If you are not going to do much wood drilling, then you don't need the spearpoint NS. I would go for the FR for the following reasons:What are your views: Northstar or the Fox and A2 or 3V ?
1) I like a bit of heft / planted feeling in my hand with small and medium sized knives. The FR is 1.3 oz. heavier.
2) You have large hands and the FR's handle is 1/4" shorter BUT the plunge line drops a lot more than it does on the NS, thereby creating an adequate self guard. The NS has very minimal protection to offer and for a person with large hands the absence of an adequate guard is even more critical. Gripping the NS handle tighter could help but it would also lead to fatigue / cramping in the hand.
3) The jimping on the NS looks way too harsh.
4) Both blades have a full convex but the FR has a wider blade thus providing a more gradual curve from edge to spine. This will make it a better cutter.
5) The FR sits deeper in it's sheath and therefore there is less chance of the knife falling out should the sheath become loose with use and age.
I have no experience of 3V steel but the little I have read indicates that BRK's heat treated 3V micro-chips rather than rolls. A rolled edge can be realigned without loss of much edge steel, if any. The 3V blade, over time, will loose substantial width and would require reprofiling to maintain the original convex profile.
I would like to read the opinions you have formed regarding the 3V steel. Is it BRK's 3V?