Cylinder came out of my .32 IOF

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Cylinder came out of my .32 IOF

Post by pran80 » Wed Apr 03, 2013 5:23 pm

Friends few days back i opened my revolver to clean it and to my dismay the cylinder alongwith ejector rod fell off outside on it's own. I was too shocked to take any pictures. I tried putting it back on it's axis but it won't go in. I finally started rotating it and suddenly it snapped back in it's place.
I would like to know the reason why it happened? Have i broken anything in my revolver? Since that day it has been functioning the way it should but somehow i am vary of opening my revolver again least i damage something.

KIndly advice on what steps to be taken.

Thanks and regards,

PRanjal Tripathi

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Re: Cylinder came out of my .32 IOF

Post by winnie_the_pooh » Wed Apr 03, 2013 6:48 pm

It should not fall out on its own....nor should it 'snap' back.Something definitely wrong somewhere.However you will not get any answers without any photographs, of which you seem to have none.

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Re: Cylinder came out of my .32 IOF

Post by dr.jayakumar » Wed Apr 03, 2013 7:27 pm

thank god your barrel didn't come out.most revolvers are so made that you can remove the cylinder,.32 revolver has screws which helps to remove the cylinder,if i am not wrong.

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Re: Cylinder came out of my .32 IOF

Post by Grumpy » Wed Apr 03, 2013 8:52 pm

Doesn`t the revolver come with disassembly/reassembly instructions in the manual ? Assuming that you have a manual that is.....
If something goes wrong/comes loose/falls off/breaks with a firearm you should A. NEVER attempt to force the components back together and B. NEVER shoot the firearm. If you don`t know how to fix the gun then take it to someone who does. Using it when you know there is problem is stupid and quite possibly dangerous. You might do yourself or someone else serious injury and/or might severely damage the gun.
I believe that the IOF .32 is a copy of a Webley breakbarrel revolver. Here`s a link to disassembly/reassembly instructions ( including photographs ) for a Webley MKIV .38 : ... embly.html
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Re: Cylinder came out of my .32 IOF

Post by rahulbdelhi » Wed Apr 03, 2013 9:06 pm

Hey i thought the IOF .32 was of reasonably good quality..............

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Re: Cylinder came out of my .32 IOF

Post by winnie_the_pooh » Wed Apr 03, 2013 10:38 pm

Grumpy wrote:Doesn`t the revolver come with disassembly/reassembly instructions in the manual ? Assuming that you have a manual that is.....
It comes with nothing like that.The chaps at IOF do not want you to do anything in the way of maintenance other than running a patch down the bore after firing.For everything else they want you to bring the firearm to them.In case of the .32 pistol that they make,they epoxy the barrel lock to prevent it's disassembly :roll:

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Re: Cylinder came out of my .32 IOF

Post by Grumpy » Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:03 pm

`In case of the .32 pistol that they make,they epoxy the barrel lock to prevent it's disassembly`.
More likely that they don`t want you to take it apart because if you do so you might see their shoddy workmanship .......
What sort of group of clowns would EPOXY components together to prevent disassembly ? It doesn`t seem to have occurred to anyone that oil and epoxy make poor companions .........
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Re: Cylinder came out of my .32 IOF

Post by Vineet » Thu Apr 04, 2013 12:48 am

pran80 wrote:Friends few days back i opened my revolver to clean it and to my dismay the cylinder alongwith ejector rod fell off outside on it's own. I was too shocked to take any pictures. I tried putting it back on it's axis but it won't go in. I finally started rotating it and suddenly it snapped back in it's place.
I would like to know the reason why it happened? Have i broken anything in my revolver? Since that day it has been functioning the way it should but somehow i am vary of opening my revolver again least i damage something.
The cylinder of the iof revolver comes out when the screws marked in the picture below are unscrewed. These screws are poorly fitted and they often get loose and come out on their own. I would advice you to check them and screw them properly.
2013-04-03 23.46.00.png
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Re: Cylinder came out of my .32 IOF

Post by gladiatorgarg » Thu Apr 04, 2013 1:23 am

i was a proud owner of iof rev till few months back, its a very sturdy weapon,since i personally tested it in various challenging climatic circumstances,their must be some screw loose that's why it came out..just get it checked with a good gunsmith i believe your problem will be solved,i used to completely de-assemble the weapon and it never failed to deliver after assembly,i have high regards for this weapon contrary to popular opinions...

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Re: Cylinder came out of my .32 IOF

Post by Pritu79 » Sun Jul 14, 2013 9:18 pm

It is a good weapon......but I feel the quality is deteriorating, especially the fit and finish. Triggers are really hard/heavy on some, while on some managable....better on the older versions. Has any one tried bluing them.....what i meant is has any one stripped the paint off them :) to see the bare metal finish and oh boy! the amount of finishing work it needs to go through to get a reasonable good blue job. But any ways the action is an solid one and in the hands of an experienced gunsmith it certainly can be improved on.
The two screws above the barrel main pivot screw should be tightened, which holds the cylinder catch or retainer in place. If these screws are a bit loose, the catch plate or retainer tends to skip the cylinder retaining groove. use a thread lock if possible.

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