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Post by Mack The Knife » Mon Mar 19, 2007 4:08 pm

No Grumpy, I wasn't addressing you. :mrgreen:

Saw a Roller approaching my six, so removed the digicam from the belt pouch to take a couple of pics in my rear view mirrors.

Merely trying to persuade penpusher to get one rather than just a digital SLR. ;)

With a small point and shoot camera, you can still keep a hold of the wheel and keep an eye on the road ahead. Best thing about them is that they can be carried everywhere on your belt or pocket.



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Post by penpusher » Mon Mar 19, 2007 9:34 pm

Mack The Knife,

Dangerous taking photos the way you do.Now if you had an SLR you would not have endangered yourself or others on the road this way :lol:


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Post by Grumpy » Mon Mar 19, 2007 10:51 pm

There I was driving down the street in the old Rolls Royce when some idiot in front of me started weaving all over the road - seemed to be concentrating on his wing mirrors rather than on the road ahead. Had me really worried because I`d only just picked the car up from the garage where they`d just fitted some white rubber over-riders on the rear bumpers........................................................

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Post by Mack The Knife » Mon Mar 19, 2007 11:27 pm


Actually, I saw two Rollers today. This and a black Phantom. I imagine Mr. Mallya was giving his collection a bit of an airing.
Dangerous taking photos the way you do.
The only way you are going to find whether or not it was dangerous is if you try it. ;)

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Post by HSharief » Mon Mar 19, 2007 11:35 pm

In Hyderabad, I used to see a Roller on the way to my Grand parents house. It used to be parked in a garage of a huge and beautiful villa (where else). All black, it was a doozy. I've never seen an actual Doozy (Duesenberg) though, maybe some day, right along with the K80 ;)




Post by mehulkamdar » Tue Mar 20, 2007 5:03 am


Radio Shack, Costco and several other stores have huge discount sales going on at the moment as far as digital cameras are concerned. If you want a particular model just let me know and I'll check if it is available. If someone's coming to India I could send it across.

Personally, I use a cheap Polaroid 3.2 MP autofocus camera which I bought at one such sale for $ 30. A 256 card for it cost ane xtra $ 8 at the same sale. You do get bargains here if you buy during the off season months.

Cheers and apologies for this OT post.

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Post by Mack The Knife » Tue Mar 20, 2007 7:05 am

Cheers and apologies for this OT post.
Then you misunderstood the purpose of this post. Making him get a digicam is what it is about.....so that I can see all his guns. :mrgreen: Go on penpusher, get one. ;)

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Post by eljefe » Fri Mar 23, 2007 12:12 am

Sounds good penpusher.-About time, what?
Sharief, there was a house at the top of road no 10, banjara hills, some where near the taj hotel on the left, which had a huge black car-this was circa 2000.Same one?
I am associated with heritage motoring club here and have a few snaps with a 1908 belgian Minerva-damn thing is as big as a lorry and overtook my safari at 80km as though I was standing still. Have a few snaps , will post.Great bunch of guys in HMC-we have a delhi 19km rally on 1st april, will post if I go.
Mack The Knife-Ravi Prakash, who runs ambedkar medical college is also a vintage car collector-may be his-a major con man though-wouldnt trust his handshake:twisted: Most of his cars have a 900 or a 009 plate
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Post by HSharief » Fri Mar 23, 2007 1:23 am

Asif, the house I'm talking about is in AWHO colony in Secunderabad, near Karkhana.

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