Exploring Okanagan Valley BC, with fellow IFGian

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Re: Exploring Okanagan Valley BC, with fellow IFGian

Post by ckkalyan » Tue Sep 20, 2011 2:22 pm

@ Vikram, prashantsingh, The Doc, xl_target, ngrewal, winnie_the_pooh, dr.jayakumar, Kanwar76, Katana, Peashooter

Gentlemen, I am overwhelmed by your response, thank you very much for your encouragement - I appreciate it.

I am truly grateful to and humbled by Baljit and his family for their immense sense of hospitality and friendship.

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Re: Exploring Okanagan Valley BC, with fellow IFGian

Post by 357 S&W » Thu Sep 22, 2011 4:08 am

Nice post, Baljit and Kalyan.
Quick question for Baljit, where did you get your boar? I was thinking you would be heading to my place for some boars :)

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Re: Exploring Okanagan Valley BC, with fellow IFGian

Post by Baljit » Thu Sep 22, 2011 8:44 pm

357 S&W wrote:Nice post, Baljit and Kalyan.
Quick question for Baljit, where did you get your boar? I was thinking you would be heading to my place for some boars :)

Hi, 357 , where you been?
no i did not get this bore but my fellow worker went to Alberta for wild bore hunt, there is lot's problum up there from wild bore, he got 2 wild bore so he give me some ribs. but i love to hunt those bore anyday anytime.
I am making a plan for wild boar hunt next spring in Alberta, we'll see what happens. :cheers:


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Re: Exploring Okanagan Valley BC, with fellow IFGian

Post by Safarigent » Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:47 am

ckkalyan and baljeet
here's to your friendship.
you gentlemen epitomize the work hard and party hard(er)
i can imagine it must be tough to take time out and go make new friends.
but you did.
and thats heartening.
Baljeet sir, great shooting and great hospitality. i doff my hat to you.
Kalyan sir, a lovely write up. you are an inspiration. i hope to have your spirit and enthusiasm for new experiences and the same thirst for knowledge when i am older.
My regards to the both of you once again. Waiting for the rest of the write up.

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Re: Exploring Okanagan Valley BC, with fellow IFGian

Post by ckkalyan » Tue Oct 04, 2011 1:42 am

Friends, allow me to apologize for the delay in uploading the last two days of the trip. On my return, I simply got drawn into pending, more mundane matters of life like setting up house. Sorry!

Day 5 = Tue 13th Sep
Trip to Vernon - Gunsmith

https://picasaweb.google.com/ckkalyan/E ... directlink

The day started off with my taking some photos of a beautiful sunrise over the hill facing Baljit’s house. We had planned a trip to nearby Vernon, to see Baljit’s preferred gunsmith cum gun shop and to pick up some pending supplies. We started off about midday and elected to take the back roads through scenic country rather than the highway. It turned out to be the right decision. The landscape and lakes that we passed by on the drive to Vernon were simply stunning. The water was to our right and the mountains to our left, through which the road wound. There seemed to be one beautiful lake after another on the entire route. I do believe firmly now that there is no more beautiful place on earth than BC!

The gun shop Del Selin Gunsmith Ltd, we walked into was no fancy game and hunting showroom – it had character and an old time style all its own. I was inclined to spend more time browsing through all the goodies scattered, for the most part, haphazardly throughout the crowded interior. There were weapons of all ages, shapes, sizes and description, hooked on to walls, hanging from the roof, including some very curious, Unidentified Flying Weapons! Some articles were seemingly growing out of the very floor! We spent a short half hour there while Baljit conducted his business, while I was simply inhaling the atmosphere. My feeling as I walked out of the place was that I was leaving a veritable Aladdin’s Cave – unexplored!

Gentlemen, I wish I could have shown you all some pictures, but Baljit had told me that the owner was very camera shy and protective of his shop. So I had to desist and show considerable restraint in using my trigger finger!

On our way back from Vernon we took the highway which couldn’t hold a candle to the sights that we saw on our way up. The whole trip took us about 3 hours.

The evening’s supper turned out to be a farewell dinner as I was scheduled to depart the next afternoon. Wild Boar Ribs and Crown Royal Whiskey were on the menu by popular demand, accompanied by some delicious home grown green chillies, fluffy Rotis and some wonderful Dal!

For dessert, Baljit had a surprise for me – he handed over two student handbooks of the Canadian Firearms Safety Course, which he said I should peruse in advance of applying for my PAL (Possession and Acquisition Licence). I was thrilled by his forethought and generosity. I promised to return them safely to him in due course.

After a mellow conversation and a feeling of having achieved a few exciting days we retired for the day.

Day 6 = Wed 14th Sep
Return to Vancouver 3 pm

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The next morning was mostly spent in rehashing our adventures, collating the data, identifying and selecting images to be uploaded all done in with a sense of urgency at the time to leave was fast approaching.

After fond goodbyes and grateful thanks were expressed, Baljit drove me over to the West Bank Bus Station, from where I boarded the Greyhound back to Vancouver.

