RSA - Younger sons first game - trophy Blesbuck

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RSA - Younger sons first game - trophy Blesbuck

Post by kragiesardar » Fri Dec 03, 2010 1:40 am

Now it was my younger sons turn, he was lucky as both his game literally landed in his lap, more on this later. We were driving along a ridge when we suddenly saw a Blesbuck looking at us intently.


The hunt is on, Clayton and the younger son were off in pursuit:



They get ready to take the shot, resting of an anthill to steady his shot.


One shot and it goes down, no coupe de grace required, beginner luck?


Rightfully he was very proud on his first game, it will make SCI and Rowland & Wards trophy:


We were also very proud of him, he had never take a shot lying down and shooting 100 odd yards with all that excitement, maybe his video games prepared him for it?


We shot another 7 animals, need to dig through those pictures and provide them. His gun was the Sako in 22 - 250. Was very suprised by the piddly bullets impact, it's all about shot placement.

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Re: RSA - Younger sons first game - trophy Blesbuck

Post by prashantsingh » Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:00 am

Wow. This one is better than the one you shot. How long were the horns?
Can't call it "beginners luck" .
+1 for the little boy.
Hope you are getting the taxidermy done for all the animals.
Shoulder mounts ?

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Re: RSA - Younger sons first game - trophy Blesbuck

Post by nagarifle » Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:22 am

wow man thats some good hunting for a young lad. :clap:

if you say it can not be done, then you are right, for you, it can not be done.

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Re: RSA - Younger sons first game - trophy Blesbuck

Post by dilip » Fri Dec 03, 2010 11:01 am

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Re: RSA - Younger sons first game - trophy Blesbuck

Post by Anand » Fri Dec 03, 2010 12:06 pm

God bless you Kragie for not only teaching your sons to shoot but also taking them on a hunt. :D I can only hope that I will do that some day with my sons. I see that both of them have not only become fine shooters but also good hunters. Hopefully I would like to set of the same chain reaction in my family some day!
Best regards,

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Re: RSA - Younger sons first game - trophy Blesbuck

Post by abhrankash » Fri Dec 03, 2010 12:19 pm

Dear Sir,
Its good to see your son shooting sir, you cannot call him just lucky!!! :D :o
to have this trophy!!!! :cpix: :cpix:

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Re: RSA - Younger sons first game - trophy Blesbuck

Post by farhan.lateefi » Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:54 pm

great trophy.. at his age its amazing he took the shot at 100 odd yards and bang!!! the buck is down..

great shooting and more to come

farhan lateefi
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Re: RSA - Younger sons first game - trophy Blesbuck

Post by dev » Fri Dec 03, 2010 3:32 pm

Ah...nice to see the next generation of hunters and shooters. You're a good man Sir.
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Re: RSA - Younger sons first game - trophy Blesbuck

Post by grewal » Fri Dec 03, 2010 4:54 pm

Sorry to see some bad habits being passed on to the next generation. This post is promoting Hunting . And I am totally against it. So should be everyone. Perhaps we should be teaching the next generation something about conservation. I am not against teaching shooting skills but definitely against kill those majestic animals. Sorry to see that everyone praised Kriegsardar for developing the skill to kill those innocent animals in that innocent young boy.
Sorry to share my prospective towards otherwise happy thread.

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Re: RSA - Younger sons first game - trophy Blesbuck

Post by sa_ali » Fri Dec 03, 2010 6:12 pm

Congratulate your son on the lovely trophy.

That nice on hands grooming that you are doing and passing on the legacy, keep it up. I hope some day i can pass it on too :).

Non hunting debate we have had several times, so i think we should not start pro and anti statements. You dont like it bro grewal, thats good for you, but please dont impose it on others. World is big enough for all to share their own like and dislikes.

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Re: RSA - Younger sons first game - trophy Blesbuck

Post by grewal » Fri Dec 03, 2010 6:58 pm

sa_ali wrote:Non hunting debate we have had several times, so i think we should not start pro and anti statements. You dont like it bro grewal, thats good for you, but please dont impose it on others.
I am not imposing it on anybody , What's wrong is wrong.. My stand is not for my personal gains , but it is for the future of all our children . But in case you give a damn to your children's future then it fine for you . I cannot be a mute spectator incase something wrong is happening.

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Re: RSA - Younger sons first game - trophy Blesbuck

Post by prashantsingh » Fri Dec 03, 2010 8:49 pm

Looks like you have not being following the earlier posts.
Please go through Safari RSA-III-First Blood.
This is a 13000 hectare estate, where this animal (Blesbok) had nearly been "eradicated to make room for cattle". It is only because of the revenue earned from Hunting that they have been able to keep this place "wild".
Had it not been for these trophy hunters (kragiesardaar and family) , the farmers would have poached all the wild animals , used the land for farming and cattle grazing . The end result would be that there would just be no wildlife on this game reserve.
At the expense of few. The trophy hunter has saved many others.

I agree with sa-ali. There have been enough "non hunting debates" earlier. If you wish to post your sentiments, please do them there. May I suggest you (grewal bhai) avoid going through these posts (so that your sentiments are not hurt) .
On the other hand the pro-hunters / wildlife lovers can enjoy these snaps.

As for Kragiesardaar.
I hope you continue to post more snaps of the fantastic 10 days you spent in Africa.
I am waiting for the Wilderbeast post?
Was it a Black Wilderbeast you shot.
The Black Wilderbeast is the best looking wilderbeast. There numbers were down to as low as 600. It was private game reserves (like these) which were responsible for reviving and saving the Black Wilderbeast. Today these animals can be hunted on such game reserves.

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Re: RSA - Younger sons first game - trophy Blesbuck

Post by HSharief » Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:07 pm

GREAT going, I applaud you for taking the little cubs out and get their feet wet. BRAVO !!! I'm hoping people realize that hunting is a MAJOR part of conservation to balance carrying capacity. There is tons of research to prove it, the truth is out there, seek and you shall be enlightened and getting some meat is just the bonus. Again, congratulations and Bravo.

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Re: RSA - Younger sons first game - trophy Blesbuck

Post by kragiesardar » Fri Dec 03, 2010 11:14 pm

grewal wrote: But in case you give a damn to your children's future then it fine for you . I cannot be a mute spectator incase something wrong is happening.
Mr. Grewal, I truly respect your sentiments and your love for wildlife is very evident at the same time casting aspirations on my parenting abilities "But in case you give a damn to your children's future then it fine for you" when you do not know anything about me really distracts from your argument and is a very personal attack on me.
1. Fact – India banned hunting in the 1970, facts a through d below are areas where hunting is allowed
a. Fact – there is more BlackBuck in Texas than in India
b. Fact –there are more Himalayan Thar in New Zealand than in India
c. Fact – there is more Sambar deer in Argentina and Australia then in India
d. Fact – there are more game / acre in the game farms in RSA that in the game reserves in India
2. I will debate facts with you all day but you may want to stay away from innuendo and personal attacks specially with someone you have never known

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Re: RSA - Younger sons first game - trophy Blesbuck

Post by Tai Ahom » Fri Dec 03, 2010 11:25 pm

Pl come to Kaziranga. We need people like you. Actions speaks louder than words. Hope you undestand.
:cheers: Pity we dont have the opportunity to pass the skills to the younger generations. "SUN DOWN GUNS DOWN"


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