Our Guest of Honour was our IFG Member Tirpassion from Paris-France and the regular”Choori-Mochi Gang” as SirXl calls us were graced by the some one who is considered a legend in the Air Gun Community Dr.Shirsat and my dear friend avid outdoorsman, Krav Magaa Expert, some one who has the most enviable collection of knives in Mumbai Chief Slingshot.
We met at Gallops Restaurant in Mahalaxmi Racecourse. Sunday being a Raceday we were treated to the sight of some very fancy Mercs, Jaguars,Beemers. Our tiny hatchbacks looked really out of place in the parking lot.
Post lunch we went to Chief Slingshots place and all the Gentlemen marvelled at Chief’s most amazing collection of knives !!! Believe you me it is. Chief Also showed his collection of Diana 350 Magnum with a beuatiful walnut stock, Diana Airking 54, a decades old BSA Cadet and a HW Air Rifle to the expert Dr.Shirsat, Brihaji, AGN and Shoubik Da.
Some pics taken from my el cheapo camera, will request the other participants to post theirs.
Oh Yes and how can I forget, all of us got a wonderful Opinel (Made in France) No. 8 folder from sir Tirpassion as a gift. YYYYYYAAAYYYYYYYYYY…. Will post the pics is due course….