When you decide you didn't have to go so bad, after all

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When you decide you didn't have to go so bad, after all

Post by xl_target » Tue Apr 23, 2013 12:05 am

... or would that just make you have to GO even more?

Woman tells of encounter with jungle cat Salina, KS
Jenna Krehbiel's first trip to the circus with her family is one she never will forget after she came face to face with a jungle cat in the women's bathroom.

Krehbiel had finished watching the large cat show during the 7 p.m. show at the Isis Shrine Circus on Saturday at the Salina Bicentennial Centennial Center when she decided to step out go to the bathroom but instead got a close-up view of a tiger she had just seen perform in the arena.

"I went in to use the bathroom, and a lady came in to get her daughter out and said there was a tiger loose," Krehbiel said. "I didn't know it was in the bathroom, and I walked in the (open) door, which closed right after I had walked in. I saw the tiger; it was at most two feet in front of me, and I turned around calmly and walked back toward the door. Someone opened the door and said get out."

Krehbiel said the tiger "wasn't the biggest one" performing, but she estimated it was more than 250 pounds.

"It was the closest I have ever been to a tiger not in a cage," Krehbiel said. "You don't expect to go in a bathroom door, have it shut behind you and see a tiger walking toward you."

Chris Bird, manager at the Bicentennial Center, said the tiger escaped during the show, and staff quickly barricaded off the concourse. He said the tiger veered off into an open bathroom and a security guard got people out, shut the door behind the tiger and barricaded the door. Krehbiel went in the opposite door.

Bird said he hadn't heard about Krehbiel's account until contacted by the Journal but confirmed, after talking with circus personnel and security, that it was "definitely accurate," but he doesn't know how close she got to the tiger.

"I am sure she saw the tiger because the bathroom is only 25 feet long," Bird said. "Once she saw the tiger, I'm sure she knew to go the other way. Overall, it was a scary, surreal moment. I am glad no one was hurt or injured."

Krehbiel said her husband talked with a person from the circus who told him the animals are well trained and there was no risk. She said he told them the tiger is a wild animal.

Bird said a veterinarian from Rolling Hills Zoo came to check on the tiger last night. He said the veterinarian said the tiger was OK.

Differing views

Krehbiel said she has been asked why she didn't scream or run. She attributed that to her training as a social worker.

"I'm always on alert, and it was easy to walk out; that's how I am trained," Krehbiel said. "Looking back, it was a scary ordeal. At the time, I was thinking I just needed to get out."

Krehbiel said her friends have joked with her about the tiger incident being similar to one in "The Hangover" where a tiger belonging to Mike Tyson is found in the bathroom of a hotel room being used by Bradley Cooper, Zach Galifianakis and Ed Helms after a night of partying.

Krehbiel said her 3-year-old had a different view of the event.

"My daughter wanted to know if it had washed its hands," Krehbiel said. "That was her only concern. I think that shows the thoughts of children and that they wouldn't have known there was danger."

As far as future trips to the circus, Krehbiel isn't sure.

"We'll see," Krehbiel said. "I prefer a zoo, where I know they won't get loose."

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Re: When you decide you didn't have to go so bad, after all

Post by dev » Tue Apr 23, 2013 11:55 am

That would a tough go no go gage. ;-)
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Re: When you decide you didn't have to go so bad, after all

Post by Mark » Tue Apr 23, 2013 12:25 pm

I thought it was going to be this picture:


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Re: When you decide you didn't have to go so bad, after all

Post by Skyman » Tue Apr 23, 2013 12:57 pm

Imagine you sat on the can in the dark....
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Re: When you decide you didn't have to go so bad, after all

Post by Mark » Tue Apr 23, 2013 1:00 pm

Skyman, I believe everyone who see those pictures thinks the same thing!
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Re: When you decide you didn't have to go so bad, after all

Post by prashantsingh » Tue Apr 23, 2013 1:06 pm

You should'nt have posted those snaps Mark.
I am not going to the toilet for the next two days. :cry:

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Re: When you decide you didn't have to go so bad, after all

Post by Skyman » Tue Apr 23, 2013 2:20 pm

Saar, the bushes are more dangerous!
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Re: When you decide you didn't have to go so bad, after all

Post by TC » Tue Apr 23, 2013 5:53 pm

prashantsingh wrote:You should'nt have posted those snaps Mark.
I am not going to the toilet for the next two days. :cry:
+1 :cry:


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Re: When you decide you didn't have to go so bad, after all

Post by essdee1972 » Fri Apr 26, 2013 9:58 am

Reminds me of the time when I went to an Indian style squattie in a century old house in Kolkata, only to come face-to-face with a spider as big as my head (the entire spider, and I was like ten years old). I still remember running with my pants in the region where my socks should have been!!!

