15 Weapons & Unlimited Cartridges For Shooters

The legal aspects of owning, shooting, importing arms/ ammo and other related legal aspects as well as any other legal queries. Please note: This INCLUDES all arms licensing issues/ queries!
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15 Weapons & Unlimited Cartridges For Shooters

Post by amit888_2000 » Wed Mar 06, 2013 3:49 pm

Arms act amended, shooters to have access to licensing norms
Aspiring shooters have got a shot in the arm as the government amended the arms and ammunition act for the first time since 1951, under which they will have "easy access" to licensing norms.

"A notification has come out yesterday and from now on, aspiring and junior shooters will have easy access to licensing norms," National Rifle Association of India president, Raninder Singh, said on Tuesday.

"If you compete in one state or district level championship, you will be entitled to have easy access to the licensing norms," he added.

As per the new notification, aspiring and junior shooters will be entitled to 25000 cartridges, one rifle and one shotgun. Renowned shooters can get 15 guns and unlimited cartridges.

Taking a potshot at his critics, Raninder talked about the work he has done since being appointed to the top job in 2010.

"We have been given the award for the best sport federation in the country by FICCI, and it was given on the basis of transparency and professionalism," he said.

"Since taking over in 2010, I have been working hard to make NRAI one of the best sports associations in the country," he added.

Meanwhile, Raninder accused the Punjab government of putting pressure on the voters.

Raninder lauded the Central government for helping NRAI and the federation and the shooters.

"We are thankful to the government for its help. They have hiked our budget to Rs 20 crore. Why should we go against the government (as far implementing the provisions of the sports code were concerned)?," he asked.

Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/spor ... 816779.cms



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Re: 15 Weapons & Unlimited Cartridges For Shooters

Post by Vikram » Wed Mar 06, 2013 3:58 pm

Excellent news. I do hope that they administer it diligently without inventing new means of preventing aspiring shooters from pursuing their sport and prevent abuse of it.

Thank you for sharing the great news.

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Re: 15 Weapons & Unlimited Cartridges For Shooters

Post by hvj1 » Wed Mar 06, 2013 4:10 pm

Thank you Amit,
15 guns and unlimited cartridges is indeed a mind boggling figure for shooters like me whose career was spent scrounging for second hand weapons and ammo.
Well done Ranninder!

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Re: 15 Weapons & Unlimited Cartridges For Shooters

Post by vkpd » Wed Mar 06, 2013 4:11 pm

:cheers: Joyous news!
Hope the next generation''junior & aspiring shooters'' profit from this & many more are drawn towards the shooting sport & help bring laurels to the country on the final frontier - the Olympics...

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Re: 15 Weapons & Unlimited Cartridges For Shooters

Post by prashantsingh » Wed Mar 06, 2013 4:17 pm

Great news.

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Re: 15 Weapons & Unlimited Cartridges For Shooters

Post by essdee1972 » Wed Mar 06, 2013 5:08 pm

Good news!!!

How do you start competing in district levels (apart from the mandatory club membership)?

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Re: 15 Weapons & Unlimited Cartridges For Shooters

Post by jpinakin88 » Wed Mar 06, 2013 6:19 pm

It's a gr8 new sir,

Sir want know about one thing, I have licence for self defance np bore revolver/pistol n finding a nice revolver for my self protection.. But I want to know that I am playing in 50mtr free pistol in Gujarat state competition, I use my teacher's weapon. Now if I appliy for 2nd license for .22 free pistol under sport category, is it possible to get licence??? I have certificate of last 2 years competition n I am a life time member of rifle club in Gujarat......


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Re: 15 Weapons & Unlimited Cartridges For Shooters

Post by TC » Wed Mar 06, 2013 6:39 pm

Thanks for the post. If "Notification" means the amendment has already gone through the entire process (parliamentary and presidential consent etc) then this is a major move. One can only hope to see this being implemented across the country.



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Re: 15 Weapons & Unlimited Cartridges For Shooters

Post by brihacharan » Wed Mar 06, 2013 6:53 pm

TC wrote:Amit,
Thanks for the post. If "Notification" means the amendment has already gone through the entire process (parliamentary and presidential consent etc) then this is a major move. One can only hope to see this being implemented across the country.
> Does this mean "We can see Light at the end of the Barrel" :D

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Re: 15 Weapons & Unlimited Cartridges For Shooters

Post by renjith747 » Wed Mar 06, 2013 7:02 pm

amit thanks a lot for the info.Can you please post the notification along with this.Hope this new notification helps new shooters from red tapism while acquiring new license.Also shooting sports will reach to a new level under current scenario in India.


