IHP "National" air rifles & pistols

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Post by mundaire » Fri Mar 02, 2007 7:28 pm

BTW - Dev did you chrono the performance of the gun with the Maccari spring? Did the added power affect accuracy in any way? Would be interesting to know...

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Post by mundaire » Sat Mar 03, 2007 7:07 pm

The two threads on IHP air-guns have now been merged into this one...

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Post by eljefe » Sat Mar 03, 2007 7:59 pm

mundaire";p="13720 wrote:Hi Dev,

Sure, we'll meet up over a cold beer and discuss this in detail... meanwhile let me tell you what I was thinking of... so if you have tried any of this it would be great if you could relate your experiences here for the benefit of others. This is mostly based on stuff I have googled in the past few days, as my own exp. with airguns is rather limited.

1) Deburr & polishing all moving parts, including the inside of the cylinder (with due care of course).

2) Replace the mainspring guide with one fashioned from PTFE/ Nylon.

3) Add a PTFE/ Nylon washer inside the piston, where the mainspring rests.

4) Replace the piston washer with one fashioned from a Teflon/ PTFE rod.

5) Give the inside of the cylinder a thin coat of Teflon based engine oil additive. This was desrcibed by an airgun tuner on some forum - what he used was something called Slick 50, equivalents are available in India and should be decent substitutes.

6) File and sand both ends of the mainspring so as to make them as perfectly plane and smooth as possible.

7) Add thin plastic washers to the barrel assembly to compensate for the steel shims which are missing in the IHP models.

This is just some of the stuff I have come across as mods that could be (relatively) easily tried out on the various IHP models.

Do let me know your thoughts.

Others, please do jump in with your own suggestions/ thoughts on this. I don't expect to make this into a mean magnum... that it will never be! But I am sure it can be made to shoot sweeter and smoother than it is capable of in stock trim.


Abhijeet and Dev.
I want a 22 IHP :cry: -brings back memories of old.Wonder If I can transfer the scope of your airgun(the one thats lying with me!) onto the new one Dev?
Are prometheus 22 pells still being made? :twisted:
Will be a willing party for the tune up polishing-I've some some teflon based dry film spray lube and some Moly grease too, so please scream if you want.
Deburring and hand polishing-sure , let do it!
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Post by mundaire » Sun Mar 04, 2007 2:27 am


As you can see... the minor hiccup has been rectified... ;)

Back to the topic on hand - sure lets all pool in our talents/ resources and get this going. Have located a vendor each for Moly/ Teflon lubes and Teflon/ PTFE rods. Now I just need to call them up and start the process of procuring some of the raw materials... Will be sure to get enough for at least 3-4 air-rifle projects... maybe more, if the wholesaler insists on selling me a minimum quantity... ;)

Will update you guys as things progress, we also would need the services of a good machinist - to shape the spring guides and piston washers... any chap with a lathe, bench drill and basic skills on how to use them would do... so if you know of anyone close by....

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Post by dev » Sun Mar 04, 2007 10:44 am

I do not have a chrony but I have been doing a can test when an air rifle shoves a pellet down both ends of a dalda or a tin fish can I grin and recon its good enough.

Accuracy was the same, mine used to have a very accurate barrel anyway.


mundaire";p="13721 wrote: BTW - Dev did you chrono the performance of the gun with the Maccari spring? Did the added power affect accuracy in any way? Would be interesting to know...

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Post by dev » Sun Mar 04, 2007 10:51 am

Yes you can transfer the scope but we'll need to build a mount for it. We can glue the mount on with my special glue J.B.Weld.


eljefe";p="13786 wrote:
mundaire";p="13720 wrote:Hi Dev,

Sure, we'll meet up over a cold beer and discuss this in detail... meanwhile let me tell you what I was thinking of... so if you have tried any of this it would be great if you could relate your experiences here for the benefit of others. This is mostly based on stuff I have googled in the past few days, as my own exp. with airguns is rather limited.

1) Deburr & polishing all moving parts, including the inside of the cylinder (with due care of course).

2) Replace the mainspring guide with one fashioned from PTFE/ Nylon.

3) Add a PTFE/ Nylon washer inside the piston, where the mainspring rests.

4) Replace the piston washer with one fashioned from a Teflon/ PTFE rod.

5) Give the inside of the cylinder a thin coat of Teflon based engine oil additive. This was desrcibed by an airgun tuner on some forum - what he used was something called Slick 50, equivalents are available in India and should be decent substitutes.

6) File and sand both ends of the mainspring so as to make them as perfectly plane and smooth as possible.

7) Add thin plastic washers to the barrel assembly to compensate for the steel shims which are missing in the IHP models.

This is just some of the stuff I have come across as mods that could be (relatively) easily tried out on the various IHP models.

Do let me know your thoughts.

Others, please do jump in with your own suggestions/ thoughts on this. I don't expect to make this into a mean magnum... that it will never be! But I am sure it can be made to shoot sweeter and smoother than it is capable of in stock trim.


Abhijeet and Dev.
I want a 22 IHP :cry: -brings back memories of old.Wonder If I can transfer the scope of your airgun(the one thats lying with me!) onto the new one Dev?
Are prometheus 22 pells still being made? :twisted:
Will be a willing party for the tune up polishing-I've some some teflon based dry film spray lube and some Moly grease too, so please scream if you want.
Deburring and hand polishing-sure , let do it!
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Re: Indian Hume air rifles & air pistols

Post by hamiclar01 » Sun Mar 04, 2007 2:36 pm


funny, when i asked around the forum for suggestions to improvise my ihp in jan, you asked me to forget it and buy an imported gun instead :? have you changed your mind about the advice, or have you caught up in the enthusiasm? :wink:

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Post by shahid » Sun Mar 04, 2007 7:57 pm

My own National 35 is not very accurate. It sprays 6 inch groups at 20 yards. Got to tweal it a bit. What wood is used to make the stock of these rifles ?

