BSA .30-06 rifle

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Re: BSA 30.06 rifle for sale

Post by penpusher » Wed Mar 21, 2007 8:49 pm

The origin of the action is not a mystery.What is,is the origin of the .315 cartridge.


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Post by danish21 » Wed Mar 21, 2007 10:31 pm

Grumpy, i am very sorry to inform you that the rifle is submitted in the gun dealer's shop due to comming elections in U.P. But a very informative thing i came to know regarding this rifle is that it is a BSA .315 rifle which use rimmed cartridges. And this rifle belongs to a very dear friend of mine who is one of the best gunsmith in eastern U.P. It has all original markings and "BSA made in england" written on its barrel. For pics of this rifle you have to wait for atleast one month till the election is over. But it will be great thing for you to see as i am also curious to take its pic.


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Re: BSA 30.06 rifle for sale

Post by Grumpy » Wed Mar 21, 2007 11:31 pm

Danish, the `BSA Made in England` markings mean very little as they would remain if the barrel had been rebored and re-chambered - that`s why the original proof markings are important. As I also said, the rifle/s might have been rebarrelled or rebored by BSA post WWII but they could not have been made from scratch by BSA because they built no Lee Enfield actions post WWII.
Waiting a month is no problem.


Post by mehulkamdar » Fri Mar 23, 2007 10:10 pm

shahid";p="15194 wrote: As for .303 British Sporting round, I guess I have some info in some books, just got to get round to finding that information and posting it. In person I have never seen a .303 sporting round although. Probably it is rimless like most other rifle cartridges.
More complete bunk. The 303 service round was offered in several different sporting rifles including double rifles, bolt actions on the Lee Enfield action, single shots and the Winchester 1895 lever action. As I mentioned in my post the 303 Magnum was little more than a curiosity, an experiment and for which hardly any guns - probably not more than 10 were made. Savage had what they called the "303 Savage" though in Britain and in the CIP files it is mroe correctly registered as the 301 Savage.

My shooting and hunting buddy and NRA activist in Wisconsin Wayne Nitz has several 303 rifles (and one of the nicest collections of military bolt action rifles that I know of) and he not only buys ammunition for plinking but also reloads for the round. Federal, Wolf and several companies make 303 ammunition for hunting - the only difference between it and FMJ military ammunition is that the hunting ammunition has a PSP a80 grain bullet. The Australian Woodleigh company makes a 215 grain bullet that virtually replicates the old sporting ammunition made for the round between the wars and several SOuth African bullet manufacturers make other proprietary bullets for it.

The whole business of a 303 Sporting Chambering is little more than pure, unadulterated BS.


Post by shahid » Sat Mar 24, 2007 3:14 am

There was a service round of .303 and some British company if it developed a sporting version of .303 did in good interest for business. Now why does this act by a manufacturer get your goat ? He did it to sell it and make money. Where's thhe problem.

The calibre was commercially successful or not is another issue. Why is it BS ? I see no reason to be so rude and imprudent.


Re: BSA 30.06 rifle for sale

Post by mehulkamdar » Sat Mar 24, 2007 8:51 am


Let me make it clear here - posting false information here is something that could affect the new shooters who come to the forum. The BS is completely yours. First you talk of a 303 sporting chambering and then there is even more BS from you about the same thing. The 303 Magnum was not developed in good interest for business as you put it, it was an experimental round that fell by the wayside. The only successful 303 round was the British military chambering which was also chambered in several sporting rifles.

Let me make it clear here - I have been amde one of the moderators of this forum by the owner and one of my responsibilities is to make sure that BS claims are disputed and trolls weeded out. We try to run a site where newcomers to shooting could get information and get shooting with facts, not tall claims and crap. And this means taking on any nonsense about non existent chamberings or of rifles that lift Cape Buffalo off their feet and showing it for what it is. You don't like it? I would not have had to dispute this nonsense if it wasn't posted here in the first place.


Post by shahid » Sat Mar 24, 2007 10:50 am

Very well Mehul, lets get it straight. A .303 sporting round was available in the UK for some time. Perhaps it has been developed. If I write something about it or seek some information why are you calling it BS ? This is pure bad manners.

If a .577 was shot at a beast and it got hit perfectly resulting in an excellent felling taking full hydrostatic shock and energy transfer, felling off its feet it is nothing unnatural. Here too I do not think it is very un natural.

What makes you think you are the world's foremost authority on guns and hunting ? You are not get it clear. Your internet derived knowledge is very very nascent.

