He goes to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee, and to his surprise he finds his wife, Betty, sitting there, fully dressed in camouflage.
Bill asked her, "What are you up to?" Betty smiled and replied, "I'm going hunting with you!", though Bill had many reservations about this, reluctantly decided to take her along.
When they arrived at the hunting site Bill set his wife safely up in the tree stand and told her, "If you see a deer, take careful aim and shoot. I'll run back as soon as I hear the shot."
Bill walked away with a smile on his face knowing that Betty couldn't bag an Elephant, much less a Deer. Not ten minutes had passed, when he heard an array of gunshots.
As he ran back he heard Betty screaming, "Get away from my Deer!"
Confused, he ran faster towards his screaming wife only to hear her yelling, "Get away from my Deer!"
When he finally reached the spot where he had left his wife, he was surprised to see a man, standing with his hands high in the air…
The man was pleading saying "Okay Lady - Okay"...
You can have your Deer. Just let me get my saddle off it.