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Re: When you decide you didn't have to go so bad, after all

Post by timmy » Fri Apr 26, 2013 10:31 am

When I was a kid, we were in Yellowstone Park when a bear went into the women's bathroom. This was in the days when there were bears all over the Park, before accidents with stupid people made them trap the bears and take them into the hinterland, or worse.

Anyway, I was little and didn't actually see the bear enter, but I did see the women running out in a very big hurry!

I don't know if the bear washed it's paws, either.
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Re: When you decide you didn't have to go so bad, after all

Post by brihacharan » Fri Apr 26, 2013 5:37 pm

Hi Guys,
> Its truly amazing how many of us have at sometime or the other experienced such situations -
Here's one of mine :D
> I had just returned home from my school's soccer game one late evening and rushed to the loo to relieve myself....
> My mother saw me & screamed "Don't go in there" there's a chameleon in the toilet bowl...
> Curiosity got the better of me & I peeped in to take a look...
> Sure enough there was this critter lodged in trying to get out along the slippery sides of the toilet bowl without success...
> I soon realized that this creature must've fallen in through the window of the loo from the branch of the Guvava tree that almost touched the loo's window - probably a strong breeze must have caused the branch to dash against the window causing the Chameleon to loose his grip & fall through...
> My mom tried flushing the toilet but the critter would bob up again...
> An hour later my father came home to witness the commotion & what surprised my mom, brother & me was - he just had a good laugh and asked us to calm down...
> He then asked me to get a length of TWINE (cotton thread) & a candle - what he did subsequently was the height of ingenuity that virtually bowled us over....
> He waxed the Twine & made a noose at one end & slowly lowered it on to the neck of the Chameleon...
> As you may probably know chameleons have the habit of jerking their necks - the moment the noose was around its neck my dad gently yanked the Twine which tightened around its neck...
> He then gently lifted the Twine with the critter hanging at one end, went out and let it free amongst the bushes...
> We were simply amazed & began laughing as we saw the critter quickly disappear into the foliage :lol:
> While we were in a state of euphoria after this incident - All my father did was to get back home as if nothing had happened and asked my mom - Dear can I have a cup of strong Tea ROTFL ROTFL ROTFL

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Re: When you decide you didn't have to go so bad, after all

Post by Skyman » Fri Apr 26, 2013 5:56 pm

Manliness for the win....
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Re: When you decide you didn't have to go so bad, after all

Post by Vikram » Fri Apr 26, 2013 7:58 pm

I had a few close calls with the animal kingdom, and particularly with the slithering types.Unfortunately it did not end well for them.

1. At one of the little towns my dad was posted to, our colonial house was frequently visited by snakes. Once I was standing at the main entrance of the hall, and calling my mom, who came and promptly let out a frightened shriek. I looked down and saw a baby cobra right in the crack between the door and the frame. I closed the door and the life of the baby cobra was extinguished in a blink.In fact, my biggest worry in those days was for our beloved German Shepherd Pedro. I was constantly worried that he would get bitten by those snakes. They didn't. Hip-dysplasia got him in the end.

2. During my NCC days,once we were camping in a reserve forest area. After training in the very hot and humid sun, we took a break under the cool shadow of a tree. I was lying down on the ground with my cap for a rest when my friend Narendra asked in his calm voice to get up once. I told him to bug*3r off and that I was not getting up.Then he told me very calmly again that there was a snake near my head. I thought he was bluffing.But,when he reiterated it, I got up like lightning. He was ready with a little boulder and quickly dispatched it.

3. Again in NCC days, we were returning from the range after practice ( we were training for the national competitions then). We needed to cross a grassy meadow on the way back to the camp. For some reason, I stopped and was talking to a friend coming up behind. Another chap called Gabriel asked me to step aside and once I did he smashed his rifle butt into the ground very close to where I was standing. There it was, a brown cobra.

Sorry guys that it looks like a murderous campaign against the reptilians :oops: .To atone for my sins, I did save a few from certain death.

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Re: When you decide you didn't have to go so bad, after all

Post by xl_target » Fri Apr 26, 2013 8:28 pm

I have a friend who is a ranger up in Northern Minnesota. Every year just before winter sets in, they close up all the State Parks.
He siad this can sometimes get a little spooky as he will be the only one in there with no one around for miles.
He was in the process one year and as he was getting ready to leave, he went over to use one of the portable toilets.
When he opened the door, there was a Bear sitting on the commode. He said he screamed like a girl and ran for his truck. He said that he didn't think his feet touched the ground once between the toilet and the truck.
It actually turned out that some idiot had shot the bear and set it in there.
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Re: When you decide you didn't have to go so bad, after all

Post by discovershashank » Mon May 06, 2013 6:22 am

TC wrote:
prashantsingh wrote:You should'nt have posted those snaps Mark.
I am not going to the toilet for the next two days.
+1 :cry:

+1 from my wife :( . Now I need to inspect the washroom for her.
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