Finally took the plunge and posting photos. These are of my Rottweiler, Jojo. Will also post my "tools and weapons" collection (a rather miniscule one, but what the heck!). Some of the pics are real bad.... (high contrast - white floor, black puppy, wildly moving subject, blah blah...... lame excuses!!)

Day 1 - 1st may, 2011: he was 1 month and 10 days old, had just road-tripped from Kerala to Bangalore and flown from Bangalore to Mumbai. And the first thing he does is play with a ball. The newspaper is for him to do his "business".

Getting introduced to the camera!

My two boys...

Getting to know each other!

I wanted a photo without him trying to lick the lens, so I lay down in the other room, camera ready, and called.... little chap comes running and skids to a stop seeing me and the lens pointed at him!

A little bigger...

Whatcha doin'?

First birthday! Receiving gifts from his bro!

Dunno about you, but this is how I open gifts!!

With his friends... party time!!