That is what they claim 'Worlds best Replicas'. It is quite far from reality. If you think of reenactment scenarios, they are perfect. But for target shooting, a bit of luck is needed. Having said that, if the revolvers are fine tuned, they can be excellent but first of all, you have to have one whose chambers are perfectly aligned with the barrel. As I said, the quality of material is poor specially the steel compared to the German steel. They have improved the 1858 Remington since 3/4 years now and the reviews are quite good.I always thought Uberti made the best replicas.
A small story. I bought an Uberti Revolver '1858 Remington navy' in .36 caliber from Hege, Germany. In fact, the revolver has a German Hege Barrel, the rest are made in Italy and fine tuned by Hege in Germany. The price tag was 200 Euros more. The revolver was excellent in accuracy. Two years later, after about 700 shots went through it, the hammer mechanism broke and it was irreparable. Uberti modified the frame in these 2 years and the new hammer did not fit in. Luckily, it was still in the guarantee period and it was replaced by an 'Improved' version of the 1858, which shoots really great.
But to tell you about the Feinwerkbau R&S revolver, German quality, I had measured the diameters of the chambers of the cylinder with a digital caliper. All the 6 chambers are perfectly same to the 100th of a millimeter. Once, the hammer is cocked, the cylinder does not have any, absolutely no lateral movement, so well it has been machined.
I should stop now. You know Black Powder / ML is a dangerous bug. If you are bitten once, it is hard to get rid of it's effects
Best regards