My new (v old) .32 ACP Star pistol

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My new (v old) .32 ACP Star pistol

Post by target shooter » Fri Dec 07, 2012 10:44 pm

Hi all,
Finally bought a .32 ACP pistol. Was never happy with the IOF .22 revolver I had.
Star .32 ACP SI series.
This one is Spanish made. Not a good one I suppose but its in very good condition.
Bluing is worn out.
Previous owner had kept it in polythene bag for years without
handling or cleaning.
Some photos of the pistol. pl bear with the photo quality.


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Re: My new (v old) .32 ACP Star pistol

Post by Glock 25 » Fri Dec 07, 2012 10:47 pm

target shooter wrote:Hi all,
Finally bought a .32 ACP pistol. Was never happy with the IOF .22 revolver I had.
Star .32 ACP SI series.
This one is Spanish made. Not a good one I suppose but its in very good condition.
Bluing is worn out.
Previous owner had kept it in polythene bag for years without
handling or cleaning.
Some photos of the pistol. pl bear with the photo quality.


congartulation. kindly mentioned the price which you pay for this

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Re: My new (v old) .32 ACP Star pistol

Post by TC » Fri Dec 07, 2012 10:51 pm

Target shooter,
Star always made very durable pistols if not the best examples of engineering. Bluing is just a cosmetic part of a weapon and can be done over and over again. Since there are no internal damages and all parts are in original condition rest assured you got yourself a good pistol given the present situation in the Indian gun market.

Congrats and happy shooting


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Re: My new (v old) .32 ACP Star pistol

Post by only32owner » Fri Dec 07, 2012 11:10 pm

Very good looking pistol :D :D
I am very happy for you .

Can you please tell us more about it. I am no expert, as of now but I think you can safely keep one round in the chember and its a double action.

Also, is it a 1911 or made on the same platform ?


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Re: My new (v old) .32 ACP Star pistol

Post by ckkalyan » Sat Dec 08, 2012 3:38 am

Thanks for sharing; Congratulations target shooter!

Enjoy your new possession :D

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Re: My new (v old) .32 ACP Star pistol

Post by TwoRivers » Sat Dec 08, 2012 7:06 am

only32owner wrote:
Also, is it a 1911 or made on the same platform ?

While the styling resembles a Colt 1911, it's a Star. And no, as evident from its trigger, it is not a double action.

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Re: My new (v old) .32 ACP Star pistol

Post by TC » Sat Dec 08, 2012 8:26 pm


This website says a lot about this pistol.... found it pretty interesting.

The S series are all similar, compact, all steel locked-breech pistols chambered in .380 or .32 ACP. Practically every firearms manufacturer made pocket pistols in this approximate size range and these calibers, up through the 30's, many of them in Spain. A number of these were knockoffs of the Browning 1903, which Star — as well as dozens of other Eibar-region makers — made extensively.

Though the S is apparently just an extension of the pre-war pocket pistol, they are in fact scaled down versions of the full-sized Star pistols, complete with a short-recoil locked-breech. Whether derivitives of the A or B series (or the M or P sub-variants) is not entirely clear, but at the time of their introduction in 1940 B series pistols had been on the market for nearly a decade.

Throughout the series, both .32 ACP (7.65 mm) and .380 ACP (9 mm Browning Short or 9 mm Corto) versions have been made. In all cases, the base model is in .380, while an "I" suffix denotes a .32 caliber chambering. Most parts interchange between the two, but as the cases are different sizes, there is no way to simply switch out a few parts and change calibers. No other calibers, such as .22 LR, were made. The ultra-rare Super Target model (Super-SM) was not apparently made in .32

Manuals & Disassembly Instructions
I do not have manuals for every pistol shown on this site. However, in many cases there is a related manual. Partly to make the series relationships clearer, and partly to assist with speed and accuracy of updating, all manuals can be found in one place, the manuals page. All manuals available are provided as downloadable PDFs, or you may purchase a printed copy of the entire set of handgun manuals.

All Classic series pistols strip in the same way. Do not the significant differences between older swinging-link and later "Super" variations.

S-Series Pistols in Military Service
The S has been used by the police and armed forces of a number of countries, especially by troops who value space and weight the most, such as aviators. Unlike other military issue pistols, the model S seems to have never been produced in year-coded versions. The commerical, letter-coded variants were used for service instead.

I do not have anything like a comprehensive list, but know that certain units of World War II Luftwaffe aircrew were issued a model S of some sort. The Spanish Air Forces also issued them, and Marine pilots retained them in service up thru the early 1990s. Most model S pistols issued for service seem to have been stamped by the issuing organization. All those I have seen are on the right side of the slide, forward of the ejection port, as the Spanish Air Force seal is to the left.

Although I have seen several references to the Luftwaffe pistols being not Nazi proofed — and of this being a very unique thing in German service — recent troubles with identification of Model B (.08) pistols lead me to report it with a grain of salt. If you think you have a German issue model S, you might. I just have no way to tell right now.

