.32 revolver iof ambarnath or kanpur?

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.32 revolver iof ambarnath or kanpur?

Post by viks4guns » Tue Nov 09, 2010 9:40 am

Hi all passionate gun lovers.i've just registered on site.All of u have very indepth and detailed knowledge about IOF issue guns.I am soon to procure a .32 revolver(hopefully mkIII) from hvf chennai.i believe it is made at htpf ambarnath.I request if someone could tell me about the differnce in quality of the revolvers manefactured at SAF,FGK and MTPF...also i believe the quality of the iof ammo is not up to the mark??. ..will wait 4 a reply..

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Re: .32 revolver iof ambarnath or kanpur?

Post by winnie_the_pooh » Tue Nov 09, 2010 10:02 am


A lot of people post about how the quality of one is better than the other.However none has said on what basis they are saying this.It appears to be nothing more than gossip elevated to fact.If there are any subtle differences,they have escaped me.

All factories produce lemons with depressing regularity.All three of them claim that their product is better. Do not bother about MarkI,II or III.The design is the same.Personally,I liked the older version with the firing pin pinned to the hammer.There is a difference in the trigger mechanism of the newer revolvers as compared to the older ones.However there is nothing wrong with the older version as well.

Why they put that safety catch on the revolver beats me.Why it was on the Webley is also something that has not been clearly explained by any one so far or at least not to my knowledge.

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Re: .32 revolver iof ambarnath or kanpur?

Post by cottage cheese » Tue Nov 09, 2010 11:03 am

...also to add that most of the time, any 'improvement', trigger mechanism and other features or otherwise, is initiated not with the view to providing a safer, efficient or user friendly feature, but with a view towards easier and 'cheaper' manufacture...more often than not, cutting corners.

Bear in mind also that 'cheaper' manufacture in the IOF context is not meant to translate to the end price... its only towards maximizing vulgar, monopolistic margins.
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Re: .32 revolver iof ambarnath or kanpur?

Post by SYED833 » Tue Nov 09, 2010 1:48 pm

hi viks4guns,
please do post your HVF experience when u get done,,cause IF I GET THE LICENCE,{which is a big IF,},it will be very helpfull for me,and many like me who are close to chennai and cant get to kanpur.


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Re: .32 revolver iof ambarnath or kanpur?

Post by winnie_the_pooh » Wed Nov 10, 2010 7:08 am

cottage cheese wrote:any 'improvement', trigger mechanism and other features or otherwise, is initiated not with the view to providing a safer, efficient or user friendly feature, but with a view towards easier and 'cheaper' manufacture
Which is off course lapped up by the average gun buyer in the country whose 'experience' is limited to the IOF products or banged up phoren mall and of firing in the air a couple of rounds at Diwali.So the desperate questions about whether it is MKI,II or III.It is only in India that buyers are willing to pay a premium for a better paint job ( look at the Trichrapalli .315).

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Re: .32 revolver iof ambarnath or kanpur?

Post by viks4guns » Wed Nov 10, 2010 5:15 pm

winnie_the_pooh wrote:
cottage cheese wrote:any 'improvement', trigger mechanism and other features or otherwise, is initiated not with the view to providing a safer, efficient or user friendly feature, but with a view towards easier and 'cheaper' manufacture
Which is off course lapped up by the average gun buyer in the country whose 'experience' is limited to the IOF products or banged up phoren mall and of firing in the air a couple of rounds at Diwali.So the desperate questions about whether it is MKI,II or III.It is only in India that buyers are willing to pay a premium for a better paint job ( look at the Trichrapalli .315).
thnx guys,,

i think i got what i needed to know.most probably i'll get her by this year end ..will let u know about the procuring experience.. 8)

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Re: .32 revolver iof ambarnath or kanpur?

Post by indigo_indo » Sat Nov 20, 2010 6:16 pm

well there has been lot of hype regarding selection of factory from where we wanna buy ony option for indian made ( and not such as indian made foreign liqueur ( videshi daary made in india ) or country made liqueur ( simply desi daaru) . if we compare same thingie with buying of .32 revolver from any of available outlets and factories.

Still daaru is daary matlab to sir ghumaane se hai....

Leavg daaru topic and coming to ,32 from ambernath or FGF topic...

The basic Manufacturing hubs are :

1. FGF Kanpur
2. SAF Kanpur
3. MTPF Ambernath

So the distribution outlets where the guns can be booked and procured are :

1. OCB Chandigarh
2. HVF Tamilnadu
3. Of , Muradnagar
4.GCF , Jabalpur.

Primarily speaking the Differnt people have differnt opinons and different girls have different tactics and gimmicks. Before making final decision to get my first ever gun booked the same question took lot of research and mathha pacchi .

After concluding my research i finally booked with FGF Kanpur due to following resaons.

1. The FGF Kanpur produces more number of Revolvers than any of the three factories.

My Dil-logic : So the dhhaba where lot of people come will serve you best ( or you can say fresh atleast ) daal and tandoori roti unlike the less taken of dhabha where you may get a day to week old sabzi if ordered and may land you with upset stomach and bad taste.

Public opinion - logic : the most of people seek gun from FGF ; many people may not be wrong , but many people can choose eunuchs to rule the country of brave and greatmen like maharana pratap , shivaji and Bose .so exception can always be there

2. The FGF Kanpur is having most latest machinery : the procurement of equipment and machinery for all Govt units is standardized and centralized , But the people who had sold Cad and Cam software are same vendors who caliberated my machines ; despite of sarkaari atitude , FGf still has most usage and people there are more keen and jagrook about nuevo technologies.

3. The Finishing of the product is best among counterparts . As told by mr ram singh of kanpur , 09305080641, I found phone nombre of this guy on this very forum ;many of the members of this group know him very well and has got his services in obtaining t/l from kanpur dm office and other formalities. In his opinin as he regualarly visits SAF and FGF both he prefers FGf product.

4. The Wooden box : Indian can go for a the product worth thousands just to get free stuff worth dimes ..... and am not a contrary to it .... , FGF people give a wooden box along with the gun and SAF people Do not give it. For some ppol it may seem a craziness but how can we avoid our basic instinct of preference of free stuff...

5. The mark 3 written on it : The FGF product has mark 3 written but SAF do not write mark 3 so one can boast to the other guy : look mine is latest model , mark 3 nd your stuff is old design ; who will compare the basic thingies and technical specs but model number is a craze , indian car cos and even foreignc ompanies have been fooling us from decades by just changing the logo and same old wine in nuevo bottle every time every year....

so my friends : be the part of crusade and Bhed chaal : if i have followed many people ; please do follow me for my silly and crazy logical ideas to uy from FGF kahnpur and good luck....

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Re: .32 revolver iof ambarnath or kanpur?

Post by eljefe » Sat Nov 20, 2010 9:23 pm

Since you are into cad camming, any idea if the CAD /CAM across the 3 factories is standardised? Many years ago, as a kid, i read about the ultimate webley collector- a tongue in cheek spoof about the illogical variations in the webley revolvers .None of the changes were anything but a whim on the part of an employee, and this drives the post WW1 German secret service crazy, trying to find out -WHY? and its ramifications.Quite a hilarious read-in 1980 Gun Digest I think- Was one of the last articles written by Amber... ROTFL
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