IHP "National" air rifles & pistols

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Post by ravindrareddym » Fri Jun 30, 2006 7:09 pm



I have sent you the mail with my contact number.

Hope u have recieved it.

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Post by panks » Sun Jul 02, 2006 1:50 pm

the least the better about my comments being frivilous.

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Indian Hume air rifles & air pistols

Post by M.G. 42 » Sat Oct 07, 2006 8:03 pm

How good are they?And are the pneumatic match rifles on par with International standards.

any other info like prices etc would be welcome.


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Re: Indian Hume air rifles

Post by mundaire » Tue Jan 23, 2007 12:07 pm

The company website is at http://www.indianhumepipe.com/index1.html

Their distributor names/ addresses are at http://www.indianhumepipe.com/rifleadd.html

Their various models are at -




I had called up their Delhi distributor (M/s Art crafts sales) to do a price check and the prices quoted are as follows -

Air Rifles
Model 35 - .22 cal INR 3,600 + 4% VAT
Model 35 - .177 cal INR 3,450 + 4% VAT

Model 25 - .22 cal INR 3,360 + 4% VAT
Model 25 - .177 cal INR 3,130 + 4% VAT

Pneumatic air-rifle - .177 cal (open sights) INR 12,000 + 4% VAT

Air Pistols

CO2 air-pistol - .177 cal INR 9,050 + 4% VAT (supplied with 2 CO2 cylinders)

Only air-rifle models 35 and 25 (in both .22 and .177 in stock). For the pneumatic air-rifle you will have to book in advance, the delivery time is 1-2 months. The CO2 air-pistol too was not in stock and would need to be booked in advance.

For cylinder refills (in the case of the CO2 air-pistol), one would need to return the empty cylinder to the distributor who would then ship it to the Ahmedabad factory where it would be refilled and shipped back - elapse time approx 20 days.


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Post by conty1 » Wed Jan 24, 2007 7:19 pm

Thats a lot of Info Abhijeet. Thanks.

One question unanswered though is, how good are they really? How would they compare to the international models like Diana/RWS, Gamo, HW etc. Or is that a too silly question to even ask? :)


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Re: Indian Hume air rifles

Post by shahid » Thu Jan 25, 2007 12:10 am

Does not compare to Diana / Gamo / Walther or BSA at all. but the best made in India.

Look at the comparision. In India a Diana model 35 commands prices of Rs. 35,000 or more. Definetely there is a difference for a 10 times higher price.

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Indian Made Air Rifles & Pistol 0.177/0.22 Cal

Post by kanwal » Fri Mar 02, 2007 1:22 pm


Found about this INDIAN company based in Mumbai manufacturing Air Rifles & Pistol of 0.177 / 0.22 CAL, with 10Mt ~ 35Mt ranges...


They also have mentioned manufacturing of Co2 (gas) based Air guns on there site, but I didn't found any relative product...............

I think there product will be better than other local made stuff.........any one who has used there product may share there experiences with us.

Enjoy .....


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Post by dev » Fri Mar 02, 2007 1:40 pm

Yes my friend the hume pipe product also known as the national model 35, is the best there is in India. Its a sweet shooting rifle but just needs a better trigger.

I just got my hands on anew nickel plated one pretty decent to shoot.


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Re: Indian Made Air Rifles & Pistol 0.177/0.22 Cal

Post by kanwal » Fri Mar 02, 2007 1:47 pm


Do you have pictures of your guns to post ??

What about the price of there models ?


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Post by mundaire » Fri Mar 02, 2007 1:48 pm

They apparently follow a funny nomenclature - their models in .177 Cal are called "National" and the models in .22 Cal are called IHP. So a Model 35 in .177 Cal would be National Model 35 and the same in .22 Cal would be IHP Model 35. Found this out for myself when I visited their Delhi dealer in Jhandewalan (near Karol Bagh).

Kanwal, you will find out more info on their products/ prices etc. if you search some of the older threads in this section.

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Post by mundaire » Fri Mar 02, 2007 1:51 pm


I forgot to add... Since I now have a spare IHP Model 25 with me... I am seriously contemplating trying to "tune" it for better, smoother performance. While google searches have revealed some interesting ideas, I believe you have first hand experience in tuning the Model 35... would like to discuss some ideas with you and get your inputs on them.

Nope - none of them involves expensive, more powerful imported springs (power not really being the objective here)... not yet anyhow! ;) :lol:

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Re: Indian Made Air Rifles & Pistol 0.177/0.22 Cal

Post by art_collector » Fri Mar 02, 2007 1:56 pm

Hi Kamal,

IHP 35 (.22) made by Indian Hume Pipe with nickle plated barrel is priced around 3700/- (including VAT) in Delhi.


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Post by dev » Fri Mar 02, 2007 2:07 pm

I don't have pic yet but I will post it soon if you want. The price is around what ze art collector has stated. I think its pretty okay for this price and a fun hassle free rifle to shoot. It works best with Master shot round nosed pellets. You can easily plonk cans till 35 m or so with it.


kanwal";p="13675 wrote: Dev,

Do you have pictures of your guns to post ??

What about the price of there models ?

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Post by dev » Fri Mar 02, 2007 2:10 pm

I have a jim maccari spring if you are interested but your rifle will shoot itself loose after a while but the first 1000 or so pellets are real fun. Shooting through DALDA cans with Gsmith round noses are a real cheap thrill. By the way I am just a phone call away as we live in the same city...we can interface physically also.


mundaire";p="13678 wrote: Dev,

I forgot to add... Since I now have a spare IHP Model 25 with me... I am seriously contemplating trying to "tune" it for better, smoother performance. While google searches have revealed some interesting ideas, I believe you have first hand experience in tuning the Model 35... would like to discuss some ideas with you and get your inputs on them.

Nope - none of them involves expensive, more powerful imported springs (power not really being the objective here)... not yet anyhow! ;) :lol:

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Post by mundaire » Fri Mar 02, 2007 7:24 pm

Hi Dev,

Sure, we'll meet up over a cold beer and discuss this in detail... meanwhile let me tell you what I was thinking of... so if you have tried any of this it would be great if you could relate your experiences here for the benefit of others. This is mostly based on stuff I have googled in the past few days, as my own exp. with airguns is rather limited.

1) Deburr & polishing all moving parts, including the inside of the cylinder (with due care of course).

2) Replace the mainspring guide with one fashioned from PTFE/ Nylon.

3) Add a PTFE/ Nylon washer inside the piston, where the mainspring rests.

4) Replace the piston washer with one fashioned from a Teflon/ PTFE rod.

5) Give the inside of the cylinder a thin coat of Teflon based engine oil additive. This was desrcibed by an airgun tuner on some forum - what he used was something called Slick 50, equivalents are available in India and should be decent substitutes.

6) File and sand both ends of the mainspring so as to make them as perfectly plane and smooth as possible.

7) Add thin plastic washers to the barrel assembly to compensate for the steel shims which are missing in the IHP models.

This is just some of the stuff I have come across as mods that could be (relatively) easily tried out on the various IHP models.

Do let me know your thoughts.

Others, please do jump in with your own suggestions/ thoughts on this. I don't expect to make this into a mean magnum... that it will never be! But I am sure it can be made to shoot sweeter and smoother than it is capable of in stock trim.


Last edited by mundaire on Sun Mar 04, 2007 2:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
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