A reminder about the rewards of a well managed hunting program.

The front of the display

An Overhead view of tone of the sides

A Lynx looking for supper.

Whitetail Deer: When the rut approaches, Whitetail bucks rub the velvet off their antlers.
Often, you will come across saplings like this with the bark rubbed off them. This signifies that a buck is in residence in the area.
The size of the rub will tell you a little about the size of the rack on the buck

The Moose! They are huge animals!

Griz is hungry for a Porcupine dinner. He must be really hungry!

This guy is not a happy camper.

A Coyote up front, Javelina's in the middle and Mule Deer behind them.



Motherly Love

Ringneck Pheasant; common in this area. The male has brilliant plumage.

This is a magnificent scene depicting wolves chasing down Elk.

Polar Bears. It's hard to see scale in these photos but I'd be willing to swear that the one standing up is 10 ft tall.

Canis Lupus

Well, it looks like everyone seems to have lunch in hand.

It was past noon so we were getting hungry and decided to find some lunch too.
The constant eating going on in the wildlife display was making my stomach rumble.