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Re: 15 Weapons & Unlimited Cartridges For Shooters

Post by pankajbanjara » Wed Mar 06, 2013 7:13 pm

dukh bhaaare din bite re bhaiyaaa ,,,

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Re: 15 Weapons & Unlimited Cartridges For Shooters

Post by airgun_novice » Wed Mar 06, 2013 7:35 pm

brihacharan wrote:
> Does this mean "We can see Light at the end of the Barrel" :D
Nopes - never - Brihji ! :shock: You are gonna be flouting the safety rules if this is where you see the light. Lots of youngsters are looking up to you and if they take you up verbatim, then (exploding) light is what they will see the last ! And of course should you peer from the breech side then either you see the ground or the light of the sky after the bullets fall off the chamber (of the revolver). :-)

Yes - this is a very positive note and entire credit goes to the efforts of NRAI and Raninder Singh. :cheers:

I just hope that the GOI does not insert a Trojan that now even the non-competitive (e.g .22 cal) airguns would need to get licensed or that .177 cal airguns in possession get notified/ listed on the same license.

@essdee1972 -> Stop punching holes in the beer cans. :-) Better start on a state-approved safety course first and then compete at district/ state levels to get registered as a sports shooter if that's the highway you choose for the bang-bang thrill license. Stay on lookout for odd competition like the couple of them at Parle or anything happening in the interior MH or the newly planned Mumbai Mayor Cup etc. etc. and try your luck there. But I still feel you (and those that think along your lines) should go the proper way. Let the GOI not regret its decision to offer us shooting community some leeway and enjoy the sport for what it is meant to be. Good Luck. :cheers:

All in all, let us stay tuned and hope for the best.

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Re: 15 Weapons & Unlimited Cartridges For Shooters

Post by fantumfan2003 » Wed Mar 06, 2013 8:16 pm

Absolutely, I think we should all say THANK YOU to him on behalf of the entire shooting community
airgun_novice wrote:
Yes - this is a very positive note and entire credit goes to the efforts of NRAI and Raninder Singh. :cheers:
airgun_novice wrote:
I just hope that the GOI does not insert a Trojan that now even the non-competitive (e.g .22 cal) airguns would need to get licensed or that .177 cal airguns in possession get notified/ listed on the same license.
airgun_novice wrote: All in all, let us stay tuned and hope for the best.
As an example of overcoming adversity, Karoly Takacs has few peers. He was part of Hungary’s world champion pistol-shooting team in 1938, when an army grenade exploded, crippling his right hand. Ten years later, having taught himself to shoot with his left, he won two gold medals in the rapid-fire class.

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Re: 15 Weapons & Unlimited Cartridges For Shooters

Post by goodboy_mentor » Wed Mar 06, 2013 9:14 pm

TC wrote:If "Notification" means the amendment has already gone through the entire process (parliamentary and presidential consent etc) then this is a major move.
Going by this news item, it does not appear that an "amendment" has be done to Arms Act 1959. If one notes the ignorance of the reporter, it says "the government amended the arms and ammunition act for the first time since 1951". First, government cannot amend an Act of Parliament. It is only the Parliament that can amend its own Act. Second, there is nothing called "arms and ammunition act". Third, this "arms and ammunition act" was not enacted in 1951!

Also neither such "amendment" is required to achieve this goal. Most probably it is notification issued under powers delegated for the same under some sections of Arms Act 1959. If someone can post the text of the notification, then the things will become more clear.
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Re: 15 Weapons & Unlimited Cartridges For Shooters

Post by TC » Wed Mar 06, 2013 9:26 pm

goodboy_mentor wrote:
TC wrote:If "Notification" means the amendment has already gone through the entire process (parliamentary and presidential consent etc) then this is a major move.
Going by this news item, it does not appear that an "amendment" has be done to Arms Act 1959. If one notes the ignorance of the reporter, it says "the government amended the arms and ammunition act for the first time since 1951". First, government cannot amend an Act of Parliament. It is only the Parliament that can amend its own Act. Second, there is nothing called "arms and ammunition act". Third, this "arms and ammunition act" was not enacted in 1951!

Also neither such "amendment" is required to achieve this goal. Most probably it is notification issued under powers delegated for the same under some sections of Arms Act 1959. If someone can post the text of the notification, then the things will become more clear.

This is precisely what came to my mind. People in my professional community confuse me more than people outside



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