DIY Bluing or Painting my Diana 35

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DIY Bluing or Painting my Diana 35

Post by cooljaskaran » Fri May 11, 2012 11:24 am

hi guys,
i own a diana 35 .22cal air rifle. it hasnt been used for the last 10-12 years. As a result the metal parts have rusted a bit. Almost all the bluing on the barrel is gone but the reciver has about 80% bluing left on it. The need for this post is that i am about to restore the air rifle.need help in the following areas:

1. Should i go for cold bluing method by using the bluing kits from birchwood casey or brownells oxpho blue.

2. Should i go for rust bluing.

3. Should i go for the paint and use a Duracoat kit from

As i going through duracoats website i came across this wood stock finish kit ... ory_id=972. Would like to know that what is the quality of the above kit.

Personally i would like to go for rust bluing but read that it is a slow and tedious process and if it can be done at home.

Secondly i would like to replace stock of the air rilfe to a walnut one ( The original broke and i had replaced it with a IHP one).Please tell me from where i can buy one.

Need fellow IFGians input on the above matter.


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Re: DIY Bluing or Painting my Diana 35

Post by dev » Fri May 11, 2012 11:37 am

Most of the DIY blueing kits are rust blueing in one form or another. Birchwood Casey stuff is good though it is a deep blue colour and not black. Most of the kit stuff is easy to do.
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Re: DIY Bluing or Painting my Diana 35

Post by winnie_the_pooh » Fri May 11, 2012 3:49 pm


You will not be able to get any of the paint finishes shipped to India.Ditto for the stock finishes.

The cold blue (BC and similar) will not give a lasting finish.

Rust bluing requires boiling and then carding,besides the usual metal preparation and careful degreasing.

Ask around for some one who can blue guns and the end product will be a lot better than what you can achieve.

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Re: DIY Bluing or Painting my Diana 35

Post by Moin. » Fri May 11, 2012 5:00 pm

Hi Vinnie and Dev; How permanent is this finish by Birchwood Casey ? Can knifes be blued using this ? And is this easily availble at Arms Stores in Mumbai and at what approxmate prices.

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Re: DIY Bluing or Painting my Diana 35

Post by snIPer » Fri May 11, 2012 5:19 pm

a little advice for those who want to blue their stuff - Preparation is the key, ensure that you have washed, degreased, sanded down to the max and most important of all that it is in the WHITE - literally, you should have got to the bare metal before you start the blueing process.
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Re: DIY Bluing or Painting my Diana 35

Post by cooljaskaran » Fri May 11, 2012 6:11 pm

winnie_the_pooh wrote:cooljaskaran,

You will not be able to get any of the paint finishes shipped to India.Ditto for the stock finishes.

The cold blue (BC and similar) will not give a lasting finish.

Rust bluing requires boiling and then carding,besides the usual metal preparation and careful degreasing.

Ask around for some one who can blue guns and the end product will be a lot better than what you can achieve.

why cant i import the paint or wood finish kits. is their import restricted.

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Re: DIY Bluing or Painting my Diana 35

Post by dr.jayakumar » Fri May 11, 2012 7:35 pm

cold bluing does'nt stay is rust bluing.
rust bluing is fun and the shine you get is rewarding.(I had done for my pistol,looks cool)
pm me if you need any help.

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Re: DIY Bluing or Painting my Diana 35

Post by winnie_the_pooh » Sat May 12, 2012 11:34 am

cooljaskaran wrote:why cant i import the paint or wood finish kits. is their import restricted.
They are classified as hazardous products.Most sellers will not ship internationally.The few that do will do so if you are willing to pay the hazmat fee.This can be very steep.You may end up paying 4-5 times the product cost in shipping fees.

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Re: DIY Bluing or Painting my Diana 35

Post by cooljaskaran » Sat May 12, 2012 8:07 pm

hi winnie
i am ready to pay the hazmat fees.please do tell me the sites who will deliver to india.

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Re: DIY Bluing or Painting my Diana 35

Post by winnie_the_pooh » Sun May 13, 2012 9:31 am


Try caswell plating.

Some forums on the net indicate that duplicolor ceramic paint works well.cart2india sells it on ebay india.

Ballistol India also sells their cold bluing formula.

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Re: DIY Bluing or Painting my Diana 35

Post by Pritu79 » Sun May 13, 2012 8:11 pm

cooljaskaran if can get your hands on a tube of birchwood casey perma blue, it would be the easyiest way out. but prior to any blueing process thorough cleaning and degreasing needs to be done. If you have means of buffing the metal to a mirrror finish, the results would be far better will look professional.
I myself am inclined to DIY jobs, that is if time permits. In my openion nothing can beat the old hoth bath blueing process, which gives you an deep and lasting black finish. but hot blue is messy and emits foul fumes, can be dangerious if your not carefull and is best left to some one who knows what he's doing. I could have helped you out if you were near my place.

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Re: DIY Bluing or Painting my Diana 35

Post by snIPer » Mon May 14, 2012 9:32 am

there are two other options.
1. strip and degrease all the metal parts and get it powder coated - find out who does powder coating locally.
2. buy a spray paint can - imported ones are available at around 200/- a can and they are pretty good.
no harm in experimenting.
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Re: DIY Bluing or Painting my Diana 35

Post by dev » Mon May 14, 2012 11:27 am

Moin. wrote:Hi Vinnie and Dev; How permanent is this finish by Birchwood Casey ? Can knifes be blued using this ? And is this easily availble at Arms Stores in Mumbai and at what approxmate prices.

Moin. ... 5162d90f89
Hi Moin,

I have only used it to touch up, parts of my rifle and so far it is reasonably well wearing. One trick that I have developed is to heat the part to be blued with some hot water. Dry off the water and then blue. This way parts which have some of the older blue will also accept the new coat.
The least expensive way would be to be the blue that the ballistol company is selling. I am going to get a bottle soon. Way easier to buy than beg relatives to carry it in. Experiment with an inexpensive knife and then maybe do the better stuff.


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Re: DIY Bluing or Painting my Diana 35

Post by Moin. » Wed May 16, 2012 9:28 pm

dev wrote:
Moin. wrote:Hi Vinnie and Dev; How permanent is this finish by Birchwood Casey ? Can knifes be blued using this ? And is this easily availble at Arms Stores in Mumbai and at what approxmate prices.

Moin. ... 5162d90f89
Hi Moin,

I have only used it to touch up, parts of my rifle and so far it is reasonably well wearing. One trick that I have developed is to heat the part to be blued with some hot water. Dry off the water and then blue. This way parts which have some of the older blue will also accept the new coat.
The least expensive way would be to be the blue that the ballistol company is selling. I am going to get a bottle soon. Way easier to buy than beg relatives to carry it in. Experiment with an inexpensive knife and then maybe do the better stuff.


Hi Dev;

Thanks for the response. There are a few arms stores Like Tahir, Saleh etc in Crawford Market that I'll drop by the week end to see if it's available and at what price.

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Re: DIY Bluing or Painting my Diana 35

Post by essdee1972 » Fri May 18, 2012 11:25 am

Moin, I was suggested by Brihacharan to use a hair dryer before applying the blue. He has used Ballistol on his AR. Ballistol sells online in India for about 1200/-. (IFG used to have a link on top sometime back...). AFAIR, it's

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