Hello all from RI, USA

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Hello all from RI, USA

Post by PeterTheFish » Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:07 am

Good evening (or morning) all. I'm a born and bred Firangi living in the US with my wife, who is originally from Bangalore. We met in NJ (or little India as I like to call it), which was followed by us moving to India. We lived and worked in Bangalore for a few years (even got married there!) before moving back to the US. We both miss India, and now that I've got my PIO card we plan to move back to India in a few years once we've paid off our house here and I finish some actuarial exams.

So why am I joining Indians For Guns? Well, it never occurred to me that I might have to leave some of my children behind to come to India :( !


So I plan to start my research on what (if any) of my collection I'll be able to bring along when we eventually head back over. Or what I'll need to add to it sooner than later to get it there - I'm thinking I'd rather have a Remington 700 30-06 over an IOF Sporter in that same caliber, at least if the IOF is made to the same high standard the Ambassador we used to tool around in was!!!

So that's me; looking forward to learning more about firearms in India, and of course willing to share whatever I can about firearms in the US.

Regards !

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Re: Hello all from RI, USA

Post by FPSRussia » Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:33 am

Welcome aboard Peter. Lucky you are that you are in the US.(In the sense of availability of guns atleast).


Last edited by FPSRussia on Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hello all from RI, USA

Post by Hammerhead » Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:36 am

I'm open for adoption , how many children you got and "Firangi" are welcome too as long as they like guns - Haji
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Re: Hello all from RI, USA

Post by PeterTheFish » Fri Apr 13, 2012 8:21 am

As of now they are seven; not sure I could bear to give any of them up for adoption. OK, maybe the FiveSeven. It is just costing too much to feed that guy lately - the 5.7 x 28 costs a good bit more than 5.56 NATO...

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Re: Hello all from RI, USA

Post by dr.jayakumar » Fri Apr 13, 2012 8:47 am

hi friend,
nice to have you around.hope you are taking good care of your sidearms.if you are planning to bring your weapons to india,you can by transfer of residence.
this has been discussed earlier,hope you can dig into this forum and find the thread.

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Re: Hello all from RI, USA

Post by xl_target » Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:59 am

Welcome to IFG.
You have some good looking children :)

What's your opinion of the PPS? I came real close to buying one but the funky mag release made me pause. I like the fact that it is so slim. It would make a perfect IWB carry weapon if it wasn't for that one quirk that it has.
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Re: Hello all from RI, USA

Post by PeterTheFish » Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:17 am

XL - thank you for the welcome.

The PPS is a fantastic gun. With a tiny ~3" barrel I shoot nearly as well with it as I do anything else. We have a 100' pistol range at my club, with 6" & 8" reactive targets every 25'. I have no problem hitting them consistently out to 75 w/ the PPS. I really think short barrel autos get some prejudice from short barrel revolvers that they don't deserve! And with the six round mag that sits flush with the bottom of the grip (the 8 round mag is in the pic) it is just very concealable. It's got the heaviest (barring the DA on the HK45 / P99) and grittiest (still improving 500 rnds in) trigger pull of the bunch, but is no worse than a Glock.

That said, I might be a bit biased towards Walthers... I only got the HK45 because they don't make a PPQ / P99 in .45, and the S&W99 is an abomination.

So, reviewed the Transfer of Residence bit. Since everything but the FiveSeven is a PB, looks like I would have to get a .32 (nice excuse to get a PPK) and have an opportunity to buy ammo, or transfer the FiveSeven and just look at it sitting on a shelf. Given how hard it can be to find ammo in the US for the FiveSeven, I can't even imagine trying to get it in India...

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