Stop commenting on observations of people who **** Edited - Mundaire *****.

Why has this .303 sporting cartridge become a flashpoint ? You too agree that this calibre exists. I too say I have heard about it and wish to find more whether it was rimmed or rimless. I have said I have read about it, not seen it and thus am seeking information. Whats your problem here ? If you have genuine information about it post it here. If not remain quiet.

Why should you call my query or observations as BS ? Why should you behave in a rude and imprudent manner on a public forum ? I think you owe to all of us an apology in this regards and refrian from such un called for behaviour in the future.


Post by shahid » Sat Mar 24, 2007 11:00 am

Ok here is the info I had mentioned about.

THe calibre is called .303 British.

Bullet Weight - 150 grains.

Muzzle Velocity - 2990 fps
V 100 yards - 2670 fps

Muzzle Energy - 2465 ft / lb

Muxxle E - 100 yards - 1983 ft / lb

Source - The Sporting RIfle. Author - Robin Marshal Ball. Publisher, Swan Hill press. Edition 2000.

Price GBP - 19.95

Purchased from - Holland & Holland Showroom, 33 Bruton Street, London.

Date of purchase - April 2003.

Now where is the BS in this.

And if I seek more information as to whether is round is rimmed or rimless, whether the BSA made actions were originally for rimmed cartridges like .315, was this .303 a rimmed version from which the .315 was developed. If I am trying to research this information, trying to trace down the development of our Indian .315 action, design and cartridge what is wronf with it ? WHy this rude and imprident behaviour from your side. Please clarify in full detail.

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Post by eljefe » Sat Mar 24, 2007 1:43 pm

'K guys,
if the blood lust has been met, can we get onto identifying this rifle and help out us Indian gun owners put a id on the pedigree of the limited rifles available here?
The pics are there, as is the seller and the price details. So those of you intrested in the rifle -pl contact Danish.
The rest of us intrested in blood lines-please start a new thread and let the fur fly.
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Post by mundaire » Sat Mar 24, 2007 2:07 pm

Guys this has gone on and on... everyone seems to have forgotten the original topic was the sale of a .30-06 rifle! Am tempted to delete all of these OT posts...

Shahid - pride in one's heritage is a good thing, so long as it does not translate into an "I am superior to you" kind of attitude!

Now that it has been established that what Mehul was saying all along was correct - (that the .303 sporting round that you were speaking of is nothing but the .303 British) - let's get back to the topic, which was the offer of a BSA .30-06 rifle for sale.

Sanjay, we used to earlier be a lot stricter on OT posts - but in the interests of free flowing discussion, the mods do tend to give some leeway now, but within reason of course...

To all, a few words - (I hope they are taken in the spirit intended)

Lets not get one's ego into discussions, else they become arguments! This forum is a place for learning and to learn one must not get caught up in ego hassles. No one and I mean no one can rightfully lay claim to "know it all" on a subject as vast as firearms and shooting!

In these discussions, every once in a while one will end up eating crow (I myself have had to on several occasions here ;) Nope, doesn't taste nice :lol: ) - but being corrected is no reason to feel belittled!

Since the topic at hand is firearms and shooting, a sensitive issue, with safety and legal implications - When making a claim, or a statement one should at the very least be ready to back it up by established verifiable facts! It would be unfortunate indeed if someone picked up wrong/ misleading information here and got into an accident or legal trouble as a result.

Sure we have a legal disclaimer etc. - but poor information defeats one of the primary goals of this forum - which is to help other enthusiasts in India get timely and correct information, both in terms of the law and the technical aspects of firearms/ shooting.


P.S. - Once again, lets save the fighting for the anti-gun crowd... it's an uphill battle anyway, without us bickering amongst ourselves! :evil:
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Post by Sakobav » Sat Mar 24, 2007 7:03 pm

This is way off the mark any one and every one is allowed some lee way while discussing guns and bullets. We tend to believe what we read and hear bith can be off. Share the material and let guys who do this for living as some of mods do on this forum assist in clarifying. Agreed but sometimes its hard to believe what your peers or elders had told us wrong or right and then research material can be referenced and clarifications made.

This forum should be devoid of discussing anything remotely related to religion, lineage pedigree or anything linked to this. Its irrelevant ..

Personally not many of firends and family own guns and my family thinks I am nuts to do so..cant you buy meat in the store? WHy cant you play tennis instead some execrcise would help..
WHy do you have such an expensive hobby?? On and on..

So take it easy ..


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