.22 IOF Revolver won't fire

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Re: .22 IOF Revolver won't fire

Post by mhksmk » Tue Nov 06, 2012 12:52 pm

andy_65_in wrote:Is the IOF .22 revolver a disaster- i mean i have a new revolver license with me where i have to endorse a weapon- i was keen on this weapon but lot of people including a reputed gunsmith have advised me to refrain from such a purchase
Dear Andy,
The thing is what is the main purpose of using an Arm? If it is just for carrying as a detterance then .22 IOF is good. No problem there. It even shoots fine. As such I used it for almost two years and fired around 60 rounds. And, I didn't have problem.

Main thing you need to keep in mind is that the frame is made of Alloy. So, you need to handle it carefully.

Overall I find the Arm quite satisfactory. But, then the purpose of use is what is important,

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Re: .22 IOF Revolver won't fire

Post by dsingh » Wed Nov 07, 2012 3:36 pm

Please do one thing keep the rounds in sunshine for one or two hours but without the ones u tested then practice firing. seconly if problem persists serve that dealer with legal notice and file simple complaint in consumer court with relevent documents even if the case is decided late u will get hefty interest along with copensation

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