Though i have been a part of this forum, i haven't contributed as much as I would have liked to. Since I have just started my journey to acquire a gun license, i thought i would pen down my experiences, so that it can help some one in the future
Step 1: Joining KSRA - This would be the first logical step as I live in Bangalore. Everyone i spoke to said that the most difficult part in acquiring a license is to convince the cops that you really need a license! You can either show a threat to life or you can say that you are keen to take up shooting as a hobby-The former is more difficult as neither am i a politician nor am i in the real estate business. So, that leaves only the second option- so when cops ask you for proof, you can proudly show the membership(CRT) certificate.
The process of joining KSRA is pretty simple (please not i am not a member yet! I have just submitted the necessary docs and am waiting for the police verification). Take the following docs and reach the SAI (Near NLSIU) around 11. I reached at 12 and my token number was 41, it took around for an hour for my turn to come.
1. 1 photo
2. Proof of employment- i gave a copy of my office id and a letter from my co. stating that I have been working in the co. for so and so years and my address, as per their records is, .....
3. Address proof : I gave my icici bank statement
I met Mr. krishna, who is a thorough gentleman. He will take the docs and then will , very calmly, explain the next steps to you. After he is satisfied with the docs, he will refer you to another person who will give you a letter (Police verification), which we have to submit at the commissioners office on infantry road. They give a membership form as well.
Step 2: Poilce commissioners office
Ask the cops where to deposit the letter- they are very helpful. Don't forget to take a photo copy as they will stamp it and return it as an acknowledgement.
As on 3 Feb, this is till where i have reached

If the police is satisfied, then the KSRA chaps will call and invite you to become a member

Keeping my fingers crossed!
Am planning to share my experiences right from KSRA to buying a gun!
p.s I know most of this info. is available on the KSRA website but thought a first hand account would be helpful.