Undocumented Sub-Variants & Parts-ordering Confusion
Anyone who sells Star model S parts has for years said that there are small, almost random variations in the internal dimensions of certain parts in the series. Places like the Numrich Gun Parts Corp. insist you directly measure the firing pin shaft and they will find one based on that size.

Based on my years of observing the difficulty most people seem to have with finding, reading and interpreting the model numbers from the bottom of Star pistols, I now have another opinion on this. I believe that the variations are documented, and are the model variants described below. Changes are the result of varying calibers, safety system upgrades and the like. As the guns are very common, and always remain almost identical-looking externally, they are all considered "model S," with differences.

Until someone with access to a large repository of model S weapons checks this out, its just a theory though. Keep doing whatever your parts supplier needs you to do when purchasing replacement parts.

Models S & SI
By the time the S series was introduced, in 1940, the basic series (A/B) had already undergone four major updates. For this reason, there are fewer unusual and early variants of the model S pistol. The basic versions, S and SI, are fully-realized designs, with arched backstraps and no apparent safety or manufacturing defects. This basic series remained in production until 1983, when the entire classic line was discontinued.

The model S pistols are identical to the larger A and B series, even to the degree that they all are shipped with the same manual (they even have tiny, removable barrel bushings!). Though the tipping barrel locked breech seems un-necessary, it allows the gun to be much lighter than most competing straight-blowback designs. The front sight remained a relatively useless half-circle throughout its life.

Four years after the introduction of the model S, a .32 caliber version was released, with the I suffix. This also remained in production until 1983. I find this to be somewhat odd for a European manufacturer. Among pocket pistols, .32 has been most popular in most of the world, inclund Europe, and .380 is more popular in the US. I have no idea what the reasoning was behind introducing the .380 version first.

Model SM
There may also have been a model SM. It is not listed in all sources, and never very clearly or well, so if it exists I have no idea when it was made and what features it definately incorporated. However, as I have seen several Super SM pistols, I can surmise it was mostly just a model S with slightly taller adjustable sights. There appears to be no such thing as a model "SIM" .32 caliber variant of this model.

Models SS & SIS
In 1957, in lockstep with the basic A/B series, an improved safety variant of both calibers was introduced. This version remained in production alongside the basic model S and SI until 1983. All safety variants are denoted with an S suffix (following the caliber suffix in the case of the .32 gun, the SIS).

These weapons should all have a drop safety as well as a magazine safety, that makes the gun incapable of firing when the magazine is removed.

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Re: My new (v old) .32 ACP Star pistol

Post by a__v » Sat Dec 08, 2012 10:59 pm

Congratulations on your new pistol target shooter! Do let us know how it shoots.

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Re: My new (v old) .32 ACP Star pistol

Post by Tango_ Charli » Tue Dec 18, 2012 8:42 pm

TC wrote:[ Image ]

This website says a lot about this pistol.... found it pretty interesting.

The S series are all similar, compact, all steel locked-breech pistols chambered in .380 or .32 ACP. Practically every firearms manufacturer made pocket pistols in this approximate size range and these calibers, up through the 30's, many of them in Spain. A number of these were knockoffs of the Browning 1903, which Star — as well as dozens of other Eibar-region makers — made extensively.

Though the S is apparently just an extension of the pre-war pocket pistol, they are in fact scaled down versions of the full-sized Star pistols, complete with a short-recoil locked-breech. Whether derivitives of the A or B series (or the M or P sub-variants) is not entirely clear, but at the time of their introduction in 1940 B series pistols had been on the market for nearly a decade.

Throughout the series, both .32 ACP (7.65 mm) and .380 ACP (9 mm Browning Short or 9 mm Corto) versions have been made. In all cases, the base model is in .380, while an "I" suffix denotes a .32 caliber chambering. Most parts interchange between the two, but as the cases are different sizes, there is no way to simply switch out a few parts and change calibers. No other calibers, such as .22 LR, were made. The ultra-rare Super Target model (Super-SM) was not apparently made in .32

Manuals & Disassembly Instructions
I do not have manuals for every pistol shown on this site. However, in many cases there is a related manual. Partly to make the series relationships clearer, and partly to assist with speed and accuracy of updating, all manuals can be found in one place, the manuals page. All manuals available are provided as downloadable PDFs, or you may purchase a printed copy of the entire set of handgun manuals.

All Classic series pistols strip in the same way. Do not the significant differences between older swinging-link and later "Super" variations.

S-Series Pistols in Military Service
The S has been used by the police and armed forces of a number of countries, especially by troops who value space and weight the most, such as aviators. Unlike other military issue pistols, the model S seems to have never been produced in year-coded versions. The commerical, letter-coded variants were used for service instead.

