The Family Ruger and some pistolporn

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The Family Ruger and some pistolporn

Post by TC » Thu Mar 14, 2013 10:51 pm

Hi Friends,
During a time when I had touched the height of my craze for guns, holding four licenses and lusting for more, I spotted this Ruger Mark I.
I always had a soft corner for Sturm Ruger and Co, more so because I knew I could never possess a 10/22 in India....
Till then I had not came across a Ruger pistol or revolver worth picking up. So, this one took my breath away.
The Mark I target model became a "family" weapon, was taken care of and pampered with imported accessories. Two days ago the three American beauties decided to have a party ... :D
Here are some pictures...

This gun bag is a pistolero's dream... padded and compact... carries the full sized pistol, four clips and some extra ammo in a profile that is flatter than most ipad sleeves. Designed at home and stitched by a local bag maker.









Hope you enjoyed..



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Re: The Family Ruger and some pistolporn

Post by Vikram » Fri Mar 15, 2013 12:23 am


I really liked the Ruger.Must be a great pleasure to shoot.That is not to say that the other two are any less nicer. And, yeah, proper pistol porn. Thanks for sharing.

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Re: The Family Ruger and some pistolporn

Post by Moin. » Fri Mar 15, 2013 12:51 am

I don't understand squat about fire arms so let me ask you a dumbo question. These handguns from the pics appear to be large. Why do you prefer these over something that can be tucked comfortably in your waistband. Are'nt handguns primarily meant for concealed carry.

And such good photography. Which camera do you use TcDa. Is it a digital SLR?

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Re: The Family Ruger and some pistolporn

Post by Vikram » Fri Mar 15, 2013 2:00 am

Moin. wrote:I don't understand squat about fire arms so let me ask you a dumbo question. These handguns from the pics appear to be large. Why do you prefer these over something that can be tucked comfortably in your waistband. Are'nt handguns primarily meant for concealed carry.

And such good photography. Which camera do you use TcDa. Is it a digital SLR?


Someone really need to take you to burn some powder. With your attention for detail, at least from what I gather from your knife threads, you will soon get hooked.

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Re: The Family Ruger and some pistolporn

Post by Moin. » Fri Mar 15, 2013 8:50 am

Vikram wrote:
Moin. wrote:I don't understand squat about fire arms so let me ask you a dumbo question. These handguns from the pics appear to be large. Why do you prefer these over something that can be tucked comfortably in your waistband. Are'nt handguns primarily meant for concealed carry.

And such good photography. Which camera do you use TcDa. Is it a digital SLR?


Someone really need to take you to burn some powder. With your attention for detail, at least from what I gather from your knife threads, you will soon get hooked.

Thanks so much Vikram for the compliment. Although had a firearm in the family which was sold off when I was quite young, never quite took to guns, knives have always fascinated me. Accessibilty to firearms also has been an issue. Can't get one even if I can afford to these days. Baljit Pa'ji's come to India so has Sir Tirpassion. High time you XLda, Hammerhead Pa'aji honour us with your presence and let us play host.:-)

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Re: The Family Ruger and some pistolporn

Post by Skyman » Fri Mar 15, 2013 9:45 am

Can i ask - How much for them?
I would rather hit my target gently than miss hard.

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Re: The Family Ruger and some pistolporn

Post by TC » Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:37 pm

Vikram wrote:TC,

I really liked the Ruger.Must be a great pleasure to shoot.That is not to say that the other two are any less nicer. And, yeah, proper pistol porn. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks Vikram. Yes it is a fantastic shooter. Heavy, well balanced and more accurate than my hi standard. Cant beat the Colt though.
Happy to know that you loved the porn :D


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Re: The Family Ruger and some pistolporn

Post by TC » Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:48 pm

Moin. wrote:I don't understand squat about fire arms so let me ask you a dumbo question. These handguns from the pics appear to be large. Why do you prefer these over something that can be tucked comfortably in your waistband. Are'nt handguns primarily meant for concealed carry.

And such good photography. Which camera do you use TcDa. Is it a digital SLR?

I prefer the 22 over any other handgun caliber in the Indian context because of the wide choice of ammo. Its pointless having compact short barreled 22s unless of course one needs it only for concealed carry and not sending a few thousand rounds down the range. The joy of shooting a good .22 handgun for hours cannot be matched by anything. I completely agree with Vikram. You need to spend some serious time at the range. Come down to Kolkata... we will have a blast. :D


PS: I use only one camera these days. The lady's compact cannon IXUS

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Re: The Family Ruger and some pistolporn

Post by TC » Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:50 pm

Skyman wrote:Can i ask - How much for them?
Skyman.... A few things in life are priceless. For everything else you have Mastercard :D


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Re: The Family Ruger and some pistolporn

Post by AgentDoubleS » Fri Mar 15, 2013 7:08 pm

Now now Charlie! those are some angels you've got. Priceless as you rightly say and what a feast to watch (and shoot I'm sure!).