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Post by Olly » Mon Mar 05, 2007 11:02 am

Reading thru, I have nearly made my decision to buy an IHP Mod 35 - .22

I have an old .22 from a unknown company called SAVAGE ... but that was childhood... !! Still works but the sights are miserable... :( and no clue whom to approach...

Yes, I am party to the 'refab' of the IHP. AND ofcourse the beer is sweeter at my end... !! :lol:

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Post by mundaire » Mon Mar 05, 2007 11:36 am

Anupam";p="13857 wrote:I have an old .22 from a unknown company called SAVAGE ... but that was childhood... !! Still works but the sights are miserable... :( and no clue whom to approach...
Bring it over to the "IHP tune think tank" session ;) :lol: ... and lets see if anything can be done to get it going again... If just the sights are the only problem, that could be rectified by using replacement sights from the IHP parts bin, if they fit...

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Post by kanwar76 » Tue Mar 06, 2007 4:26 pm

mundaire";p="13805 wrote:Asif,

As you can see... the minor hiccup has been rectified... ;)

Back to the topic on hand - sure lets all pool in our talents/ resources and get this going. Have located a vendor each for Moly/ Teflon lubes and Teflon/ PTFE rods. Now I just need to call them up and start the process of procuring some of the raw materials... Will be sure to get enough for at least 3-4 air-rifle projects... maybe more, if the wholesaler insists on selling me a minimum quantity... ;)

Will update you guys as things progress, we also would need the services of a good machinist - to shape the spring guides and piston washers... any chap with a lathe, bench drill and basic skills on how to use them would do... so if you know of anyone close by....


Hi Abhijeet,

While you are at it.. Can you please get one spring guide made for me also? Got a National35 which desperately needs a tune. Will pay for the same.

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Post by Olly » Tue Mar 06, 2007 5:17 pm

"IHP tune think tank" session
WHEN AND WHERE ??? :evil:

Did u visit the Rani Jhansi Road outlet of IHP ? If so, do they sell spares too ??? If not, I'll go there and enquire... u r welcome to accompany me, if u like...any time convenient to u....

I am motivated to get a air rifle with a scope instead of a .22 IOF rifle... feel its more practical and usable... {comments ? }

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Post by mundaire » Tue Mar 06, 2007 6:36 pm

"IHP tune think tank" session
WHEN AND WHERE ??? :evil:
Not decided yet... I guess we all have a few things on our plates... but soon, very soon - will co-ordinate with everyone... :)
Did u visit the Rani Jhansi Road outlet of IHP ? If so, do they sell spares too ??? If not, I'll go there and enquire... u r welcome to accompany me, if u like...any time convenient to u....
Yep, that's where I had gone... they are the distributors here and they stock some spares too... for some you will have to order before hand and then wait... ditto for the more exp. pneumatic air-rifle model and the CO2 air-pistol (2 months est. waiting period for the last two :P ). Sure, we can go together, I would like to buy a spare spring for the IHP 25 anyway, since the one it came with is now in my nephew's Diana 25... will pick up a couple of piston seals too... lets plan for mid/ later this week... call me!
I am motivated to get a air rifle with a scope instead of a .22 IOF rifle... feel its more practical and usable... {comments ? }
Very different tools, very different uses... only a minor overlap - and that would be for (small) pest control... I would say get both! :D I hadn't shot an air-rifle in ages (more than a decade) till I recently started teaching my nephew how to shoot... I'd forgotten how much fun it can be... it's a fun "toy" to have, without any doubt! And importantly one that does not use up one of the precious 3 slots on your arms license.

Also, keep in mind... while a scope might make an air-rifle look "meaner" and also a bit in longer range accuracy... it does nothing to increase the actual power! ;) At the cost of sounding repetitive... get both... get both... get both! ;) :lol:

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Post by mundaire » Tue Mar 06, 2007 6:45 pm

kanwar76";p="13964 wrote: Hi Abhijeet,

While you are at it.. Can you please get one spring guide made for me also? Got a National35 which desperately needs a tune. Will pay for the same.

Will do sir! But just replacing the spring guide is not likely to cut it! If you want I can in stead get a spare set of all the drop in parts we decide to have fabricated. Right now those would be, a top hat, new spring guide, thrust washers (these will probably be some ready made variety of the right size etc. that we can find), piston buttons, barrel assembly shims, new piston seal, and an improvised breech seal.

Other than these parts you will need to put in a fair bit of elbow grease to get everything smoothed out... Honing the cylinder (get a pro machinist who regularly works on brake cylinders to do this for you), deburring polishing, squaring out the mainspring etc.

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Post by dev » Tue Mar 06, 2007 7:15 pm

I do tend to vascilate between my hope for a good Indian Air rifle and an indulgence in a foreign one.

When I didn't know how to go about it I did the best that I could with an IHP 35. Mine was bought fourteen years ago and I got a very decent barrel that would shoot one hole groups. Plus matched with master shot round heads it as adorable. I have heard that the Q.C. has slipped ever since but the company is amazing they will VPP spares to you within one phone call.

Recently I borrowed my friends brand new one and except for the hard trigger its nice to pot cans with.
A good HW OR a Qb will just prevent you from going through a load of heart ache.

The IHP is an exact clone of the Diana, I had the chance to compare the two a few months ago at the range. Just the trigger is like a death knell for an otherwise handsome rifle.


hamiclar01";p="13821 wrote: dev!

funny, when i asked around the forum for suggestions to improvise my ihp in jan, you asked me to forget it and buy an imported gun instead :? have you changed your mind about the advice, or have you caught up in the enthusiasm? :wink:

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