I do not have anything like a comprehensive list, but know that certain units of World War II Luftwaffe aircrew were issued a model S of some sort. The Spanish Air Forces also issued them, and Marine pilots retained them in service up thru the early 1990s. Most model S pistols issued for service seem to have been stamped by the issuing organization. All those I have seen are on the right side of the slide, forward of the ejection port, as the Spanish Air Force seal is to the left.

Although I have seen several references to the Luftwaffe pistols being not Nazi proofed — and of this being a very unique thing in German service — recent troubles with identification of Model B (.08) pistols lead me to report it with a grain of salt. If you think you have a German issue model S, you might. I just have no way to tell right now.

Undocumented Sub-Variants & Parts-ordering Confusion
Anyone who sells Star model S parts has for years said that there are small, almost random variations in the internal dimensions of certain parts in the series. Places like the Numrich Gun Parts Corp. insist you directly measure the firing pin shaft and they will find one based on that size.

Based on my years of observing the difficulty most people seem to have with finding, reading and interpreting the model numbers from the bottom of Star pistols, I now have another opinion on this. I believe that the variations are documented, and are the model variants described below. Changes are the result of varying calibers, safety system upgrades and the like. As the guns are very common, and always remain almost identical-looking externally, they are all considered "model S," with differences.

Until someone with access to a large repository of model S weapons checks this out, its just a theory though. Keep doing whatever your parts supplier needs you to do when purchasing replacement parts.

Models S & SI
By the time the S series was introduced, in 1940, the basic series (A/B) had already undergone four major updates. For this reason, there are fewer unusual and early variants of the model S pistol. The basic versions, S and SI, are fully-realized designs, with arched backstraps and no apparent safety or manufacturing defects. This basic series remained in production until 1983, when the entire classic line was discontinued.

The model S pistols are identical to the larger A and B series, even to the degree that they all are shipped with the same manual (they even have tiny, removable barrel bushings!). Though the tipping barrel locked breech seems un-necessary, it allows the gun to be much lighter than most competing straight-blowback designs. The front sight remained a relatively useless half-circle throughout its life.

Four years after the introduction of the model S, a .32 caliber version was released, with the I suffix. This also remained in production until 1983. I find this to be somewhat odd for a European manufacturer. Among pocket pistols, .32 has been most popular in most of the world, inclund Europe, and .380 is more popular in the US. I have no idea what the reasoning was behind introducing the .380 version first.

Model SM
There may also have been a model SM. It is not listed in all sources, and never very clearly or well, so if it exists I have no idea when it was made and what features it definately incorporated. However, as I have seen several Super SM pistols, I can surmise it was mostly just a model S with slightly taller adjustable sights. There appears to be no such thing as a model "SIM" .32 caliber variant of this model.

Models SS & SIS
In 1957, in lockstep with the basic A/B series, an improved safety variant of both calibers was introduced. This version remained in production alongside the basic model S and SI until 1983. All safety variants are denoted with an S suffix (following the caliber suffix in the case of the .32 gun, the SIS).

These weapons should all have a drop safety as well as a magazine safety, that makes the gun incapable of firing when the magazine is removed.

Beautiful gun

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Re: My new (v old) .32 ACP Star pistol

Post by hardeepsinghbedi » Tue Dec 18, 2012 9:06 pm

target shooter wrote:Hi all,
Finally bought a .32 ACP pistol. Was never happy with the IOF .22 revolver I had.
Star .32 ACP SI series.
This one is Spanish made. Not a good one I suppose but its in very good condition.
Bluing is worn out.
Previous owner had kept it in polythene bag for years without
handling or cleaning.
Some photos of the pistol. pl bear with the photo quality.

You have purchased a good .32 pistol. First of all congrats. .32 bore is the best bore in india with cheaper ammo. If you think the bluing is worn out get the good bluing again. It dosent matter it got original bluing or you got it again as it should look good in your hand.
With Regards,

Hardeep Singh Bedi

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Re: My new (v old) .32 ACP Star pistol

Post by gladiatorgarg » Tue Dec 25, 2012 11:30 am

great possession :cheers: its really nice so frm whr u got this beauty??? :D

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Re: My new (v old) .32 ACP Star pistol

Post by timmy » Tue Dec 25, 2012 11:59 am

I like these locked breech short recoil pistols. Nice find!
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Re: My new (v old) .32 ACP Star pistol

Post by dsingh » Tue Dec 25, 2012 12:00 pm

Congrats and thanks for posting the nice pics .32 bore is the only caliber in India u can get amno easily apart from .22 bore
best of regards

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Re: My new (v old) .32 ACP Star pistol

Post by Tango_ Charli » Tue Dec 25, 2012 2:56 pm

dsingh wrote:Congrats and thanks for posting the nice pics .32 bore is the only caliber in India u can get amno easily apart from .22 bore
best of regards


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Re: My new (v old) .32 ACP Star pistol

Post by hb » Sat Apr 10, 2021 1:10 pm

what is the magazine capacity of .32 star pistol

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