Stray Dog Menace in Big Cities

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Post by eljefe » Sat Mar 10, 2007 3:10 pm

sniff, sniff, how touching...:evil:
Ok, Guys, lets get back to the business at hand-GUNS, more guns...
''It dont mean a thing, if it aint got that zing!''

"...Oh but if I went 'round sayin' I was Emperor, just because some moistened bint lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away..."

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Re: Stray Dog Menace in Big Cities

Post by Yaj » Sat Mar 10, 2007 4:19 pm

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
The more people I meet,the more i like my dog!

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Post by Olly » Sat Mar 10, 2007 4:40 pm

Lets see what Delhi Police Arms License Renewal Form says

"It is certified that the above particulars are correct and incase of any wrong information, my licence is liable to be suspended/ cancelled. Licence is enclosed. I hereby undertake that I will abide by the provisions of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 and the protection of Cruelty of Animal Act, 1960 and further undertake to protect and improve the environment and safeguard forests and Wildlife, and to have due compassion for living creatures, I understand that any violation in this regard shall make me liable for action under the provisions of Arms Act, 1959 and Arms Rules, 1962."

Isn't the police then the only authority to certify what constitutes 'compassion' and 'protection' of living creatures...

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Post by eljefe » Sat Mar 10, 2007 10:38 pm

Thats only the delhi police...we need to start a new thread to divert to cop -bashing-they, as we all know, have the milk of human kindness flowing by the quart in every vein! :evil:
So lets call it quits here and move on?
''It dont mean a thing, if it aint got that zing!''

"...Oh but if I went 'round sayin' I was Emperor, just because some moistened bint lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away..."

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Post by Olly » Sun Mar 11, 2007 11:52 am

ya... even I feel so.. :D

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Post by ronaq » Tue Nov 27, 2007 12:37 am

hi respected memebers,
my post is just my opinion and i ts not meant to offend anybody...well i read the entire article and even watched a feature on the same subject on ndtv sometime back...i sincerely sympathies with the grieved family...but i just want to say this that if we look into the situation deeply then we can come out with more sensible solutions like:-
1} stray dogs should be stopped from reproducing.
2} if every family in india starts just giving two chappatis a day to one single stray dog then they wont follow their natural instincts coz they ll be not dying of hunger...
in this manner after a period of i suppose fifteen years we ll not be having stray dogs...

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Post by Sakobav » Tue Nov 27, 2007 5:34 am


so how best to execute 1 and then 2? While one is at it we should include vaccination for rabies, etc.

These dogs are a menace and need to be culled. As stated on other post, whenever possible these dogs should be adopted. They are sturdier and one of the smartest dog I came across was a mongrel.


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