All India Endorsement

The legal aspects of owning, shooting, importing arms/ ammo and other related legal aspects as well as any other legal queries. Please note: This INCLUDES all arms licensing issues/ queries!
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Re: New all India licence in few days?

Post by penpusher » Thu Mar 15, 2007 9:43 am

I do not fall in any of these categories and still have an All India License.The criteria is to show an adequate reason to have an All India License. Service/business requirements,having land in another state etc.Even then it's not essential that you would be able to get the validity of the license extended to the whole of the country.It might be only extended to the neighbouring states.Knowing the right people always helps :wink:


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Re: New all India licence in few days?

Post by Lever Action » Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:57 am

I have all india licence for my revolver , I had attached photocopies of the documents of my company in which my company had invited me to regular meetings and trainings at different places all around the country and i had clearly mentioned i needed it for purely business purpose and as penpusher had rightly mentioned you ought to know the right people.

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Re: New all India licence in few days?

Post by rahulk » Thu Mar 15, 2007 7:58 pm

We can meet a lot of these people and ostly when we are visiting the dealers and elsewhere also. This middleman business thrives on the complexity that has been built into licensing procedure. This is what they cash on.

My personal opinion is to choose the hard way and not fall into these traps... :wink:

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Re: New all India licence in few days?

Post by Sujay » Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:38 pm

rahulk";p="14664 wrote:We can meet a lot of these people and ostly when we are visiting the dealers and elsewhere also. This middleman business :wink:
Most probably , penpusher is not referring to middlemen ?
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Re: New all India licence in few days?

Post by rahulk » Fri Mar 16, 2007 12:30 pm

penpusher is not.
But perhaps the guy strile met...

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Post by eljefe » Fri Mar 16, 2007 5:02 pm

Reminds me of this schmuck I met a long time ago, an Indian working for an MNC, who tried to impress us with his 12 Ga shooting experiences and when that didnt work, claimed he had an International Arms licence.
It takes all sorts to get their ego massaged

Dont lighten up your wallet while you're at it.The licence raj still prevails, as do middlemen :)
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Re: New all India licence in few days?

Post by cottage cheese » Sun Mar 18, 2007 7:31 pm

Strike, it would be an immensely noble social act if you reported the reprobate to the cops.... but again the cops will probably be hand in glove... thats how the whole thing works..

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Post by paddy » Sun May 13, 2007 8:28 pm

Hi All,

My All India License was cleared by the DM - Noida in March and the file sent to Lucknow but in between came the elections and all work came to a stand still. However, if the DM has got the powers, it means the Asla Babu is taking me for a big ride. Wonder if Mayawati Didi will not take away the powers from the DM and send us back to Lucknow.

Danish - kindly send the copy of the notification to the moderators for posting.



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Post by sa_ali » Sun May 13, 2007 10:14 pm

i am not sure about other states, but in delhi it goes to the Lt Governor for conversion to all India, but with sports certificate and NRAI membership, its helps a lot.

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defination of all India licence as per arms act

Post by shutzen » Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:29 am

HI! I have a come across two methods adopted by the babus when they extend the area of a arms licence to all India . Which one is the correct one as per the arms act - here are examples of the entries:

1. Extended the area of arms licence to all India subject to state restrictions.

2. Extended the area for possesion of .32 revolver * or any other relevent weapon* to all India subject to state restrictions.

Earlier I had thought the example 2 was only used for giving a selective all India permission ( like for one weapon out of the three held on the licence) but our home secy. office has made it a habit of specifically giving area extension for specific weapons. example : as a shooter I have four weapons currentl and all four are mentioned individually in the all India endorsement. Now when I again got permission to purchase addition weapons I have to follow the cumbersome process of getting all India permission for all of them again individually - man talk of licence raj the friggin babus want to exert even more control over the ordinary citizen and favour their friends . The most freaked out thing is that they dont mention "NPB revolver or NPB Rifle" the suckers specifically mention .32 bore revolver or .315 bore rifle so if later u sell and change calibers you have to get another endorsement

In case of a person having the endorsement at example 1 he can add weapons on his licence later and they are automatically "ALL INDIA" selling and changing caliber also do not require any further endorsements.

Which according to the arms act is the correct method of endorsement? Is the licence extended to all India or specific weapon ? lets have ur views (legally tenable) and the procedure followed by ur state


Re: defination of all India licence as per arms act

Post by penpusher » Tue Jun 26, 2007 11:00 am


Example 2 might be specific to you.Perhaps an after affect of the article in the newspaper about the Home Secretary.I have only seen the first example that you have given.Nothing wrong with the second one also.


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Re: defination of all India licence as per arms act

Post by Risala » Tue Jun 26, 2007 4:29 pm

My All India Lic is under the first category,but that happened a long time ago sometime in early 92.
Could it be that the policy over the years has changed atleast in Delhi.They do have an ISO 9000 certification now.
They are very sticky these days in extending the area /validity of the Lic in Delhi.Most cases without sufficient reason get turned down.


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Re: defination of all India licence as per arms act

Post by shutzen » Tue Jun 26, 2007 8:06 pm

penpusher";p="22153 wrote:Shutzen,

Example 2 might be specific to you.Perhaps an after affect of the article in the newspaper about the Home Secretary.I have only seen the first example that you have given.Nothing wrong with the second one also.

HI! well I have seen the licence of 2 other ppl and they r the same, I guess some idi** babu made a policy relating to selective grant of one weapon for all India on a licence having more than one weapon and that has been implemented for all ;) cant expect any better than this frm the desi babus though. I will shortly post 4 major run-ins I had with the great Indian babu comedians regarding my licences and sports shooting. Man my file with the home office is one and a half inches thick ! the guys should reimburse me for a ream of exec. bond at least...

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"All India" endorsement

Post by cherian.k.k » Mon Dec 17, 2007 4:23 pm

hello all
as most of yuo might be knowing it is going to be 8 months since i have been running around to get an all India license for my IOF revolver. i have submitted all relevant papers including the certificates & letter from club which i got . today I got a letter from home dept. asking me to prove I am a shooter. what should i do? :(

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Re: shooter

Post by Mack The Knife » Mon Dec 17, 2007 5:16 pm

Send the same documents, especially the one from your club, along with a well written covering letter.

Tell them that if there are any other particular documents that they would need, then you would be pleased to get these for them as well.

P.S.: Since it's a legal question, this post belongs in the legal section/forum.

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