Most of the return trip was spent with my eyes glued to the large windows of the bus. I delightedly absorbed the glorious vistas of majestic fir covered mountains rushing by; there was even some early snow on the peaks that I could spot.

About twenty minutes out of Merritt, I espied what I thought was a large dog gambolling in a creek bed. It all happened in a flash but the image is burned in my memory; it turned out to be my very first sighting of a black bear in the wild!

After six hours I reached home safe, tired but happy, euphoric - my thoughts filled with the amazing sights of nature and fun that I had just experienced. I shall forever carry memories of extraordinary friendship, hospitality and excitement over these few days spent in West Kelowna, BC with Baljit and his family.

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Re: Exploring Okanagan Valley BC, with fellow IFGian

Post by Baljit » Tue Oct 04, 2011 8:23 pm

Thank's CK for spent few days with us and writing up your trip for all the member, it's hard work, Yes indeed we have a grate time togather. :cheers:


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Re: Exploring Okanagan Valley BC, with fellow IFGian

Post by Vikram » Tue Oct 04, 2011 10:43 pm

Another delightful account and lovely photos,Kalyan.

Canada is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. I have recently watched a film called "The Bear" by Jean-Jacques Annaud. It was set in British Columbia and he catches the magnificent beauty of the land very well.If you get a chance, watch it.It is not for kids, BTW.

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Re: Exploring Okanagan Valley BC, with fellow IFGian

Post by xl_target » Tue Oct 04, 2011 11:35 pm

What a lovely trip and so well recounted.
Thanks Baljit and Kalyan-sahib for letting us share this experience with you.
The photos added immensely to the experience. We often tend to forget how beautiful and varied this planet of ours is.
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Re: Exploring Okanagan Valley BC, with fellow IFGian

Post by Baljit » Wed Oct 05, 2011 1:45 am

Thank's Vikram and xl , i wish to all the member to enjoy the beauty of this planet. :cheers:


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Re: Exploring Okanagan Valley BC, with fellow IFGian

Post by ckkalyan » Wed Oct 05, 2011 10:03 am

Safarigent wrote:ckkalyan and baljeet
here's to your friendship.
you gentlemen epitomize the work hard and party hard(er). i can imagine it must be tough to take time out and go make new friends. but you did. and thats heartening.
Baljeet sir, great shooting and great hospitality. i doff my hat to you.
Kalyan sir, a lovely write up. you are an inspiration. i hope to have your spirit and enthusiasm for new experiences and the same thirst for knowledge when i am older.
My regards to the both of you once again. Waiting for the rest of the write up.
Thank you very much Safarigent, for your thoughts on friendship, hospitality, shooting, enthusiasm for adventure, thirst... I am sure you will be more than pleased with your sense of Joie de vivre when the time comes. :D
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Re: Exploring Okanagan Valley BC, with fellow IFGian

Post by ckkalyan » Wed Oct 05, 2011 10:06 am

Baljit wrote:Thank's CK for spent few days with us and writing up your trip for all the member, it's hard work, Yes indeed we have a grate time togather. :cheers:
Thanks a ton buddy! I sure missed your input and systematic method of organizing images while uploading the final part of the saga. Anyhow, it is good to know that we shall be meeting soon in Vancouver. :cheers:
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Re: Exploring Okanagan Valley BC, with fellow IFGian

Post by ckkalyan » Wed Oct 05, 2011 10:23 am

xl_target and Vikram

Thank you very much for your constant encouragement and kind words, muchas gracias, senors! :D

The Bear - Vikram I watched this movie sometime ago (it was one of those films that I came across while idly surfing the TV channels, late at night - it instantly grabbed my attention and I stayed on to watch it to the end - or in any event until I dozed off from the effects of Stolichnaya?! :lol: ). I did not realize the significance till you brought up the topic just now. I very clearly remember the initial hesitation and reluctance to make friends, on the part of the Grizzly towards the Cub...very poignant - it tugged at my heart strings! I did not know that it was set in BC - thanks for bringing it back to my attention.

:agree: XL-ji - a picture is indeed worth a thousand words and what a wonderful and joyful place this planet of ours is! :D

:cheers: gentlemen
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Re: Exploring Okanagan Valley BC, with fellow IFGian

Post by Baljit » Mon Jan 02, 2012 1:55 pm

Thank you very much CK ,for spent a few days with us but that was in last years ( 2011 ) . whats your plane for this year ? ( 2012 ). :D :cheers: :skeet: :skeet:


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Re: Exploring Okanagan Valley BC, with fellow IFGian

Post by dev » Mon Jan 02, 2012 4:49 pm

Damn you brought tears to my eyes...such magnificent ribs and so many guns :lol: .
A toast to both of you, specially Baljit, you are quite a crack shot.


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Re: Exploring Okanagan Valley BC, with fellow IFGian

Post by Baljit » Mon Jan 02, 2012 10:59 pm

Thank's Dev,i hope CK come over again this years for playing with toys may be few new toys, if it is possible then you guy's are going to see different pictures and video. :D :lol: :cheers: :cheers:

:skeet: :skeet: :skeet:


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