Thanks for sharing TC.


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Re: The Family Ruger and some pistolporn

Post by xl_target » Fri Mar 15, 2013 8:51 pm

TC wrote:The joy of shooting a good .22 handgun for hours cannot be matched by anything.
Absolutely, I shoot more .22 LR than anything else.
I actually shoot more .22LR through rifles than handguns. Shooting .22LR over 50 yards can be a big challenge especially if the wind is blowing (which in this prairie state, is all the time).

TC, I'm surprised that your Hi-Standard isn't at least as accurate as your Mk1. I must say that those three pistols that you own are classics; the best of the breed, if you may.
Any of them will last a lifetime, several lifetimes, in fact. Considering your location, it is an incredible collection! Kudos to you, brother.
Moin wrote:Thanks so much Vikram for the compliment. Although had a firearm in the family which was sold off when I was quite young, never quite took to guns, knives have always fascinated me. Accessibilty to firearms also has been an issue. Can't get one even if I can afford to these days. Baljit Pa'ji's come to India so has Sir Tirpassion. High time you XLda, Hammerhead Pa'aji honour us with your presence and let us play host.
Hey Moin, Save your pennies and come over to the next IFG-USA meet. We will put you through the paces and let you shoot a really wide variety of stuff.
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Re: The Family Ruger and some pistolporn

Post by FN-Five-Seven » Fri Mar 15, 2013 11:36 pm

@ TCda

Wow , four licenses .... Most of us get our rear-end busted trying to get one license ( pardon my French ) . What's your secret ?
I really got to make it to the next IFG Calcutta meet . :D

You really got an outstanding collection . Please do tell us a bit more about your Colt . From the pictures I am guessing cylinder capacity of 8 rounds and a 5 inch barrel . Am I correct ?

From the pictures of the Ruger Mark I , I am think it's a Mark I Target ; the barrel looks a bit thicker / heavier than the Mark I Standard . And a 5.5 inch barrel and 10 round magazine capacity . Again , am I correct ?

@ Moin

I would say that handguns are meant to be easy to carry and they are more easy to conceal than any other large firearm . For example it would be easy to carry a revolver / pistol all day than to carry a rifle around all day long .
But certain handguns are designed from the scratch for the purpose of Recreational target shooting , sports etc . These handguns are designed to be accurate upto a long range , hence the long heavy barrel . Making them concealable and light weight is not the Priority here .
And the Ruger Mark I is one such gun .

Here is a youtube video , where a person shoot a target at 400 yrds away using a Ruger Mark III pistol which chambers a .22LR round . Now hitting a target at 400 yrds with a pistol ( handgun ) is not a joke . Of course the shooter is excellent marksman , but the gun has to be equally good as well .


And you were not asking a dumbo question ; the desire to know more is never a dumb thing :)


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I can't force you to be right .

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Re: The Family Ruger and some pistolporn

Post by ribaalber » Sat Mar 16, 2013 12:03 pm


Woah.. That was one heck of a SHot.
I found it hard to hit the human sized target at 100 Yards with a 9mm Pistol.
Need more practice.. Maybe I will get an Air Pistol
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Re: The Family Ruger and some pistolporn

Post by TC » Sun Mar 17, 2013 12:34 am

[img]Absolutely, I shoot more .22 LR than anything else.
I actually shoot more .22LR through rifles than handguns. Shooting .22LR over 50 yards can be a big challenge especially if the wind is blowing (which in this prairie state, is all the time).

TC, I'm surprised that your Hi-Standard isn't at least as accurate as your Mk1. I must say that those three pistols that you own are classics; the best of the breed, if you may.
Any of them will last a lifetime, several lifetimes, in fact. Considering your location, it is an incredible collection! Kudos to you, brother.[/img]

These words could only come from you. A true gun enthusiast who has lived in both the worlds. I am touched and humbled.
Yes, I have put in years of hard work, patience and of course, money, to live the American dream in Kolkata. Have done the best I could in my prime and will continue to do so.

Thank you brother

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Re: The Family Ruger and some pistolporn

Post by TC » Sun Mar 17, 2013 12:38 am

ribaalber wrote:^^

Woah.. That was one heck of a SHot.
I found it hard to hit the human sized target at 100 Yards with a 9mm Pistol.
Need more practice.. Maybe I will get an Air Pistol
Don't worry. I don't think there are too many people around who can hit a human sized target with a 9 mm at 100 yards :D
XL, I am sure could enlighten you more on trajectory etc..



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