminately thus denying the cats their sustenance...
> Add to this rampant cutting down trees deny the Leopards of their natural living space...

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Re: Man Eater of Thunag Killed?

Post by Amit357 » Fri Aug 30, 2013 8:44 pm

brihacharan wrote:
dr.jayakumar wrote: Friends did you ever notice that most of the man eaters are found in UP,MP & Sunderbans and not so often in western ghats.??
> May be it's because how much of these are reported & others not...
> If you recollect in the past one year several cases were reported of Leopards attacking & mauling both children & adults around the Sanjay Gandhi National Park in Mumbai - The reason being of people who encroach into the forests & build shanties...
> Also the natural prey of Leopards such as Wild Pigs, Deer & Hares are hunted (poached) indiscriminately thus denying the cats their sustenance...
> Add to this rampant cutting down trees deny the Leopards of their natural living space...
I would disagree on this DR,SGNP would go down in HISTORY as to produce the maximum number of M.Es,the leopards there operate from Mulund to all the place in & around SGNP,as Bri has stated all the above reasons + relocating of the cats has resulted in Human predation.Where ever cats live in proximity of Human predation takes place,sometimes its " POETIC JUSTICE",people sitting for poaching Deer,Pigs,end up wounding a Cat and then there is hell to pay.A TV channel had done a programme " Maneater Manhunt"do watch that.Best Amit

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Re: Man Eater of Thunag Killed?

Post by z375 » Sat Aug 31, 2013 12:10 pm

@ Amit357

Rather healthy for a man-eating Mr. Spots, wot say Amit? :mrgreen:
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Re: Man Eater of Thunag Killed?

Post by fantumfan2003 » Sat Aug 31, 2013 2:16 pm

Some years back happened to see the trapped man eaters of Borivli National Park and serving life imprisonment in small cages, in some cases two or three in a cage. There were sixteen of them including a sick cub. In addition to these, some four died in transit when the FD jokers tried to relocate them to different parts of MH.

Experts agree that all of these are not maneaters. Some even say the maneaters were not trapped at all.

The leopards of Mumbai are a political issue as much as being a wildlife conservation issue. Rules were flouted and sprawling slums and housing colonies were allowed to be developed all around BNP periphery and even inside the park resulting in habitat loss for all the wildlife in park resulting in the obvious. Access is now allowed to what were once core areas like Silonda and others. Earlier if you were caught in those areas, you were fined Rs. 5000 now you buy a Rs. 50/- ticket to get there.......Bloody pathetic, I say.....

Amit357 wrote:
brihacharan wrote:
dr.jayakumar wrote: Friends did you ever notice that most of the man eaters are found in UP,MP & Sunderbans and not so often in western ghats.??
> May be it's because how much of these are reported & others not...
> If you recollect in the past one year several cases were reported of Leopards attacking & mauling both children & adults around the Sanjay Gandhi National Park in Mumbai - The reason being of people who encroach into the forests & build shanties...
> Also the natural prey of Leopards such as Wild Pigs, Deer & Hares are hunted (poached) indiscriminately thus denying the cats their sustenance...
> Add to this rampant cutting down trees deny the Leopards of their natural living space...
I would disagree on this DR,SGNP would go down in HISTORY as to produce the maximum number of M.Es,the leopards there operate from Mulund to all the place in & around SGNP,as Bri has stated all the above reasons + relocating of the cats has resulted in Human predation.Where ever cats live in proximity of Human predation takes place,sometimes its " POETIC JUSTICE",people sitting for poaching Deer,Pigs,end up wounding a Cat and then there is hell to pay.A TV channel had done a programme " Maneater Manhunt"do watch that.Best Amit
As an example of overcoming adversity, Karoly Takacs has few peers. He was part of Hungary’s world champion pistol-shooting team in 1938, when an army grenade exploded, crippling his right hand. Ten years later, having taught himself to shoot with his left, he won two gold medals in the rapid-fire class.

