Rosco Benelli Shotgun Magazine Extension

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Rosco Benelli Shotgun Magazine Extension

Post by danish21 » Mon May 07, 2007 11:38 pm

Rosco of Italy makes a rotary tubular magazine extension for Benelli shotguns. After shooting all the rounds in one tube, you manually rotate to the next tube. The tubes are color-coded if you want to use different loads in each magazine.

The magazine, containing the ammunitions, rotates around an axis allowing the loading of shots on the main magazine or directly on the local feeder of the gun, increasing the shotgun's fire ability.

In Practical Shooting (shotgun), ROSCO can easily be applied on the ending part of the magazine of a shotgun (gauge 12,20,etc.), so to dispose 24 or more shots to use.

The picture doesn't really do it justice, so you'll probably want to watch the video of it being fired. [video width=400 height=350][/video]


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Post by danish21 » Tue May 08, 2007 1:29 pm

Police-force guns

ROSCO can also have interesting applications in police-force guns. As already mentioned, ROSCO increases the fire ability of shotguns. It can also be used as a magazine that contains three different kind of ammunitions, giving the policemen the possibility to select, from time to time, the ammo more useful to any kind of situation.

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Post by mundaire » Tue May 08, 2007 1:42 pm

Interesting concept, but those guns look like they'd be real dogs to handle in the field.... not to mention the added weight you'd have lug around with you while walking through fields... :P But I guess that is not the target segment they are aiming for...

Interesting post Danish :)

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Post by HSharief » Tue May 08, 2007 6:50 pm

I wonder how it changes, radically I'm sure the position of the forward hand.

I have a Benelli SBE and just three slugs in the tube makes it quite a bit front heavy. If you add a counter weight in the stock, you'll need Arnold arms to shoot that monster. ;)

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Post by eljefe » Wed May 09, 2007 12:34 pm

Specialised application is a very prominent use I'm sure-Tear gas in one, ball or ceramic 'door smasher' loads in another and buckshot in 3rd tube?
No lugging this mama around in fields...
Only for smash grab and enter for some SWAT team?? :twisted: 8)
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