I understand that you are not promoting the idea of carrying an air pistol for self defense but for many reasons, most of them posted here, the idea of carrying an air pistol for self defense is downright stupid. Don't even consider it.Frosty wrote:Given a situation that the Originator of this thread Mr Autobot is carrying a Co2 action pistol say in range of 430-480 Fps with a 8 shot rotatory clip type mag and Mr Autobot finds himself in the middle of a situation and decides to pull out his killing machine and lays 3 to 4 shots with in 2 secs right on his attacker'"s face(which is not impossible with a pellet gun), it can be effective to the tune that the attacker if not ready with his arm atleast may get a little dillusional because of the blood gushing out of various holes on his skin or he may be severly injured his eye eyes could be squashed with a pellet. This may at least give Mr autobot valuable seconds to flee the spot like a rocket and save his ar*e
In no way this is to promote the "Air gun Defence " sentiment, just trying to give Mr Autobot's thoughts a perspective.
In a self defense situation or indeed any situation where the shooter is under stress, aiming for the eye or even the entire head is just so much so much hogwash. The human body reacts to stressful situations by flooding the body with large amounts of adrenaline. There is nothing the average person can do about it. A massive dose of adrenaline cause most people to react in a certain way.
1. you will lose your fine motor skills; just deploying the gun and pulling the trigger in time, can be a challenge at times like this.
2. at the short distances that most self-defense encounters occur, you will have very little time to react, aimed shots are going to be a luxury. You will be lucky to hit the center of mass (COM) on your target. Real life is not Hollywood.
3. you will suffer from tunnel vision and auditory occlucion, you most likely will only be able to concentrate on one threat at time.
3. since you will not be able to do much more than get off a few hurried shots and not do any disabling damage, more than likely, you are going to seriously piss off the attacker/s who will take it out of your hide.
As for the OP's mentioning of the Mumbai attacks. Please! You want to go up against AK47 toting terrorists with an air pistol?
Please do not even consider an air pistol as a self defense tool.
If you have no weapons, or even if you do, your best tactic to deal with a life threatening situation is not to be there. Or if by some mischance you are there, then it is best to remember and implement Zombieland's Rule No. 1: Cardio. In other words...... Run!