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Re: Man Eater of Thunag Killed?

Post by Amit357 » Sat Aug 31, 2013 8:00 pm

Zubin i am very healthy,but if Mr Spot { M.E or otherwise} screws around with me he will either get 160 grns of 270 Win.or a 12 Bore slug where it really hurts, Zubin they never come after people unless screwed around with, { i am sure you have heard enough from the previous generation},how is the 30 project coming. The Jeep was lovely,looks like a Wrangler.Best doing it up.Amit, TROUBLE ALWAYS WEARS SPOTS,Heh,heh.heh.heh,as Harry Shelby would say

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Re: Man Eater of Thunag Killed?

Post by Amit357 » Mon Sep 02, 2013 7:44 pm

BREAKING NEWS "SUSPECTED M.E TAKE ANOTHER VICTIM " TOI 2.9.13,for crying out aloud,it was a bloody lamb,now what are they gonna brand this Leopard,LAMB KILLER,the simplest reason why a leopard will always survive is its amazing diet,from frogs to village Billi,rats anything works for it.I just hope eating lamb is not included in Section 302 of the IPC,otherwise butchers are gonna be in for murder and the people eating lamb,for destruction of evidence.Thank God i am a vegetarian right now.

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Re: Man Eater of Thunag Killed?

Post by skeetshot » Mon Sep 02, 2013 11:02 pm

Maneater hunt: Himachal Pradesh govt gives nawab marching orders :

http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes ... al-pradesh

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Re: Man Eater of Thunag Killed?

Post by Sakobav » Tue Sep 03, 2013 12:39 am

This lady conservator Vidy Atherya has done quite a bit research on leapords and their conflict and survival in close proxy to humans. ... ov2006.pdf

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Re: Man Eater of Thunag Killed?

Post by marksman » Tue Sep 03, 2013 10:37 am

Fantumfan is right. Leave it to the Leopards I say and they will take care of the squatters of Sanjay Gandhi National Park themselves. After all nature is always best at balancing out the things that humans have interfered with. Why only S.G. park, they should let it happen all over India. No need of so called loaded P.Hs to wiggle their ways into distant Territories.


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Re: Man Eater of Thunag Killed?

Post by fantumfan2003 » Tue Sep 03, 2013 1:45 pm

I AM NOT SAYING "leave it to the leopards" I DID NOT MEAN TO SAY THAT EITHER.

What is needed is dedicated effort on the part of the authorities to create wide buffers between the parks/jungles and human settlements, enforce and then maintain those buffers.

But fulfillment of this need will need divine intervention as the authorities have been/are/will be busy with all materialistic inclinations.

marksman wrote:Fantumfan is right. Leave it to the Leopards I say and they will take care of the squatters of Sanjay Gandhi National Park themselves. After all nature is always best at balancing out the things that humans have interfered with. Why only S.G. park, they should let it happen all over India. No need of so called loaded P.Hs to wiggle their ways into distant Territories.

As an example of overcoming adversity, Karoly Takacs has few peers. He was part of Hungary’s world champion pistol-shooting team in 1938, when an army grenade exploded, crippling his right hand. Ten years later, having taught himself to shoot with his left, he won two gold medals in the rapid-fire class.

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Re: Man Eater of Thunag Killed?

Post by miroflex » Tue Sep 03, 2013 4:52 pm

ngrewal wrote:This lady conservator Vidy Atherya has done quite a bit research on leapords and their conflict and survival in close proxy to humans. ... ov2006.pdf
Thanks for the links. The lady's name, by the way, is Vidya Athreya.

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Re: Man Eater of Thunag Killed?

Post by marksman » Tue Sep 03, 2013 7:23 pm

I did not mean to project it as your idea. When i said you were correct was actually concerning your first paragraph of many Leopards being eliminated on the suspicion of being man eaters. The rest is entirely my thought and I fully own it up.

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